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The Institution of Highways and Transportation
Canadian Technical Asphalt Association 

:: Research Projects ::

The list of research projects:

1-Laboratory Evaluation and Pavement Design for Warm Mix Asphalt  

2-Nondestructive tests evaluation project to determine the pavement's density

3-Holding Forth Executive Approaches for Construction of Thick Lift Asphalt Layers

4-Path-finding distress causes of asphalt pavements in Ahwaz and put forth proper solutions for improvement

5-Finished cost of merchandise transit by road transportation system

6-Provide construction and M&R manual for pavement of ports

7-Provide Mix Design , Construction and M&R Guideline  for Cold Mix Asphalt

8-Provide Mix Design and Construction Guideline for Asphalt and Portland Cement Concrete Pavements of Airfields Terminal Apron and Runway for Moderate and Tropic Climates

9-Development a Mathematical Model for Increasing Flexible Pavement Life Cycle under Preventive Maintenance

10-Evaluation of Asphalt Concrete Rutting Potential Using Gyratory Shear Stress Curve

11-Evaluation of Indirect Tensile Strength to Identify Asphalt Concrete Rutting Potential

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:: Nondestructive tests evaluation project to determine the pavement's density ::


Nondestructive tests evaluation project to determine the pavement's density

  One of the most important variables in controlling the quality of paving is density. Measuring exactly the insitu density for Hot Mix Asphalt is necessary to control and warranty the quality, performance prediction and cost estimation. Already, the most conventional method for determining the insitu density of Mix Asphalt is coring countrywide. This method is applying by utilizing coring and measuring the density of cores which has several disadvantages like as pavement's texture deterioration, high cost, unrepeatability in a certain point, inability in determining density in a certain place and time consuming.

  These disadvantages lead to increase implementation time and the cost of project, therefore they lead to decrease the paving efficiency. Because of this, in recent decades, the research centers are searching about methods to eliminate these disadvantages. These methods should also provide the ability of using easily by users in addition to low cost, repeatability and being nondestructive. Two nondestructive methods of nuclear and non-nuclear are presented to substitution the destructive density tests which have some advantages and disadvantages.

  The final purposes of this research are investigating the various methods of density determination (destructive and nondestructive), evaluating nondestructive density tests include accuracy rate and investigating the implementation possibility of nondestructive methods in determining the density of pavement layers, suggesting appropriate nondestructive method for determining the density of layers and upgrading the control methods of quality of pavement layers' density.

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