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Full name: Mohammad Vahedi
Position: Assistant Professor
Phone: 98-21-77451500-10 Ex: 5889
Fax: 98-21-77240497
Email: mvahedi AT iust.ac.ir
Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran
University Degrees:
• Ph.D: Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
• MS.c: Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
• BS.c: University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
Current Research:
- Photonic Microresonators
- Biophotonics (Biosensors)
Publications- Journal Papers:
Designing ultra-compact high efficiency electro-optical plasmonic switches by using of nanocavity reflectors
Y Shahamat, M Vahedi
Optics Communications, 410, 25 (2018) Q1
Pump-tuned plasmon-induced transparency for sensing and switching applications
Y Shahamat, M Vahedi
Optics Communications, 401, 40 (2017) Q1
Terahertz plasmon-induced transparency based on asymmetric dual-disk resonators coupled to a semiconductor InSb waveguide and its biosensor application
Y Shahamat, M Vahedi
Optical Engineering, 56, 067109 (2017) Q2
The role of refractive index gradient on sensitivity and limit of detection of microdisk sensors
Z Najafi, M Vahedi, A Behjat
Optics Communications, 374, 29 (2016) Q1
Analysis of chaotic behavior in an optical microresonator
M Vahedi, AR Bahrampour, HR Safari
Optics Communications, 332, 31 (2014) Q1
A theoretical multi-reflection method for analysis of optomechanical behavior of the Fabry–Perot cavity with moving boundary condition
AR Bahrampour, M Vahedi, M Abdi, R Ghobadi, M Golshani, S Tofighi, B Parvin
Optics Communications, 284, 4789 (2011) Q1
A variational method for designing wavelets to match a specified signal
AR Bahrampour, S Izadnia, M Vahedi
Signal Processing, 88, 2417 (2008) Q2
Lagrangian approach for analysis of radiation pressure induced parametric instability in micro-resonators
AR Bahrampour, M Vahedi, M Abdi, R Ghobadi
Physics Letters A, 372, 6298 (2008) Q1
Conferences :
“Radiation Pressure Induced Parametric Instability in Micro-resonators”, First Mediterranean Photonics Conference, 2008, Napoli, Italy