School of Railway Engineering- Journal Articles

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  Journal Articles

  2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 & before 

  The following articles are published in international journal, and or presented in international conferences by SRE Academic staff around the world. Toobtain further information about  the publications, you author through Academic Staff. The articles are classified annually.



  1.   D. Younesian, E. Esmailzadeh, Vibration suppression of rotating beams using time-varying internal tensile force , Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2011 , (Abstract pdf)

  2.M. Ansari, E. Esmailzadeh, D. Younesian, Frequency Analysis of finite beams on nonlinear Kelvin-Voight foundation under moving loads, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 330, pp. 1455-1471 2011.  (Abstract)

  3. D. Younesian, E.Esmailzadeh, Vibration suppression of rotating beams using time-varying internal tensile force, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 330,pp.308-320 2011.  (Abstract)

  4.Jafarian, E. & Rezvani, M.A., "Application of fuzzy fault tree analysis for evaluation of railway safety risks: An evaluation of root causes for passenger train derailment ", Accepted for Publication by The Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Feb. 2011. (Abstract)

  5.Yaghoubi, H. and Rezvani, M.A., “Development of maglev guideway loading model”, Journal of Transportation Engineering (ASCE), 137, March 2011, pp. 201-213.  (Abstract)

  6.P. Hosseini-Tehrani ∗ and V. Bayat ," Study on crashworthiness of wagon’s frame under frontal impact " , International Journal of Crashworthiness , Vol. 16, No. 1, February 2011, 25–39  (Abstract)

  7.M.Esmaeili, P. Yousefi Mojir," Substructure Nonlinear Effects on Sleeper Design Pressure in Heavy Haul Railway Tracks ", ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering,( 2011).

  8. J.A.Zakeri,M.Esmaeili,M.Fathali, " Evaluation of Humped Slab Track Performance in Desert Railways", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,

Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit ,(2011)

  9.Zakeri J. A. (2011) " Investigation on Railway Track Maintenance in sandy-dry Areas" Journal of structure and infrastructure engineering Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance . (Abstract)

  10. bbar Ali Zakeri, Morteza Esmaeili, Masoud Fathali (2011) "Evaluation of Humped Slab Track Performance in Desert Railways" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit , Volume 225 Issue 6 November, pp. 567 - 574. (Abstract)

  11.Jabbar Ali Zakeri, Morteza Esmaeili, Masoud Fathali (2011) "Evaluation of Humped Slab Track Performance in Desert Railways" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit , Volume 225 Issue 6 November, pp. 567 - 574. (Abstract)  

 12.Zakeri J. A. and Ghorbani V. (2011)" Investigation on Dynamic Behavior of Railway Track in Transition Zone " Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology V 25 No. 2, pp. 287-292. (Abstract) 



  1. Ahmad Mirabadi, Ali Khodadadi, "Assessment of Particle Filter and Kalman Filter for estimating velocity Using Odometery System, journal of Sensor Review, 2010 (Abstract pdf)

  2. Ahma d Mirabad i and Shabna m Sharifia n , Application of association rules in Iranian Railways (RAI) accident data analysis, Safety Science , Volume 48, Issue 10 , December 2010, Pages 1427-1435 , (Abstract pdf)

  3.M. Ansari, E. Esmailzadeh, D. Younesian, "Longitudinal dynamics of freight trains, International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 2010(Abstract pdf)

  4. D. Younesian, A. Solhmirzaei , A. Gachloo," , Fatigue life estimation of MD36 and MD523 bogies based on damage accumulation and random fatigue theory" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23, 2010(Abstract pdf)

  5. D. Younesian,M Abedi, I. hazrati Ashtiani, "Dynamic Analysis of a Partially Filled Tanker Train Traveling on a Curved Track", International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, Vol.17 No.2, 2010(Abstract pdf)

  6. M. Ansari, E. Esmailzad, D. Younesian, "Internal-external resonance of beams on nonlinear viscoelastic foundation traversed by moving load" Nonlinear Dynamics, , DOI: 10.1007/s11071-009-9639-0, 2010 (Abstract pdf)

  7 Sadeghi, J, Akbari, B, "Development of an improved track geometry indices, Transportation Transaction" Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2010(Abstract pdf)

  8. H. Shahnazari1, M. Esmaeili2 and H. Hosseini Ranjbar 3, Simulating the Effects of Projectile Explosion on a Jointed Rock Mass Using 2D DEM: A Case Study of Ardebil-Mianeh Railway Tunnel, International Journal of Civil Engineering. Vol.8, No. 2, June 2010, (Abstract pdf)

  9. Hamid Yaghoubi1 and M.A. Rezvani2 DEVELOPMENT OF MAGLEV GUIDEWAY LOADING MODEL, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2010. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000211 (Abstract pdf)

  10. Authors: Saeed Mohammadzadeha; Soodabeh Ghahremania , Estimation of train derailment probability using rail profile alterations, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering ,2010 (Abstract pdf)

  11. Ataei S (Ataei, Shervan)1, Mohammadzade S (Mohammadzade, Saeid)1, Modal shape identification of the vibration data of bridge dynamic test using fuzzy clustering, : EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS , Volume : 37, Issue : 8 , Pages : 5813-5817 , Published : AUG 2010 ,(Abstract pdf)

  12. 4. Zakeri J. A.Xia H."Investigation on Railway Track Maintenance in sandy-dry Areas"Journal of Structure and infrastructure engineering,2010(Abstract pdf)



  1. Asadi Lari, Fallah, A, " Enhancing rail vehicle stability using bogie direction" International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems,2009(Abstract pdf)

  2. Rezvani, M.A, Asadi Lari, A, " The effect of Kinematic Oscillations on Harmonic Wheel Flange Wear of Rail Vehicles" Journal of Mechanics, 2009 (Abstract pdf)

  3. Rezvani, M.A, "A harmonic balance approach for the analysis of flexible rotor bearing systems on non-linear support,International Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B, Mechanical Eng.Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 413-424, Oct. 2009(Abstract pdf)

  5.Ahmad Mirabadi,A. Khodadadi," Slip and Slide Detection and Compensation for Odometery System, Using Adaptive Fuzzy Kalman Filter" Journal of Sensor Letters,Vol. 7, 1-7, 2009(Abstract pdf)

  6. Hosseini Tehrani. P .Nankali. " Study on Characteristics of a Crashworthy High-Speed Train Nose" international journal of crashworthiness,2009 (Abstract pdf)

  7.D. Younesian,M.H. Kargarnovin,"Response of the beams on random Pasternak" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23, pp. 2871-2882, 2009 (Abstract pdf)

  8.Mamandi A, Kargarnovin M.H, D. Younesian, Nonlinear vibrations of an inclined beam subjected to a moving load", Journal of Physics, 181, 012094, pp.1-12. 2009 (Abstract pdf)

  9. Sadeghi, J,"Field Investigation on Dynamics of Railway Track Pre-stressed Concrete Sleepers" Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 13, No,2009 (Abstract pdf)

  10. Sadeghi, J, Barati, P, "Investigation on the effect of rail support system on Railway analysis" Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2009 (Abstract pdf)

  11. Sadeghi, J," Field Investigation on Dynamics of Railway Track Pre-stressed Concrete Sleepers"Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering,Vol. 13, No,2009 (Abstract pdf)

  12. Zakeri, J.A. , Xia, H. , Fan, J.J. ," Dynamic responses of train-track system to single rail irregularity ", Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 6 (2), pp. 89-104, 2009 (Abstract pdf)

  13.  Zakeri, J.A. , Dynamic responses of train-track system to single rail irregularity , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B: Engineering 33 (1), pp. 129-132,2009 (Abstract pdf)    



  1.Ghoseiri, K. and Ghannadpour, S.F., “ Locomotive Routing in Rail Networks using a Hybrid genetic algorithm ”, Journal of Transportation Research, 2008 (Abstract pdf)

  2. M. Ansari, D. Younesian, E. Esmailzadeh, Longitudinal dynamics of freight trains, International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 2008, (Accepted-In Press), (Abstract pdf)

  3. D. Younesian, M. H. Kargarnovin, E. Esmailzadeh, Optimal Passive Vibration Control of Timoshenko Beams with Arbitrary Boundary Conditions Traversed by Moving Loads, Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2008, Accepted (In Press), (Abstract pdf)

  4. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Asadi, A. “Effects of new materials on crashworthiness of S-Rail’s”, IMEKE, Journal of materials: design and applications, vol. 222, part L.(2008) .(Abstract pdf)

  5. Asadi Lari, A, Brown, M, Rail Vehicle Wheel wear prediction—A Comparison Between Analytical and Experimental Approaches, Vehicle System Dynamics, DOI: 10.1080/00423110701589430, 2008. (Abstract pdf)

  6. 7. Zakeri J. A. and Xia H. (2008) "Application of 2D-infinite beam elements in dynamic analysis of railway track" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology .(Abstract pdf)

  8. Zakeri J. A. and Xia H. (2008) "Determination of "V" shaped permissible rail defect based on WLR ratio" Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, .(Abstract pdf)

  9. Zakeri J. A. and Xia H. (2008) “Sensitivity Analysis of Track Parameters on Train- Track Dynamic Interaction" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology V 22 No. 7, pp. 1299-1304.(Abstract pdf)

  10. A. ASADI LARI** AND M. A. REZVANI, OBSERVATION OF SINUSOIDAL MOTION CREATING HARMONIC WAVY PATTERN IN THE RAIL VEHICLE WHEEL FLANGES *, Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, Transaction B, Engineering, Vol. 32, No. B4, pp 315-324 ,Printed in The Islamic Republic of Iran, 2008 (Abstract pdf)




  1. Ghoseiri, K., and Jalilvand, F., “ Estimating Marginal Costs for the Infrastructure of Iranian Railway Network Using an Econometric Approach ”, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 4, No.2, 2007. (Abstract pdf)

  2. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Pirmohammad, S. “ Collapse study of thin-walled polygonal section columns subjected to oblique loads ”, IMEKE, Journal of Automobile engineering vol. 221, (2007) 801-810. (Abstract pdf)

  3. D.Younesian, E.Esmailzadeh, R.Sedaghati, Asymptotic solutions and stability analysis for the nonhomogenous Generalized form of Mathieu Equation, (Journal of) Nonlinear sciences and numerical simulations, 2007, Vol. 12, No.1, pp. 58-71, (Abstract pdf)

  4. A. Asadi Lari, D. Younesian, F. Schmid, Tangential force variation due to the bogie direction reversal procedure, (Journal of) Vehicle System Dynamics, 2007, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 359-373, (Abstract pdf)

  5. Asadi Lari, A, Kapoor, A, The influence of bogie direction reversal on the wheel wear rate and on the wear patterns of rail vehicles, Wear, DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2007.08.023, 2007 . (Abstract pdf)

  6. Zakeri J. A and Sadeghi J. “Field Investigation on Load Distribution and Deflections of Railway Track Sleepers" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 2007, V 21 No. 12, pp. 1948-1956. (Abstract pdf)

  7. Xia, H., Xu, Y.L., Chan, T.H.T., Zakeri, J.A. , Dynamic responses of railway suspension bridges under moving trains , Scientia Iranica ,Volume 14, Issue 5, September 2007, Pages 385-394 (Abstract pdf)



  1. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Eslami, M. R. and Azari, Sh. “ Analysis of thermoelastic crack problem using Green and Lindsay theory”, J. of Thermal Stresses, 29, (2006)317-330.(Abstract pdf)

  2. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Nikahd, M. “ Two materials S-frame representation for improving crashworthiness and lightening ”, Journal of thin- walled structures, 44,(2006) 407-414. (Abstract pdf)

  3. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Nikahd, M., “ Effects of ribs on S-frame crashworthiness ”, IMEKE, Journal of Automobile engineering vol. 220, (2006) 1679-1689 . (Abstract pdf)

  4. M.H. Kargarnovin, D.Younesian, D.J.Thompson, C.J.C. Jones, Parametrically excited vibration of a Timoshenko beam on viscoealstic foundation subjected to a harmonic moving load, (Journal of) Nonlinear Dynamics, 2006, Vol. 45, No. 1-2, pp. 75-93, (Abstract pdf)

  5. D.Younesian, E.Esmailzadeh, R.Sedaghati, Passive control of vibration of beams subjected to random excitations with peaked PSD, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2006, Vol.12, No.9, pp. 941-953,(Abstract pdf)

  6. Ghoseiri, K., and Pishdad S., “ Service Quality Measurement in Information Technology Departments ”, journal of Management Knowledge, Autumn 2006, Vol. 19, No. 74. (Abstract pdf)

  7. Ghoseiri, K., and Morshedsolouk F., “ ACS-TS: Train Scheduling Using Ant Colony System ”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, Volume 2006, Article ID 95060, 1-28. (Abstract pdf)

  8. Pandarathil, N., Younesian, D., Esmailzadeh, E., Application of the delayed resonators in active suspension systems of high-speed trains, 2006. (Abstract pdf)

  9. Farahpour, H., Younesian, D., Esmailzadeh, E., Ride quality of high-speed trains traveling over the corrugated rails , 2006, (Abstract pdf)


  1. D.Younesian, E.Esmailzadeh, R.Sedaghati, Existence of Periodic Solutions for the generalized form of Mathieu Equation, (Journal of) Nonlinear Dynamics, 2005, Vol.39, pp.335-348,

  2. Hosseini-Tehrani, P., Hosseini-Godarzi, A. R., and, Tavangar, M., “ Importance of inertia term in dynamic crack problems considering Lord-Shulman theory of thermoelasticity ”, J. of Thermal Stresses, 28, (2005)267-283.

  3. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Eslami, M.R., “ Effective stress and temperature distribution at laser interface excited by pulsed laser heating”, IMECKE, J. of strain analysis, Vol. 40 No.5 (2005) 395- 402.

  4. Hosseini-Tehrani, P. , Hosseini-Godarzi, A. R., and, Tavangar, M., “ Importance of inertia term in dynamic crack problems considering coupled theory of thermoelasticity ”, J. of Eng. Analy. With Boundary Elements 29, (2005) 232-240.

  5. M.H. Kargarnovin, B. Mehri, D.Younesian, Response of a Suspended Cable to Narrow-band Random Excitation with Peaked P.S.D., (Journal of) Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 2005, Vol.41, No.11, pp1203-1212,

  6. M.H. Kargarnovin, D.Younesian, D.J.Thompson, C.J.C. Jones, Ride Comfort of High-Speed Trains Travelling over Railway Bridges, (Journal of) Vehicle System Dynamics, 2005, Vol.43, No.3, pp.173-197,

  7. M.H. Kargarnovin, D.Younesian, D.J.Thompson, C.J.C. Jones, Response of beams on nonlinear viscoelastic foundations to harmonic moving loads, (Journal of) Computers & Structures, 2005, Vol.83, pp.1865-1877,

  8. Ghoseiri, K., and Morshedsolouk F., “ An Ant Colony System Heuristic for Train Scheduling Problem ”, Journal of Transportation Research, 2005, 257-270.

  9. Ataei, A.A. Aghakouchak, M.S. Marefat and S. Mohammadzadeh, Sensor fusion of a railway bridge load test using neural networks, Expert Systems with Applications, 2005, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 678-683,

  10. M. Esmaeili *, S. Vahdani, A. Noorzad, Dynamic response of lined circular tunnel to plane harmonic waves, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,2005, ).(Abstract pdf)



  1. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Hosseini Godarzi, A.R. “ Dynamic crack analysis under thermal shock considering Lord-shulman theory”, Int. J. of thermal sciences, 43 , (2004) 1003-1010.

  2. M.H. Kargarnovin, D.Younesian, Dynamics of Timoshenko Beams on Pasternak Foundation, (Journal of) Mechanics Research Communication, 2004, Vol.31, No.6, pp.713-723, (Abstract pdf)

  3. Ahadi, Hamid. R. (2004), “A Comparative Study of the Application of Electronic Data Interchange and Internet Technology to Business Process Reengineering”, Journal of Tsinghua Science and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4 , pp 489-496.

  4. Ghoseiri, K., Szidarovszky, F., and Asgharpour, M.J., “ A Multi-Objective Train Scheduling: Model and Solution ”, Transportation Science, Part B, Vol. 38 (2004) 927-952.

  5. M.S. Marefat, Sh. Ataei, S. Ghahremani, Load test of a plain concrete arch railway bridge of 20-m span, Construction and Building Materials, 2004, 18(9), pp. 661-667,



  1. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Eslami, M.R., “Boundary element analysis of finite domains under thermal and mechanical shock with the Lord-Shulman theory”, IMECKE, J. of strain analysis. 38, No.1, (2003) 53-64.

  2. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Moghaddam Jahangiri, F., “Three dimensional principal solution for generalized thermo elasticity by boundary element method”, J. of Mechanical engineering. 4, No.1, (2003) 50-59.

  3. osseini Tehrani, P., Eslami, M.R., and ., Shojaee-fard M.H. “ Thermoelastic waves in layer interface induced by pulsed laser heating considering LS model”, J. of Eng. Analy. With Boundary Elements. 27 (2003 ) 863-896.

  4. Ghoseiri, K., Szidarovszky, F., and Asgharpour, M. J., “ A Two-Person Conflict Model in Train Scheduling ”, International Game Theory Review, Vol.

  5, No. 2 (2003) 105-125. 5. Mirabadi A., Schmid F., Mort N., “Multisensor Integration Methods in the Development of a Fault-Tolerant Train Navigation System”, The Journal of Navigation, Cambridge University Press , 2003



  1. Ahadi, Hamid. R.,, (2002) “Intermodal Transportation and Container Allocation Management”, Journal of Traffic and Transportation, NJTU.



  1. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Eslami, M.R., daghyani, H.R., “ Dynamic crack analysis under coupled thermoelastic assumption”, Transn. ASME J. of Applied Mech. 68 (2001) 584-588.

  2. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Hector, l.G., Hetnarski, R.B., and Eslami, M.R., “ Boundary element formulation for thermal stresse during pulsed laser heating”, Transn. ASME , J. of Applied Mech. 68 (2001) 480-489.


  2000 & before:

  1. Zakeri J. A., Xia He and Fan Junjie, “Effects of unsupported Sleeper on Dynamic Responses of Railway Track”, Journal of Northern Jiaotong University, 24 (1), 2000, 50-55.

  2. A.Owhadi, Wear Behavoiur of high Mn ADI, Material Science and Technology Vol(14), February 1998,

  3. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Eslami, M.R., “Tow- dimensional dynamic coupled thermoelasticity analysis by BEM formulation”, J. of Eng. Analy. With Boundary Elements , 22 (1998) 245-250.

  4. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Eslami, M.R., “ Boundary element analysis of coupled thermoelastic problem with relaxation times in finite domain”, AIAA J ., 38, No. 2, (2000), 534-541.

  5. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Eslami, M.R., “Boundary element analysis of Green and Lindsay theory under thermal and mechanical shock in a finite domain”, J. of thermal Stresses. 23 (2000) 773-792.

  6. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Eslami, M.R., “ BEM analysis of Thermal and mechanical shock in a two-dimensional finite considering coupled thermoelasticity”, J. of Eng. Analy. With Boundary Elements, 24 (2000) 249-257.

  7. Rezvani, M.A., Hahn, E.J., “Limitations of the short bearing approximation in dynamically loaded narrow hydrodynamic bearings”, Transactions of the ASME, Vol 115, July 1993, pp. 544-549.

  8. Rezvani, M.A. and Hahn, E.J., “An experimental evaluation of squeeze film dampers without centralizing springs”, Tribology International, Elsevier, Vol 29, No. 1, 1996, pp. 51-59.

  9. Rezvani, M.A. and Hahn, E.J., “Floating ring squeeze film dampers, Theoretical analysis”, Tribology International, 33: (3-4) 249-258 Mar-Apr 2000.

  10. S.Farshad, Hao Rongtai, “Fundamental research of a novel 3/1 phase converter for electrified railroad” Journal of Northern Jiaotong university, Vol. 23, No 1 Feb 1999 pp 99-104


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