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| | | Vice president for planning and development office is a collection which is responsible for providing needed resources, quality of their distribution and supervising the way they are consumed, |
expanding the university spaces and enhancing the human resources efficiency level. To support this mission, we oblige ourselves to: - Make ourselves known as a responsible and concentrated group to response to the university needs. - Make ourselves known as an innovative group with exalted specialties which presents acceptable services. - Use available facilities and resources in an appropriate and effective way. - Accelerate the university development. - Provide a suitable environment for the staff so they can improve themselves and reach their bests.
| Address:The Office of Vice-Chancellor for Planning and Development ,Iran University of Science and Technology,Narmak,Tehran 16846_13114,Iran Tel : +9821 77240402 Fax: +9821 77240309 Internal Connection:2281 |
Visits statistics |
:. All section`s visits: |
All visits: 648200772 |
Visits in 24 Hours: 225753 |
:.Current section`s visits: |
All visits: 3575429 |
Visits in 24 Hours: 1779 |