Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials & Processing- Council Members
Prof. Aboutalebi

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Personal Details


NAME: Mohammad-Reza                                                 

SURNAME: Aboutalebi


Fields of Research Interests:

Mathematical and Physical Modeling in Materials Processing, Advanced Coatings and Materials Surface Treatments, Extraction and Refining of Metals, Mechano-chemical Reactions in Materials Processing, Electromagnetic Processing of Materials

Contact Address

School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering

Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran

Tel: +9821-7724540-550 , Ext: 2816

Fax: +9821-77240480


M. Morakabati, S. Kheirandish, M.R. Aboutalebi, A. Karimi Taherei, M. Abbasi, "The effect of Cu addition on the hot deformation behavior of NiTi shape memory alloys", Journal of Alloys and Compound, 2010

M. Adeli, S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, M. Kobashi, N. Kanetake, "A study on the combustion synthesis of titanium aluminide in the self-propagating mode", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010

A.H. Meysami, R. Ghasemzadeh, S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, R. Ebrahimi, M. Javidani, "The physical simulation of hot deformation, and microstructural evolution for 42CrMo4 steel prior to direct quenching", Iron and Steel Research, 2009

M. RezaAfshar, M.R. Aboutalebi , R.I.L. Guthrie , M. Isac, " Modeling of electromagnetic separation of inclusions from molten metals", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2009

M. Asadian, H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, A. Maroosi , “Optimization of the parameters affecting the shape and position of crystal-melt interface in YAG single crystal growth”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2009

S.H.R. Fatemi Nayeri, J. Vahdati Khaki, M.R. Aboutalebi, “Implementation of combined mechanical activation and thermal analysis for identification of combustion synthesis mechanism in TiO2-Al-C system”, Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, Winter 2009, pp. 7-14

B. Mirzakhani, H. Arabi, M.T. Salehi, Sh. Khoddam, J. Sietsma, S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, “Prediction of static softening of a microalloyed steel by the integration of finite element model with physically based state variable model”, Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 4, Autumn 2009, pp. 17-25

M. Farhani, M. Soltanieh, M.R. Aboutalebi, "Mechanism of dissolution of flux containing Mn-Al compacts in molten aluminium", International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2009
B. Mirzakhani, M.T. Salehi, S. Khoddam, S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, "Investigation of Dynamic and Static recrystallization behavior during thermomechanical processing in a API-X70 microalloyed steel", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2009

B. Mirzakhani, H. Arabi, M.T. Salehi, S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, Sh. Khoddam, A.Mohammadi, “Computer aided optimization of specimen geometry of hot torsion test to minimize microstructure non homogeneity and temperature gradient before deformation”, Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.6, No. 3, Summer 2009 , pp. 35-43

B. Mirzakhani, M.T Salehi, H. Arabi, S. Khoddam, S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, "Prediction of temperature distribution in the hot torsion test specimen", IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 19, No. 5 & 1, 2008, pp. 45-50

A.R. Kamali, M.R. Aboutalebi, M.R. Farhang, "A low- temperature combustion synthesis process for production of Ti from TiO2", Int. j. of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, Vol. 17, No.4, 2008, pp. 233-236
S. Kianfar, S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, "Heat transfer and solidification analysis in the mould region of a horizontal copper alloy billet continuous caster", Int. J. of Cast Metals Research, 2008

S. Kianfar, S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, “Solidification modeling and dendrite structure analysis in a horizontal continuously cast brass billet”, Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 4, Autumn 2008, pp. 16-24

S. Ahmadi, A. Shokuhfar, M.R. Aboutalebi,A. Rezaei, “A Calorimetric Study on the Precipitation of T1 Phase during the Ageing of an Al-Li-Cu-Zr Alloy”, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2008

S.H.R . Fatemi, J. Vahdati Khaki, M.R. Aboutalebi, “An Investigation on the Mechanism of TiC+Al2O3 Formation in the Combustion Synthesis of the Mechanically Activated TiO2-Al-C System”, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2008

S. Rastegari, H.Aarabi, M.R. Aboutalebi, A. Eslami, “A Study on the Microstructureal Changes of Cr-Modified Aluminide Coatings on a Nickel-based Superalloy During Hot Corrosion”, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 2008

S.H.R . Fatemi, J. Vahdati Khaki, M.R. Aboutalebi, “An Investigation on the Mechanism of TiC/Al2O3 Combustion Synthesis via Mechanical Activation of Double Phases in TiO2-Al-C System”, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2008

M. Farhani, M. Soltanieh, M.R. Aboutalebi, "Effect of a chloride flux on the dissolution of Mn-Al compacts in molten aluminum", Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering, Vol. 5, No.3, 2008

R. Molaei, M. R. Aboutalebi, M. Soltanieh, "Alloying kinetics of mechanically activated Mn-Al powder compacts in aluminium melt", Canadian metallurgical quarterly, No.45, 2006

M.R. Aboutalebi, R. I. L. Guthrie, S. H. Seyedein, "Mathematical modeling of coupled turbulent flow and solidification in a single belt caster with electromagnetic brake", Applied mathematical modeling, 2006

M.R. Afshar, M.R. Aboutalebi, M. Isac, R.I.L. Guthrie, "Mathematical modeling of electromagnetic separation of inclusions from magnesium melt in a rectangular channel", Materials Letter, 2006

O. Majidi, S. G. Shabestari, M. R. Aboutalebi, "Study of fluxing temperature in molten aluminium refining process", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2006

S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, A. Jafari, "Numerical simulation of coupled fluid flow and solidification in a single roll caster", Canadian metallurgical quarterly, No.45, 2006, pp. 329-340

Fatemi, M. R. Aboutalebi, J. Vahdati Khaki, "The effect of millig conditions on the mechanical alloying and combustion synthesis of TiO2-Al-C powder mixture", Iranian Journal of materials sci. & eng., No. 1, 2006

M.R. Aboutalebi, M. Isac ,R.I.L. Guthrie,“The Behaviour of Selenium Impurities During the Addition of Se-Containing Manganese to Steel Melt”, Steel Research International, 2004

Sh. Raygan, J. Vahdati Khaki, M. R. Aboutalebi, "The behaviour of hematite and graphite blend during ball milling and heating up reduction of milled mixture", Steel Research, No. 3, 2003, pp. 163-168

S. Raygan, J. Vahdati Khaki, M.R. Aboutalebi, “Effect of Mechanical Activation on the Packed-Bed, High-Temperature Behavior of Hematite and Graphite Mixture in Air”, Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing, 2002

M.R. Aboutalebi, S. Rastegari, H. Arabi , “Microstructure and Formation Mechanism of a Cr-Modified Platinum Aluminide Coating on IN-738 LC”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2002

J. Vahdati Khaki, M.R. Aboutalebi, S. Raygan, “The effect of mechanical milling of the carbothermic reduction of hematite”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2002

M.R. Aboutalebi, H. Arabi, M. Zarghami, “An Investigation on the Effect of Chromizing Parameters on Hot Corrosion Behavior of IN-738LC at 850 C”, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 13 ,No. 2, ‏ 2002

N. Sharifi, S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, " Mathematical modeling of turbulent fluid flow and mass transfer in a steel continuous casting tundish", AMPT 2009

M. Shekari, S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, M. Adeli, "Numerical simulation of combustion synthesis of Ni-Al intermetallic compounds: process parameters study", AMPT 2009

M.R. Afshar, M.R. Aboutalebi, M. Isac، " Modeling of electromagnetic filtration of molten metals"، AMPT, 2008
A.H. Meysami, R. Ghademzadeh, S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, A. Memari، "The effect of direct quenching and tempering process on mechanical properties and microstructure of AISI 4140 steels as compared with conventional re-austenited, quenched and tempered heat treatment"، 3rd Int. Conf. on Thermomechanical Processing of Steels, 2008

M.R. Afshar, M.R. Aboutalebi, "Einvironmental Issues associated with the addition of selenium-contaminated manganese additions to molten steel", ICS proceeding, 2005

M. R. Afshar, M. R. Aboutalebi, "Electromagnetic filtraction of steel melts”, ICS proceeding, 2005

H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi,A. Jafari, "Numerical simulation of coupled fluid flow and solidification in a single-roll caster", 43th annual Conf. of Metallurgists of COM, Canada, 2004

M.R. Afshar,M.R. Aboutalebi, R.I.L. Guthrie, M.Isac, "Modeling of electromagneic separation of non-metalic inclusions from magnesium melts", 43th annual Conf. of Metallurgists of COM, Canada, 2004

M.R. Aboutalebi, M. Isac, R.I.L. Guthrie, “The behaviour of selenium inpurites during the alloying of Aluminium with manganese additions”, Light Metals, 2003

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