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:: Invitation of 8th International Conference ::
 | Post date: 2023/04/17 | 
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:: Invitation of 7th International Conference ::
 | Post date: 2021/01/31 | 
Invitation of 7th International Conference on Recent
Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE 2021)

We hereby announce the holding of the 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE 2021) with cooperation academics, research and industrial centers related to this field on 28 and 29 May 1400. In this regard, all scientists, expertises, craftsmen and authorities are invited to present their novel and latest achievements, researches, innovations and experiences, as well as participate in the programs of this international conference.
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:: The 5th Biennial International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics ::
 | Post date: 2020/02/29 | 
The 5th Biennial International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics (X-Mech 2020)
The 5th Biennial International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics held at Iran University of Science and Technology on Feb. 18-19, 2020. The Conference was organized by the Center of Excellence in Experimental Solid Mechanics and Dynamics affiliated to the School of Mechanical Engineering of IUST. Professor Mahmood Shokrieh is the Chair of the conference.
The objective of the conference was to establish a forum for exchanging ideas in the field of experimental solid mechanics. The focus of the Conference is on different aspects of the state of the art in experimental solid mechanics. The First International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics and Dynamics (X-Mech 2012) held in the School of Mechanical Engineering. The Conference successfully brought together both engineers and theoretical methods/approaches to address the experimental researches in Solid Mechanics.
The Conference focused on the state of the art in automotive, aerospace, piping, marine and civil structures, bio-composites, and micro and nanocomposites.
Scholars from the Sahand University of Technology and Imperial College London attended the Conference as keynote speakers.
There were two keynote speeches for this conference in Feb. 18, presented by Prof. Behzad Pourabbas from Sahand University of Technology, Iran, and Prof. Kamran Nikbin from Imperial College, London. The subject for the former one was “Microfluidic Devices, Promises and New Opportunities for Advanced Materials” and the subject of the latter one was “An Integrated Approach to a Fracture Mechanic-Based Structural Integrity Using a Numerical and Experimental Research Methodology”.
Also, two workshops were held during Feb. 19, presented by Prof. Nikbin from Imperial College, London and Prof. Hamid Ahmadian from Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran. The subject for the former one was “Static and Cyclic and Hot Stress Corrosion Cracking Assessment and Modelling” and the subject of the latter one was “Nonlinear Joint Model Updating in Assembled Structures”.
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:: Jerzy Wisniewski Meeting in School of Railway Engineering ::
 | Post date: 2019/11/26 | 

Meeting at Iran University of Science Technology (IUST) held on 13 November 2019

At the invitation of IUST Assistant Professor Ms M. Khadem Sameni, who participated in the “nextstation” Conference, Jerzy Wisniewski, Director of the Fundamental Values Department, met the IUST management and presented UIC’s activities in the areas of education and training.

The presentation of the Talent and TrainRail projects was received with interest. The Iran University of Technology will contact UIC HQ and the Regional office in Teheran to specify the fields of interest. Above all, they declared a willingness to join the TrainRail project. They will offer their education and research facilities to be used for future cooperation and promoted their experience in developing programmes focusing on vocational training.

Within the University there is a dedicated faculty for railway engineering which could be a direct partner for UIC projects.

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 | Post date: 2019/02/18 | 
                                                           UITP AWARDS

The UITP Awards showcase ambitious and innovative public transport projects undertaken in the last two years in cities and regions around the world. These should position public transport as the backbone of urban and local mobility solutions.
Key award criteria for the Awards
The UITP Award categories recognise and reward ambitious and innovative practices in five key dimensions that companies and organisations need to address to put in place sustainable urban and local mobility systems. These are:
Innovation: The novelty of an idea, taking into consideration the urban/social dimension of transport, digitalisation, energy efficiency and entrepreneurship
Contribution: Assisting the sector ambition of increasing the public transport market share worldwide
Transferability: The potential for the project to be replicated in another city/region
Partnership: Formal or informal consortia of partners and stakeholders that jointly submit an application, demonstrating an integrated approach to mobility issues
Relevance to the specific Award Category

The Call for Submissions is open from 22 January and will be closed on 8 March 2019. For more information, you may find here the description of award categories or access the UITP website.
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:: Visit of Swedish delegation from the School of Railway Engineering ::
 | Post date: 2018/04/10 | 

Visit of Swedish delegation from the School of Railway Engineering
A delegation from Swedish universitis including Lund, Malmo, Chalmers, KTH, Linnearus and Boras visited the School of Railway Engineering April 9th 2018. They became familiar with educational and research activities of the school and existing labs. Potentioals for mutual collaboration were dicussed.

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:: Other articles: ::
:: Jerzy Wisniewski Meeting in School of Railway Engineering - -
:: Visit of Swedish delegation from the School of Railway Engineering - -
:: Iran-Germany Science Day - -
:: Visit by Spanish Railway Delegation - -
:: A Meeting from TLS Lab of Dr Bagheri - -
:: Passenger Flow Meeting with SNCF and RAI at TSL laboratory - -
:: Meeting with representatives of Bavaria State - -
:: AnMoU is Signed between IUST, Iranian Railways and Italian Railways - -
:: safty - -
کلیه حقوق مادی و معنوی این سایت متعلق به دانشکده مهندسی راه آهن دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران می باشد. استفاده از مطالب آن با ذکر منبع بلامانع می باشد.
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