Casting and solidification processing are two important processes in materials researches. The IUST materials research group have carried out various investigations in the field of casting and solidification. The facilities of the casting and solidification processing research group of this center are as follow:
Casting and Solidification Processing Lab:
This lab has been activated since 1993 in casting and solidification processing fields. Some of the equipments of this lab are PLT unit for cooling curves studies and thermal analysis and electrical furnaces. Most of the investigations are done in the field of the cast iron, aluminum alloys and some advanced magnesium alloys. This lab also has a VIM unit to providing alloyed steels and some reactive materials in a vacuum with 10-7 mbar gas pressure.
Laboratory facilities: 1- Solidification processing simulation. 2- Simulation of the microstructures of the castings. 3- Modification of the microstructure and mechanical properties of the alloys. 4- Modification of the gating and feeding systems in casting practices. 5- Thermal analysis investigations of alloys.
Fluid flow lab: This lab has been instituted in 1994 for researches regarding metal melt flow in the mold and related mechanisms. The equipments of this lab consist of the speed controller sensors of the melt in the mold, recording camera and water model and simulation softwares.
