Department of Physical Education- Sport community

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Sport Community

 Dormitory Sport Community: members are chosen by election.

 Department Sport Community: members are volunteers.

 Specialized Sport Community: members are university team members.

 The number of sport communities is as the university sport teams which is listed as below:

  · Mountain Climbing Community

  · Volleyball Community

  · Swimming Community

  · Track and Field Athletics

  · Ping-Pong Community

  · Badminton Community

  · Bodybuilding Community

  · Archery Community

  · Rock Climbing Community

  · Chess Community

  · Basketball Community

  · Football Community

  · Futsal community

  · Handball Community

  · Wrestling Community

  · Taekwondo Community

  · Judo Community

  · Kung-Fu Community

  · Karate Community

  · Rock Climbing Community

  · Fencing Community  

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