School Of Architecture And Environmental Design- Scientific Events-News

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Mrs Taghdir Samane will present his P.H.D thesis on " Structure of Creation and Perception Process in Architectural Pieces, on the basis of Transcendent Wisdom" at 16:00 P.M on 6 Januray 2015 under the guidance of Noghrekar Abdolhamid, Dr.Mozaffar Farhang. 




Cognition towards creation and perception process of architecture is an important and complicated subject of architectural realm. Despite numeral related researches of recent decades, some of the aspects of this subject are still unknown. Considering the fact that proper cognition of this process could create the groundwork of quality improvement in architectural pieces and will help to find solutions for many of the architects’ assumed problems, the issue of this research is about reviewing the structure of creation and perception process in architectural pieces on the basis of transcendent wisdom. In order to do this, the strategy of logical reasoning has been selected. At the first step of this research, an accurate description of human, existence and their aspects and capacities is defined, and then the interaction between human and existence and its refection on creation and perception process in architectural pieces is analyzed on the basis of transcendent wisdom as the theoretical foundation of this research. 

Since transcendent wisdom asserts on the fact that God created the human as himself when it got to the sense of creativity, and that the most perfect creation of God is the world of existence, this research will also review the creation process of the world, making a pattern to define the creation and perception process in architectural pieces. Identifying the effective factors of this process on the quality of architectural pieces will lead to presented suggestions of this research which can improve the quality of this process. Based on the results and findings of this research, a model is presented for architectural education, besides a model for creation of architectural piece (on the basis of divine appellation, human needs and architectural categories) and strategies of training architects and architecture. Results show that by considering the comprehensive foundations of Islamic thoughts as the theoretical foundation of Architectural researches will help to suggest solutions for complicated problems of architectural realm.



Key words:

Human soul, Existence, Architectural Process, Creation, Perception

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