Library informing and archive center
![AWT IMAGE](files/arch/pages/4z.jpg)
Library was born in the late 40’s decade,which means from the beginning work of the architecture and urban college.
Personnel’s name,education and records
Name position education records
Mosaddad Hashem manager Ph.D 22 yrs teaching and research
Dabiri Maryam interior superviser B.S 23 yrs experience in librarianship
Adineh Aliakbar librarian helper diploma 5yrs experience in office works
islami Azam librarian helper diploma 5yrs experience in computer and office
The area of library is 312 square includes book storage with area of 100 square meter,technical and office services and study saloon.electronic library is in architecture building and its area is about 20 square meter and has kept all cassettes ,CDs and essays .also it has work and study place.electronic library has 7 computers .4 of them are connected to internet and 3 of them are use for search and technical services.
From the beginning of establishment till now,library received and provided 12000 volume books in different languages.7000 of these volumes are in Persian language and 5000 volumes are in foreign languages (mainly English language).
Archive center
The area of Archive center is about 150 square meter and consist of two parts: theses and magazines.
According to the custom , library keeps one copy or volume from B.S,MSc,Ph.D students theses and under some conditions it gives them to other applicants for study.
There are 1168 architecture these,57 urban theses,321 industrial design these in library at present.
Library provides technical magazines in different fields by subscribing .according to the statistics there are 56 persian language magazines and 38 different languages magazines in the bookshelves from 5 years agoup to now .by the way library has received 74 persian language magazines and 34 different foreign languages magazines in year 1386.
Users of library are mainly students and scientifical boards is worthy of mention that it has a lot of visitors from other colleges or out of university.they will treat according to the approved standards.
Book purchase
373 persian language volumes and 271 diiferent languages volumes have provided in year 1386.
College library has relation with central library ,library of other colleges ,university publication center and studies and scientific documents center at present.
8:00 am -11:45 am
1:pm – 3:45 pm
They receive visitors on that time except for holidays.
Searching in library
Searching in library performs from the inner network.visitors can search and find their desired book by entering the searching book system and they can find it aacording to the authors or themes of the book.if there is some sources about their desired topic ,they can watch the deposit position of book and after they become sure of existence of the book then they must write down the book guide number and according to the number they can find their desired book in the bookshelves.
Deposit period and numbers
There are some rules for book deposit ,they are like :
Scientifical board members 10 volumes for 4 weeks
Ph.D students 7 volumes for 4 weeks
MSc students 5 volumes for 15 days
B.S students 3 volumes for 10 days
Visitors and students of other universities can use library and university archives every week on Mondays , at 8: 00 am till 12: 00 pm .they must have letter of introduction or ALGHADIR card.
(Picture Album)