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October 4, 2015 -
The 3th International NDT Conference
The 3th International NDT Conference will be held in Feb. 21,22 2016, Olympic Hotel, Tehran. IRNDT2016 is a follow up to two earlier NDT conferences which were held in Tehran in 2007 and 2008. Address:
September 8, 2015 -
4th Iran international aluminium conference
4th Iran international aluminium conference will be held in 11-12 May 2016, Olympic Hotel, Tehran. The conference is organized by Iran Aluminium Research Center and Iranian Mines and Mineral Industries Development and Renovation Organization
April 25, 2015 -
iMat 2015
4th International joint conference of Iranian Metallurgical Engineering & Iranian Foundry man soceity to be held in collaboration with the Sarcheshmeh copper complex. 10-11 Nov. 2015
April 20, 2015 -
5th International Conference onUltrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials, , 2015, Tehran, Iran
December 10, 2014 -
10th Biennial Congress of The Iranian Ceramic Society
10th Biennial Congress of the Iranian Ceramic Society will be held in 4-6 May, 2015 in Karaj, Iran. website: Novel Processing of Ceramic Materials2- Carbon & Ceramic Matrix Composites...
December 8, 2014 -
2nd Iranian Refractory Symposium
2nd Iranian Refractory Symposium will be held in 19-20 May, 2015 in esfahan, Iran. website: Topics:1- Economy and Market Challenges2- Raw Materials 3- Applications....
May 3, 2014 -
3rd International Engineering Materials and Metallurgy Conference
3rd International Engineering Materials & Metallurgy Conference will be held in 18-19 Nov., 2014 in Shahid beheshti Conference Center, Tehran, Iran. Conference Topics:1. Materials Characterization 2. Manufacturing,Industry Issues,Metrology and Standards 3. Surface Science and Engineering ....
January 15, 2014 -
Iran international aluminium conference
Iran international aluminium conference will be held in May 2014 Olympic Hotel. The conference is organized by Iran Aluminium Research Center and Iran University of Science and Technology.
February 18, 2013 -
The 4th International bi-annual conference on ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials
International bi-annual conference on ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials will be held in November 2013 at university of Tehran. The 4th conference is jointly organized by University of Tehran, Iran and University of Patras, Greece. Selected papers presented in this conference will be peer reviewed and published in international journals.
March 14, 2012 -
AMPT2012 Conference
The 15th International Conference on “Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2012) will be hosted by the University of Wollongong, Australia from 23-26 September 2012.
February 29, 2012 -
Advanced Materials 2012
1st Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials-20126-8 June-2012, Beijing, China