Personal Details NAME: Ali SURNAME: Beitollahi ACCADEMIC STATUS: Professor in IUST Fields of Research Interests Ceramics, Electro Ceramics, Magnetic Materials, Nano-Materilas. | 
| Contact Address School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran Tel: +9821-7724540-550 , Ext: 2830 Fax: +9821-77240480 E-mail: | Publications A.Beitollahi, H.Hosseini-bay, H.Sarpoolaki" Synthesis and characterization of Al2O3-ZrO2 nanocomposite powder by sucrose process" j. of materials science.mater electron,2009 | R.Sani,A.Beitollahi" Phase evolution and magnetic properties of Co/a/Fe2O3 powder mixtures with different molar ratio treated by mechanical alloying" j.of non-crystalline solids,2008 | N.Gharehaghaji, M.A.Oghabian,S.Sarkar,F.Darki,A.Beitollahi" How size evaluation of lymph node is protocol dependent in MRI when using ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles" J.of magnetism and magnetic materials,2009 | F. Shahri, A. Beitollahi, S. G. Shabestari, 6 others, “Stuructural characterization and magnetoimpedeance effect in amorphous and nanocrystalline Al-Ge substituted FeSiBNbCu ribbons”, J. of magnetism and magnetic materials (312), pp. 35-42, 2007. | R. Sani, A. Beitollahi, Yu. V. maksimur, I. P. suzdalev, “Snnthesis, phase formation study and magnetic properties of CoFe2O4 nanopowder prepared by mechanical milling”, J. of material science, 2007. | B. Alinejad, H. Sarpoolaky, A. Beitollahi, A. Saberi, Sh. Afshar, “Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline MgAl2O4 spinel via sucrose process”, Materials research bulletin, 2007. | F. Shahri, A. Beitollahi, “Effect of superheat treatment and quenching wheel speed on the structure and magnetic properties of Fe-Si-Nb-Cu-B-Al-Ge melt spun ribbons”, J. of non-crystalline solids, 2007. | R. Gholamipour, A. Beitollahi, V. K. Marghussian, T. Ohkubo, “Cu effect on coercivity and microstructural features in nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-Co-B annealed melt-spun ribbons”, Physica B 398, pp. 51-54, 2007. | F. Shahri, A. Beitollahi, S. Shabestari, 6 author, “Structural characterization and magneto impedance effect in amorphous and nanocrystalline AlGe-substituted FeSiBNbCu ribbons”, J. of materials and magnetic materials, 2006. | A. Beitollahi, R. Gholamipour, V. K. Marghussian, 7 other author, “Magnetic and structural properties of rapidly quenched Nd-Fe-Co-Ge-B alloys”, The physics of metals and Metallography, No. 102, pp. 24-31, 2006. | A. Beitollahi, S. M. Bafghi, S. M. A. Jazayeri, H. Ghanbari, “Synthesis and Characterization of nm-sized PbTiO3 crystallites”, J. of material sci., 2006. | A. Beitollahi, M. Abedini, “Effect of the level of the addition of Pb(Y0.5Nb0.5)O3 on the structure, microstructure and ferroelectric properties of PZT (53/47)”, j. of materials science, 2006. | M. Mirkazemi, V. K. Marghussian, A. Beitollahi, “Crystallisation behaviour, microstructure and magnetic properties of BaO-Fe2O3-B2O3-SiO2 glass ceramics”, Ceramics int., No.32, pp.43-51, 2006. | R. Gholamipour, A. Beitollahi, V. K. Marghussian, “Microstructure – magnetic properties relationships in nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-Co-Ge-B annealed ribbons”, Phys. Stat. Sol (a), 2006. | V. K. Marghusian, A. Beitollahi, M. Haghi, “The effect of SiO2 and Cr2O3 additions on the crystallization behaviour and magnetic properties of a B2O3-BaO-Fe2O3 glass”, Ceramics International, pp. 455-462, 2003. |
مقالات ارائه شده در مجامع علمی – لاتین | S.Mirzaei, A.Beitollahi,S.G.Shabestari, F.Shahri" Effect of heat treatment on the GMI effect and Domain structures of amorfous and nanocrystalline soft magnetic Fe72Si12.5B9Nb3 Cu1Al1.5Ge1 alloy"2nd int. cong. on nanotech. ( ICNN2008),2008 | A.Beitollahi" A glance " size effect" in magnetic materials" Iran-India joint conference in nano-technology,2008 | L.Samiee,A.Beitollahi,M.M.Akbarnejad" Evaluation of synthetic procedure of titania mesoporous powder from initial solution" Nano hybrid conference,2008 | L.Samiee, A.Beiollahi, M.m.Akbarnejad, N.Faalnazari" Effect of sol treatment on the TiO2 mesostructure prepared by copolymer tempelating" Nano hybrid conference,2008 | H.Golpayegani, A.Beitollahi" Synthesis and magnetic properties of CoFe2O4 nano powder prepared by mechanical milling"2nd int. congress on nanoscience and nanotechnology,2008 | F. Shahri, A. Beitollahi, S. G. Shabestari, “Effect of processing parameters and additives on magnetic, microstructure and kinetic of nanocrystallization of Fe-Si-B-Nb-Cu alloy”, 3th student conference of nanotechnology, Shiraz, 2007. | A. Beitoollahi, F. Shahri, S. G.Shabestari, S.Kamali, “Effect of heat-treatment on the structure and magnetic properties of Al-Ge-added FINEMENT alloys”, Knowledge based industries & nanotechnology conference, 2007. | A. Beitollahi, R. Sani, Y. Manximof, P. Suzdalev, “Structural and magnetic properties study of CoFe2O4 nanopowder prepared by mechanical milling using metallic cobalt and hematite powder blend”, Nanotech, 2006. | B. Alinejad, H. Sarpoolaky, A. Beitollahi, S. Afshar, ”The low temperature synthesis of nanocrystalline MgAl2O4 spinel via sucrose process”, First int. congress on nanoscience and nanotechnology, Tehran University, 2006. | A. Beitollahi, S. A. M. Haghgo, “Synthesis and characterization of ceria nanopowder by solution combustion method”, Nano, India-Bangalore, 2006. | A. Beitollahi, F. Shahri, S. G. Shabestari, “Structural and magnetic properties relationship in amorphous and nanocrystalline Al-Ge substituted FeSiBNbCu ribbons”, Nano, India-Bangalore, 2006. | A. Beitollahi, R. Gholamipour, V. K. Marghussian, T. Ohkubo, K. Hono, “Near atomic scale analysis of nanocrystalline NdFeCoMb (M = Ga, Ge) alloys: an improved understanding of microstructure-Magnetic properties relationship”, Nano, India-Bangalore, 2006. | A. Beitollahi, S. Jafari, M. A. Oghabian, S. Sarkar, “Synthesis and characterization of Fe3-xZnxO4 (x = 0 and 0.2) Nanoparticles for medical applications”, Int. Conf. on Bio-Nanotechnology, 2006. | S. M. Rezayat, S. M. Hosseinalipour, S. G. Ghamami, A. Khalilzadeh, E. Biazar, B. Beitollahi, “A Comparative study of liver toxicity effects of normal and reduced size (C100)”, Int. Conf. on Bio-Nanotechnology, 2006. | Taherkhani, Mosadeghi, Beitollahi, Hosseinalipour, “Biocompatible coating superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle for medical application”, Nanobiotechnology, 2006. | Rezaei, Hosseinalipour, Ghamami, Khalizadeh, Biazar, beitollahi, “A comparative study of liver toxicity effects of normal and reduced size acetaminophen crystallites on rats”, Int. conf. on bio-nanotechnology, 2006. | R. Shahkooei, A. Beitollahi, H. Sarpoolaki, H. Ahmadi, S. Sotudeh, “Synthesis of Al2O3-ZrO2 nanocomposite powder by solution combustion synthesis method”, 1st Iran-Russia, 2005. | H. Hosseinibay, A. Beitollahi, H. Sarpoolaki, H. Ahmadi, S. Sotudeh, “Synthesis of Al2O3-ZrO2 nanocomposite powder by a modified sol-gel process”, 1st Iran-Russia, 2005. | R. Gholamipour, A. Beitollahi, T. Ohkubo, V. K. Marghussian, K. Hono, “Effect of Ge addition on the magnetic properties and microstructure of nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-Co-B annealed ribbons”, 1st Iran-Russia, Russia, 2005. | N. Kudrevatykh, S. Andrerv, A. Beitollahi, V. K. Marghussian, “Structural and magnetic properties of rapidly quenched Nd-Fe-Co-Ge-B and Y-Fe-B alloys of 2-14-1 phase compositions”, 1st Iran-Russia, 2005. | R. Gholamipour, A. Beitollahi, T. Ohkubo, V. K. Marghussian, K. Hono, “Microstructural study of Nd-Fe-Co-M-B (M=Ga, Ge) nanocrystalline ribbons and its relation to coerdirity”, 1st Iran-Russia, Russia, 2005. | R. Sani, A. Beitollahi, Yu. V. Maksimov, I. P. Suzdalev, M. Sh. Bafghi, “Synthesis and characterization of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles prepared by high energy milling”, 1st Iran-Russia, 2005. | F. Shahri, S. E. Roozmeh, S. M. Mohseni, A. Beitollahi, S. G. Shabestari, “Structural, magnetic properties and MI effect in amorphous and nanocrystalline AlGe-Substituted FeSiBNbCu ribbons”, 1st Iran-Russia, 2005. | A. Beitollahi, M. Moravej, “Phase formation study of PZT nanopowder by mechanical activation method at various conditions”, INCOME, 2003. |