Conf. Papers

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1394/11/4 | 

1. Effect of Wind Turbine Generator Model and Sitting on Wind Power Changes out of Large WECS Arrays, Presented at DOE/NASA Wind Turbine Dynamics Workshop,

Cleveland State University , U. S. A. , Feb. 1981 .

2. Modification of Power System Operation for Significant Wind Generation Penetration , IEEE TRANS. on Power Apparatus and Systems, PAS 102, No. 1, PP. 153-161, U. S. A., Jan. 1983.

3. Optimal Modal Coherent Aggregation for Power System Dynamic Equivalents. This paper was presented in the power system stability and control s ession at the American Control Conference in San Francisco, U.S.A, June 1983.

4. Methods of Reducing Wind Power Changes from Large Wind Turbine Arrays, IEEE TRANS. on Power Apparatus and Systems, PP. 1642-1650, U. S. A., June 1983.

5. Simulation and Assessment of Wind Array Power Variations Based on Simulations Wind Speed Measurements. IEEE TRANS. on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS 103, No. 5, PP. 1008-1016,

U. S. A. , May 1984.

6. Optimal Modal Coherent Aggregation of Dynamic Equivalents for Transient Stability Studies, IEEE TRANS. on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS 103, No. 7, PP. 1662-1670, U.S.A., July 1984.

7. Power System Observability Based on RCD Method, Proc. of The PSC-94 Conference, PP. 204-214, ST Petersburg, RUSSIA, July 1994.

8. Partitioned Sparse Inverse Method via MIF Ordering for Power Network Solutions, International Journal of Engineering Science, Iran University of Science and Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1a, PP. 29-35, Tehran, IRAN, Spring 1996.

9. RCD Rules and Power Systems Observability , International Journal of Engineering, National Center for Scientific Research, Vol. 9, No. 3, PP. 159-168, Tehran, IRAN, August 1996.

10. Comparison of Different Methods for Power System Observability Analysis, Proc. of the IPEC’ 97, Nanyang Technological University, Vol. II, PP. 507-512, SINGAPORE, May 1997.

11. A New Technique for Voltage Collapse Detection, Proc. of the IPEC’ 97, Nanyang Technological University, Vol. I, PP. 212-216,

SINGAPORE , May 1997.

12. Application of Distributed Systems and Objects for Electric Power Monitoring, Control and Analysis, International Power System Conference, PP. 41-52,

Tehran , IRAN , November 1997.

13. Voltage Profile Optimization in Distribution Systems Using Neural Networks, Journal of Power Engineering Problems, No. 3-4, PP. 28-32, Baku, AZERBAIJAN, 2000.

14. A New Linear Model of Non-salient Pole Machine Used in Low Frequency Oscillation Studies, Journal of Power Engineering Problems, No. 3-4, PP. 171-177, Baku, AZERBAIJAN, 2000.

15. Energy Efficiency Standard and Labeling of Irons in Iran, Journal of Power Engineering Problems, No. 3, PP. 98-102, Baku, AZEABAIJAN, 2001.

16. Some New Aspects of Design and Implementation of TCR for Load Balancing and Power Factor Correction in Distribution Systems, IEEE Porto Power Tech’ 2001, PP. 146-151,

Porto , PORTUGAL , Sep. 2001.

17. Energy Efficiency Standard and Labeling for Washing Machine in

Iran , 16th International Power Conference, PP. 61-68,

Tehran , IRAN , Oct. 2001.

18. Energy Efficiency Enhancement in Cement Factories Using Expert System, 16th International Power Conference, PP. 55-59, Tehran, IRAN, Oct. 2001.

19. Minimally Dependent Sets of Measurements for Power Systems Observability Analysis, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology,


University , Vol. 25, PP. 1-12,

Iran , Winter 2001.

20. Dynamic Modeling of Electrical Demand, Journal of Power Engineering Problems, No. 4, PP. 14-23, Baku, AZERBAIJAN, 2001.

2 1. Energy Efficiency Standard and Labeling of Water Heater in Iran, Iranian Journal of Energy, No. 11,Vol. 6, PP. 2-10, Tehran, IRAN, Feb. 2002.

22. Simulating the Utilization Duration in Electrical Energy Demand, Proceedings of The First International Conference on Technical and Physical Problems in Power Engineering, No. 141, PP. 527-530, Baku, AZERBAIJAN, April 23-25, 2002.

2 3 . m - Controller Design for Interconnected Power Systems Load Frequency Control, Proceedings of The IASTED International Conference on POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS, No. 352 - 158, PP. 751-756, Marina del Rey , California, U.S.A., May 13-15, 2002.

2 4 . Electrical Energy Demand Model by Neural Network Method, Journal of Power Engineering Problems, No. 3, pp . 9-1 5 , Baku, AZERBAIJAN, 2002.

2 5 . Electrical Load Model by Neural Network Method, Proceedings of The 2003 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC- AI’03), Vol. I, PP.175 – 178,

Las Vegas , Nevada , U.S.A. , June 23-26 , 2003 .

2 6 . Application of Radial Basis Function Networks to Power System Load Frequency Control, Proceedings of The 2003 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI’ 03), Vol. II, PP. 837-840, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A., June 23-26, 2003.

2 7 . Application of ANN Technique for I nterconnected Power System Load Frequency Control, International Journal of Engineering,


Center for Scientific Research,Vol.16, No.3, PP. 247-254,

Tehran , IRAN , Oct.2003.

28 Electrical Energy Demand Model by Neural Network Method, Journal of Power Engineering Problems, NO. 3, PP. 9-15, Baku, AZERBAIJAN, 2003.

2 9 . Impact of STATCOM and OPF on Power System Voltage Stability Using Modal Analysis and Quadratic Programming, Proceedings of The 12th Iranian Electrical Engineering Conference , Vol. 1, PP. 25-29, Mashhad , IRAN, May 11-13 , 2004.

30 . Power System Load Frequency Control using NAND Based on Robust Control Technique, Proceeding of The 2004 International Conference on Artificial Intellingence (IC – AI’04 ), Vol. II,PP. 702-706, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. , June 21-24, 2004.

3 1 . A Novel Approach for Improving performance of the Power system Load Frequency Control, Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference TPE 2004, PP. 222-227, Azarbaijan University of Tarbiat Moallem ,

Tabriz , IRAN , September 6-8, 2004 .

3 2 . Application of ANN technique Based on µ -Synthesis for Power System Load Frequency Control, Proceeding of the 2nd International Conferece TPE 2004, PP. 257-262, Azarbaijan University of Tarbiat Moallem,

Tabriz , IRAN , September 6-8, 2004 .

3 3 . Effects of SVC and CSC Compensators on Static Voltage Stability , Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference TPE2004, PP.154-158, Azarbaijan University of Tarbiat Moallem , Tabriz , IRAN, September 6-8, 2004.

3 4 . Effects of Parallel FACTS Devices on Voltage Stability, Proceeding of the 19th International Power System Conference, PSC 2004, Paper Number 98-E-PTL-359, PP . 1 - 8 , Tehran , IRAN, Nov . 21-25, 2004.

35. Transmission Congestion Management With FACTS Devices in Restructured Power System, Proceeding of the 19th Int. Power System Conference PSC 2004, Paper Number 98-E-PSS-788, PP. 1-8, Tehran-IRAN, Nov. 21-25, 2004.

36. Automatic Generation Control of Interconnected Power Systems Using RBF Neural Network Technique, Proceeding of the 6th Int. Conference on Intelligent Systems, PP. ...-..., University of Kerman, IRAN, Nov. 24-25, 2004.

37 . Power System Load Frequency Control U sing RBF Neural Network Based on µ -Synthesis Theory, Proceeding of the 2004 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics Intelligent Systems (CISO4), PP. 93-68 ,

SINGAPORE , Dec. 1-3, 2004 .

38. Automatic Generation Control of Interconnected Power System Using A nn Technique Based on m - Synthesis, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 55, No. 11-12, PP. 306-313, C roatia , Dec., 2004.

39. E ffective L ocation of FACTS D evices for O ptimal P ower F low in D eregulated S ystem s, Journal of WSEAS T ransactions on C ircuits and S ystems, Vol. 4, PP. 32-37, U. S. A., J an., 2005.

40.D ecentralized L oad F requency C ontrol of a D eregulated E lectric P ower S ystem U sing ANN T echnique, Journal of WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol. 4, PP. 32-37, U. S. A., Jan. , 2005.

41. Design of Decentralized Neuron LFC in a Deregulated Power System, The Electronic Proceeding of T he 2005 WSEAS International Conference, Paper Number 503-206, ARGENTINA, March 1-3, 2005.

42. Optimal Dispatch and Congestion Management Using FACTS Devices in Deregulated Systems, The Electronic Proceeding of T he 2005 WSEAS International Conference, Paper Number 503-205, ARGENTINA, March 1-3, 2005.

43. Control Strategies for Energy Conservation in Room Air Conditioning Units, Journal of Power Engineering Problems, No. 1, PP. 158-165, Baku, AZERBAIJAN, April, 2005.

44.Decentralized Robust Load Frequency Control Using Linear Matrix Inequalities in a Deregulated Multi-Area Power System, Journal of Power Engineering Problems, No. 2, PP. 30-38, Baku, AZERBAIJAN, May 2005.

45. Use of Intelligent Measurements and Control Devices in Electrical Energy Disturbance Compensation, Proceeding of T he 8th Baku International Congress "Energy, Ecology, Economy", PP. 764-770, Baku, AZERBAIJAN, June 1-3, 2005.

46. The Use of Simulated Annealing and Fuzzy System For Unit Commitment, Proceeding of T he 2005 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAIཁ), PP. ...-..., Las Vegas, U.S.A., June 27-30, 2005.

47. Area Load Frequency Control Using Fuzzy PID Type Controller in a Restructured Power System, Proceeding of T he 2005 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAIཁ), PP. ...-..., Las Vegas, U.S.A., June 27-30, 2005.

48. A Robust Neural Network Based Load Frequency Control in a Deregulated Power System, Proceeding of T he 2005 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAIཁ), PP. ...-..., Las Vegas, U.S.A., June 27-30, 2005.

49. Application of Neural Networks as State Selector in Direct Power Control of DSTATCOM for Voltage Flicker Mitigation, Proceeding of T he 9th World Multi Conference on Systematic, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2005), PP. ...-..., Orlando, U. S. A., July 10-13, 2005.

50. Decentralized LFC Design Using ANN Technique Based on MIXED H2/H ∞ Robust Control in a Deregulated Electric Power System, Proceeding of T he 9th World Multi Conference on Systematic, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2005), PP. ...-..., Orlando, U. S. A., July 10-13, 2005.

51. Modified Strategy for Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) Based on Intelligent Devices, Proceeding of T he 9th World Multi Conference on Systematic, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2005), PP. ...-..., Orlando, U. S. A., July 10-13, 2005.

52.Fuzzy PI Type Controller for Load Frequency Control Problem in the Interconnected Power Systems, Proceeding of T he 9th World Multi Conference on Systematic, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2005), PP. ...-..., Orlando, U. S. A., July 10-13, 2005.

B. P apers in Farsi

53 . Application of Expert Systems in the Field of Fault Diagnosis and Evaluation in Power System Networks, The Second Iran Computer Conference, Iranian University of Science and Technology, PP. 99-108, Tehran, IRAN, Feb. 1993.

54. Design and Implementation of an Expert System for Fault Diagnosis and Signals Recognition in Transmission Substations, Iran Electrical Engineering Conference, Amirkabir Industrial University, PP. 108-121, Tehran, IRAN, May 1993.

55. Fault Detection / Isolation and Signals Recognition Expert System in Transmission Substations, The Third Overall Conference on Distribution Network, PP. 671-685, Shiraz, IRAN, May 1993.

56. Design of an Accurate Method for Earth Calculation in High Voltage Substations, Iranian Electrical Engineering Conference, Amirkabir Industrial University, PP. 122-133, Tehran, IRAN, May 1993.

57. Application of Expert Systems in the Area of Evaluation and Diagnosis of Fault in Power Systems, The Fourth Overall Conference on Distribution Network, PP. 71-81, Bandar Abbas, IRAN, Apr. 1994.

58. Parameters Analysis and Various Models of Synchronous Machine in Analysis of Low Frequency Oscillations, The Third Iranian Electrical Engineering Conference, Iran University of Science and Technology, PP. 1-7,Tehran, IRAN, May 1995.

59. Simulation of Laboratory HVDC using EMTP Software, The Third Iranian Electrical Engineering Conference, Iran University of Science and Technology, PP. 418-425, Tehran, IRAN, May 1995.

60. Analysis of Long Term Dynamic in Power Systems, International Journal of Engineering Science, Iran University of Science and Technology, PP. 73-87, Tehran, IRAN, Spring 1996.

61. Selection of Best Location and Control Signal for FACTS Based Controller in Multimachine Power Systems, Journal of Engineering College, Tabriz University, PP. 53-64, Tabriz, IRAN, Winter 1998.

62. Design and Simulation of a TCR with two Regulated Filter and Proper Control Ideas in Distribution Networks and Providing Practical Design for Implementation, The 14th International Power System Conference, PP. 319-327, Tehran, IRAN, Nov. 1999.

63. Fars and Bushehr’s Networks Transient Stability Improvement using FACTS Devices, Journal of Engineering College, Tabriz University, PP. 67-77, Tabriz, IRAN, Winter 1999.

64. Improvemt of Transient Stability in Fars and Bushehr’s Networks Using Facts Devices, The 15th International Power System Conference, PP. 233-241, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2000.

65. Speed Control in Induction Motor using Field Control Method / Advanced Algorithms, The 9th Annual Conference and the 5th International Mechanical Engineering, Gilan University, PP. 725-732, Rasht, IRAN, May 2001.

66. Evaluation of Voltage Security in Power Systems using Neural Networks, The 9th Iranian Electrical Engineering Conference, College of Electrical and Water Industry, PP. 4-1-4-8, Tehran, IRAN, May 2001.

67. Computation of Maximum Loadability in Power Systems using P-E Curve, Journal of Faculty of Engineering, University of Tabriz, PP. 1-8, Tabriz, IRAN, Spring & Summer 2001.

68. Design of Optimized Controller for Low Frequency Oscillation in Multimachine AC/DC Networks, The 16th International Power System Conference, PP. 1-8, Tehran, IRAN, Oct. 2001.

69. Analysis of Sensitivity and Modal Voltage in West Network Including Overall Iranian Transmission Network, The 16th International Power System Conference, PP. 173-182, Tehran, IRAN, Oct. 2001.

70. Voltage Profile Optimization for Distribution System using Neural Network, The 16th International Power System Conference, PP. 7-17, Tehran, IRAN, Oct. 2001.

71. A New Method for System Order Reduction and its use for Derivation of Dynamic Equivalents of Power System Networks by Modal Method, The 17th International Power System Conference, Vol.1, PP. 11-20, Tehran, IRAN, Oct. 2002.

72. Analysis and Simulation of Innovative Methods for Determining Small Signal Stability in Large Power Systems, The 17th International Power System Conference, Vol. 1, PP. 171-179, Tehran, IRAN, Oct. 2002.

73. Calculation of Voltage Distribution, Thermal Distribution, Resistance and Leakage Current in Semiconductor Glaze Insulators, The First Professional Insulation Conference (CIGRE), PP. 122-133, Tehran, IRAN, Feb. 26, 2003.

74. Determination of The Ghom's Gas–Turbine and Governor Dynamic Model based on the Tests results,Journal of Electricity, year 15, No. 36 , PP. 20-29 , Niroo Research Center ,Tehran, IRAN, March 2003.

75. Effects of SVC and CSC Compensators on Static Voltage Stability , Proceeding of The First Conference on Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS), PP. 1-8 , Khajeh Nassiradin Toosi University , Tehran, IRAN , Oct. 9, 2003.

76. Electric Safety and Effective Parameters in Electric Shock and Means of its Prevention, Journal of Counsil of Legal Experts of Justice Ministry, Tehran, IRAN, May 2003.

77. Application of SVC in Electrical Networks using Huristic Search Method, Proceeding of The First Conference on Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS), PP. 169-180 , Khajeh Nassiradin Toosi University , Tehran, IRAN , Oct. 9, 2003.

78. Dynamic Modeling of Electrical Load Demand, Proceedings of The Second IASTED International Conference on POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS (EURPES), No. 369-012, PP. 1-6, Crete, GREECE, June 24-28, 2002.

79. A Method for Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems based on the Change in Injection Location , The 9th Conference on Electrical Power Distribution Networks , Vol. I , PP. 513-522 , Zanjan University , Zanjan, IRAN , April 28-29, 2004.

80. Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow using Quadratic Programming and Simplex Method , The 9th Conference on Electrical Power Distribution Networks, Vol. II , PP. 583-592 , Zanjan University , Zanjan, IRAN , April 28-29, 2004.

81. Distribution Network Reconfiguration for Loss Reduction by Refined Genetic Algorithm, Proceedings of The 19th International Power System Conference, Paper Number 98-F-PDS-533, PP. 1-10, Tehran- IRAN, Nov. 21-25, 2004 .

82. Desige and Development of an Advanced PD Measurement System, Proceedings of The 19th International Power System Conference, Paper Number 98-F-ELM-395, PP. 1-7, Tehran- IRAN, Nov. 21-25, 2004 .

83. Temperature Effect on PD Pulse Distributions of HV Generators, Stator Bars with Surface Insulation Defects, Proceedings of The 19th International Power System Conference, Paper Number 98-F-ELM-560, PP.1-7, Tehran- IRAN, Nov 21-25, 2004 .

84. Effects of Adaptive Fuzzy Gain Scheduling, Fuzzy Logic Based Extended Integral Control and Fuzzy Sliding Controller for Load Frequency Control in Small and Large Disturbances, Proceedings of The 19th International Power System Conference, Paper Number 98-F-ACI-532, PP. 1-12, Tehran-IRAN, Nov. 21-25, 2004.

85. Evaluation Reliability in a Deregulated Distribution Environment, Proceeding of 10th Conference on Distribution N etworks, PP. 121-128, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer , Tabriz University, Tabriz-IRAN, May 4-5, 2005.

86. Compensation of Imbalance and Voltage Harmonics in Power Systems Networks by Using Measurement Devices and Intelligent Control, PP. 232-238, C ollege of Electrical Engineering and Computer , Tabriz University, Tabriz-IRAN, May 4-5, 2005.

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