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دسته بندی موضوعی مطالب | جستجوی پیشرفته | تعداد کل مطالب: 4004 | تعداد کل بازدید های مطالب: 155,214 |
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چهارشنبه ۴ اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۸ -

Fifth Session of Iran Leading House for Academic Cooperation with Germany held at IUST

Representatives of a number of Iranian universities met at the fifth session of the Iran Leading House for Academic Cooperation with Germany held at IUST on April 24, 2019. IUST vice chancellor for International affairs reviewed the holding of the Iran- German Science Day that was held in IUST on Feb. 2018 and announced the holding of Iran- German Science Day in Germany on September 2019. The representatives of the universities presented their suggestions and views with regard to the scientific cooperation between the two parts. Iran University of Science and Technology is appointed by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology as the Leading House for Academic Cooperation with Germany.

سه شنبه ۱ خرداد ۱۳۹۷ -

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سه شنبه ۱ خرداد ۱۳۹۷ -


جمعه ۱۸ اسفند ۱۳۹۶ -

German-Iranian Scientific Partnership Statistics

Create your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartCreate your first MaxiChartwindow.maxicharts_reports = window.maxicharts_reports || {};var color = Chart.helpers.color; var Options_id635614e2e5bd349bar = {hover: {mode: 'point',intersect: false},tooltip: {mode: 'point',intersect: false},scales: {xAxes: [{ id: 'x-axis-0',scaleLabel: { display: false,labelString: ''},display: true, stacked:false, gridLines: { display: false }, ticks: { beginAtZero: true, autoSkip: false, } }],yAxes: [{ id: 'y-axis-0',scaleLabel: { display: false,labelString: ''},display: true, stacked:false, gridLines: { display: true, lineWidth: 1, color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.30)' }, ticks: { beginAtZero:true, mirror:false, suggestedMin: 0, }, afterBuildTicks: function(chart) { } }]},legend: {display: 1 },title:{display: 1,text: 'Have you been able to find a partner in this meeting?',padding:20},responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: true}; 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صفحه 81 از 81    

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