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June 25, 2011 -

Center Members 1

    Hamid Ahmadian      Dr. Hamid Ahmadian is Professor of Vibration Engineering and director of Modal Testing Laboratory in    School of Mechanical Engineering of Iran University of Science and Technology. His research interests    are Model Updating, Inverse Eigenvalue Problems, Structural Dynamics and Finite Element Modeling.    His contributions on Model Updating, where measured modal test data is used to obtain a new    estimate for the parameters of a FE model, include the development of a systematic approach in    parameterizing the model by using Generic Elements.    In the finite element method, H. Ahmadian has originated an inverse strategy to formulate an element    without the need to introduce any shape functions. In this method a parametric model for the    element is developed. Then the parameters of the model are assigned by minimizing the discertization    error in the FE formulation.    H Ahmadian’s current research projects include the application of inverse methods in identifying    properties of mechanical joints. Joints have a strong influence on the dynamical behavior of structures;    hence identification of their models is an important step in finite element modeling. The modeling of    macro- and micro-slip phenomenon in the mechanical joint interfaces at different level of excitation    force and the induced damping due to joint interface friction are main concerns in aerospace industries    and are currently under investigation.         Majid Ayatollahi     Dr. Majid Ayatollahi is professor and director of fatigue and fracture research laboratory in the school of   Mechanical Engineering at Iran University of Science and Technology . His main fields of interest are   fracture mechanics, and experimental and computational solid mechanics .     Professor Ayatollahi received his BSc. degree from Iran University of Science and Technology     (1988) and MSc degree from Amirkabir University of Technology (1991) both in mechanical     engineering. Subsequently, he joined the school of Mechanical engineering at IUST as an     instructor until 1994. While on leave of absence from IUST, he completed his Phd degree (1995-     1999) in the University of Bristol, UK, and returned to IUST and started as an assistant professor.     He then became an associate professor in 2003 and was promoted to professor in 2007.     Professor Ayatollahi has published more than 70 fully refereed papers in well-known international     journals and more than 150 papers in the proceedings of national and international conferences.     He has served as reviewer for 12 international journals as well as many national journals. He was     member of the university research council at IUST for eight years (2001-2008) and is currently     Iran’s representative in the Asian Society of Experimental Mechanics. His research lab is now in     international research collaboration with several renowned institutions including University of     Bristol, Politecnico di Milano and University of Padua.     Three Ph.D. students and over 40 M.Sc. students have completed their theses under supervision     of Prof Ayatollahi, from 2000 through 2010. He is currently supervising 4 PhD students, 10 M.Sc.     students in addition to several B.Sc. students. He received in five consecutive years a prestigious     national award from the Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers for supervising the best theses in     mechanical engineering. Two of his students were also successful in obtaining a prestigious     national award from the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology for presenting the     best theses in the entire engineering arena in Iran           Moharam Habibnejad     Dr. M. Habibnejad Korayem is a Professor in Mechanical Engineering at the Iran University of Science  and Technology. He has been involved with teaching and research activities in the of Science and  Technology. He has been involved with teaching and research activities in the research interests, includes dynamics of Elastic Mechanical Manipulators, Trajectory Optimization, Symbolic Modeling, Robotic Multimedia Software, Mobile Robots, Industrial Robotics Standard, Robot Vision, Nano Robotics, and the Analysis of  Mechanical Manipulator   with Maximum Load Carrying Capacity.   Professor Korayem received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the Amirkabir University of  Technology in 1985 and 1987 respectively. He has obtained his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering  from  the University of Wollongong of Australia,in 1994.He started as an assistant professor in the Mechanical  Engineering Department of Iran University of Science & Technology in 1994. He became an associate professor  by 1998 and finally his full professor position was achieved in 2003.   Professor Korayem has published more than 330 papers in international journal and conference in the robotic area   including more than 110 fully refereed papers in well-known international journals and more than 220 papers  in the proceedings of national and international conferences. He is the member of ISME and has served as  reviewer for 5 international journals including ASME as well as many national journals. He was chairman of more than 5 conferences and seminars which has been held in Iran University of   Science & Technology (IUST). Moreover he has 9 book publication and 8 nationally registered patents in his research field.  He has been managing of 30 externally funded projects over a period of 17 years which includes budgeting  and  managing research assistants, supervising more than 150 postgraduate student and taking responsibilities of ordering materials and equipment’s and budgeting their requirements. Four Ph.D. students have completed their theses under supervision of Prof Korayem, since 2000 till 2010. He is currently supervising 12 other Ph.D. students. Also more than 150 M.Sc. and 35 B.Sc. students consisting of graduate and undergraduate ones have been under his supervising so far. More than 10 scientific research awards including distinguished professor of the year award of Iran by ministry of culture in 2005,  distinguished Ph.D. thesis supervisor award in solid mechanics by Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers in 2005 and other distinguished researcher of the year awards, distinguished thesis and project supervisor of the year award,  outstanding lecture of the year award and etc. are considerable amongst his award and honors history.                    Mahmood Shokrieh               Mohammad Hasheminejad           Seyyed M. Hasheminejad was born in Tehran, Iran, on July 6,1962. He received the  B.S.degree in mechanical engineering from California State University, Chico, in 1983, the M.S. degree  in mechanical engineering from Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, in 1985, and the Ph.D. degree  in mechanical engineering from University of Colorado, Boulder, in 1992. Since 1993, he has been a  full time faculty member at the Mechanical Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and  Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran. He has also been a part-time Lecturer at Research Division of Azad  University, Poonak, Tehran, Iran, since 1999.    Professor Hasheminejad conducted (consulted in) various national research projects, including design and construction of high-power underwater piezoelectric transducers, automotive and industrial  exhaust vent acoustic silencers, sound absorbers (acoustic foams) and insulators, vibration damping  treatments, pneumatic mounts, and broadcasting studios; and noise and vibration control in  automobiles, airplanes, trains, residential, and various industrial environments. He has also been  involved in development of national standards, specifications, and guidelines on environmental noise  and vibration control.    Professor Hasheminejad has published over 90 papers in prominent international journals, and over  50 conference papers. He has trained 46 high qualified personnel at masters’ and PhD levels. He has  been awarded as the best researcher of the year in 2004 at the national level. He is a member of  various professional societies in Iran such as the Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers and the  Iranian Society of Aerospace Engineers. He is an active reviewer for various journals and evaluating boards,  and a member of several technical committees in academic and professional societies in Iran.  

کلیه حقوق مادی و معنوی این سایت متعلق به دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران می باشد . نقل هرگونه مطلب با ذکر منبع بلامانع می باشد .
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