Bs.C ., 1992, Iran University of Science and Technology,
Mathematics: Pure Mathematics.
Ms.C ., 1994, Iran University of Science and Technology
Pure Mathematics: Geometry and Topology.
Title of Thesis: Theory of G -structures and Equivalence Problems
Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ebrahim Esrafilian
Ph.D., 1998, Iran University of Science and Technology
Pure Mathematics: Differential Geometry
Title of Thesis: Theory of Finite Order G -structures
Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ebrahim Esrafilian
- Simple Geometry, Madreseh Pub. Co., First edition, 1997, Persian.
- Preparing for exams: Calculus 1, Bahman Borna Pub. Co., First edition, 2000, Persian. (with A. Rajabi-A.) ISBN: 964-92802-2-7
- Preparing for exams: Numerical Computations, Bahman Borna Pub. Co., 2nd edition, 2000, Persian. (with U. Ebrahimdoost-K. and Ali Rajabi-A.) ISBN: 964-92802-5-1
- Simple differential geometry, Sahele Andisheye Tehran Pub. Co., 2nd edition, 2002, Persian. ISBN: 964-94471-5-6
- Preparing for exams: Calculus 2, Sahele Andisheye Tehran Pub. Co., 2nd edition, 2003, Persian. ISBN: 964-94471-1-3
- Preparing for exams: Engeneering Mathematics, Sahele Andisheye Tehran Pub. Co., 2nd edition, 2004, Persian. (with M. Karami and A. Rajabi-A.) ISBN: 964-94471-9-9
- Calculus 1, Sahele Andisheye Tehran, First edition, 2007, Persian. ISBN: 964-96823-7-6.
- Calculus 2, Sahele Andisheye Tehran Pub. Co., 3rd edition, 2007, Persian. ISBN: 964-96823-8-4.
- Final term exams of Calculus 1, Sahele Andisheye Tehran Pub. Co., 1nd edition, 2009, Persian. ISBN: 978-600-5117-20-2.
- Final term exams of Calculus 2, Sahele Andisheye Tehran Pub. Co., 1nd edition, 2009, Persian.
- Basic Algebraic Topology, Sahele Andisheye Tehran Pub. Co., 1nd edition, 2009, A persian translation of "Z. Kasniowski, A First Course in Algebraic topology, Cambridge University Press, 1980"). ISBN : 987-964-96823-5-X.
- Calculus on Manifolds, Sahele Andisheye Tehran Pub. Co., 1nd edition, 2009, A persian translation of "M. Spivak, Calculus on Manifolds, Publish or Perish, 1965". ISBN : 987-964-96823-4-1.
- Elementary Ordinary Differential Equations, Sahele Andisheye Tehran Pub. Co., 1nd edition, 2009, Persian. (with A. Golbabaee) ISBN : 987-600-5117-21-9.