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Showing 36 results for Meta-Heuristic

A. Csébfalvi,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2012)

This paper provides a test method to make a fair comparison between different heuristics in structure optimization. When statistical methods are applied to the structural optimization (namely heuristics or meta-heuristics with several tunable parameters and starting seeds), the "one problem - one result" is extremely far from the fair comparison. From statistical point of view, the minimal requirement is a so-called "small-sample" according to the fundamental elements of the theory of the experimental design and evaluation and the protocol used in the drug development processes. The viability and efficiency of the proposed statistically correct methodology is demonstrated using the well-known ten-bar truss on a set of the heuristics from the brutal-force-search up to the most sophisticated hybrid approaches.
M. Rajabi Bahaabadi, A. Shariat Mohaymany, M. Babaei,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (10-2012)

Crossover operator plays a crucial role in the efficiency of genetic algorithm (GA). Several crossover operators have been proposed for solving the travelling salesman problem (TSP) in the literature. These operators have paid less attention to the characteristics of the traveling salesman problem, and majority of these operators can only generate feasible solutions. In this paper, a crossover operator is presented that has the capability of generating solutions based on a logical reasoning. In other words, the solution space is explored by the proposed method purposefully. Numerical results based on 26 benchmark instances demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method compared with the previous meta-heuristic methods.
S. Gholizadeh , V. Aligholizadeh,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2013)

The main aim of the present study is to achieve optimum design of reinforced concrete (RC) plane moment frames using bat algorithm (BA) which is a newly developed meta-heuristic optimization algorithm based on the echolocation behaviour of bats. The objective function is the total cost of the frame and the design constraints are checked during the optimization process based on ACI 318-08 code. Design variables are the cross-sectional assignments of the structural members and are selected from a data set containing a finite number of sectional properties of beams and columns in a practical range. Three design examples including four, eight and twelve story RC frames are presented and the results are compared with those of other algorithms. The numerical results demonstrate the superiority of the BA to the other meta-heuristic algorithms in terms of the frame optimal cost and the convergence rate.
R. Sheikholeslami, A. Kaveh,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (10-2013)

This article presents a comprehensive review of chaos embedded meta-heuristic optimization algorithms and describes the evolution of this algorithms along with some improvements, their combination with various methods as well as their applications. The reported results indicate that chaos embedded algorithms may handle engineering design problems efficiently in terms of precision and convergence and, in most cases they outperform the results presented in the previous works. The main goal of this paper is to providing useful references to fundamental concepts accessible to the broad community of optimization practitioners.
A. Kaveh, F. Shokohi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (8-2015)

The main object of this research is to optimize an end-filled castellated beam. In order to support high shear forces close to the connections, sometimes it becomes necessary to fill certain holes in web opening beam. This is done by inserting steel plates and welding from both sides. Optimization of these beams is carried out using three meta-heuristic methods involves CSS, CBO, and CBO-PSO algorithms. To compare the performance of these algorithms, the minimum cost of the beam is taken as the design objective function. Also, in this study, two common types of laterally supported castellated beams are considered as design problems: beams with hexagonal openings and beams with circular openings. A number of design examples are considered to solve in this case. Comparison of the optimal solution of these methods demonstrates that the hexagonal beams have less cost than cellular beams. It is observed that optimization results obtained by the CBO-PSO for more design examples have less cost in comparison to the results of the other methods.
A. Kaveh, P. Zakian,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (7-2015)

This study presents shape optimization of a gravity dam imposing stability and principal stress constraints. A gravity dam is a large scale hydraulic structure consisting of huge amount of concrete material. Hence, an optimum design gives a cost-benefit structure due to the fact that small changes in shape of dam cross-section leads to large saving of concrete volume. Three recently developed meta-heuristics are utilized for optimizing the structure. These algorithms are charged system search (CSS), colliding bodies optimization (CBO) and its enhanced edition (ECBO). This article also provides useful formulations for stability analysis of gravity dams which can be extended to further researches.
S. Gholizadeh,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (7-2015)

The present paper tackles the optimization problem of double layer grids considering nonlinear behaviour. In this paper, an efficient optimization algorithm is proposed to achieve the optimization task based on the newly developed grey wolf algorithm (GWA) termed as sequential GWA (SGWA). In the framework of SGWA, a sequence of optimization processes is implemented in which the initial population of each process is selected from the neighboring region of the best design found in the previous optimization process. This procedure is repeated until a termination criterion is met. Two illustrative examples are presented and optimization is performed by GWA and SGWA and two other meta-heuristics. The numerical results indicate that the proposed SGWA utperforms the other algorithms in finding optimal design of nonlinear double layer grids.
S. Talatahari,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (1-2016)

This paper utilizes recent optimization algorithm called Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO) for optimal design of skeletal structures. The ALO is based on the hunting mechanism of Antlions in nature. The random walk of ants, building traps, entrapment of ants in traps, catching preys, and re-building traps are main steps for this algorithm. The new algorithm is examined by designing three truss and frame design optimization problems and its performance is further compared with various classical and advanced algorithms.
M. A. Shayanfar, A. Kaveh, O. Eghlidos , B. Mirzaei,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2016)

In  this  paper,  a  method  is  presented  for  damage  detection  of  bridges  using  the  Enhanced Colliding Bodies Optimization (ECBO)  utilizing time-domain responses. The finite element modeling of the structure is based on  the equation of motion under the moving load, and the flexural stiffness of the structure is determined by the acceleration responses obtained via sensors placed in different places. Damage detection problem presented in this research is an inverse  problem,  which  is  optimized  by  the  ECBO  algorithm,  and  the  damages  in  the structures  are  fully  detected.  Furthermore,  for  simulating  the  real  situation,  the  effect  of measured noises is considered on the structure, to obtain more accurate results.

A. Kaveh, A. Zolghadr,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (10-2016)

This paper presents a novel population-based meta-heuristic algorithm inspired by the game of tug of war. Utilizing a sport metaphor the algorithm, denoted as Tug of War Optimization (TWO), considers each candidate solution as a team participating in a series of rope pulling competitions.  The  teams  exert  pulling  forces  on  each  other  based  on  the  quality  of  the solutions  they  represent.  The  competing  teams  move  to  their  new  positions  according  to Newtonian laws of mechanics. Unlike many other meta-heuristic methods, the algorithm is formulated  in  such  a  way  that  considers  the  qualities  of  both  of  the  interacting  solutions. TWO  is  applicable  to  global  optimization  of  discontinuous,  multimodal,  non-smooth,  and non-convex functions. Viability of the proposed method is examined using some benchmark mathematical functions and engineering design problems. The numerical results indicate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm compared to some other methods available in literature.

A. Kaveh, M. Ilchi Ghazaan,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (7-2017)

In this paper, MATLAB code for a recently developed meta-heuristic methodology, the vibrating particles system (VPS) algorithm, is presented. The VPS is a population-based algorithm which simulates a free vibration of single degree of freedom systems with viscous damping. The particles gradually approach to their equilibrium positions that are achieved from current population and historically best position. Two truss towers with 942 and 2386 elements are examined for the validity of the present algorithm; however, the performance VPS has already been proven through truss and frame design optimization problems.

S. Asil Gharebaghi, M. Ardalan Asl,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (7-2017)

A new meta-heuristic method, based on Neuronal Communication (NC), is introduced in this article. The neuronal communication illustrates how data is exchanged between neurons in neural system. Actually, this pattern works efficiently in the nature. The present paper shows it is the same to find the global minimum. In addition, since few numbers of neurons participate in each step of the method, the cost of calculation is less than the other comparable meta-heuristic methods. Besides, gradient calculation and a continuous domain are not necessary for the process of the algorithm. In this article, some new weighting functions are introduced to improve the convergence of the algorithm. In the end, various benchmark functions and engineering problems are examined and the results are illustrated to show the capability, efficiency of the method. It is valuable to note that the average number of iterations for fifty independent runs of functions have been decreased by using Neuronal Communication algorithm in comparison to a majority of methods.

M.h. Rabiei, M.t. Aalami, S. Talatahari,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2018)

This paper utilizes the Colliding Bodies of Optimization (CBO), Enhanced Colliding Bodies of Optimization (ECBO) and Vibrating Particles System (VPS) algorithms to optimize the reservoir system operation. CBO is based on physics equations governing the one-dimensional collisions between bodies, with each agent solution being considered as an object or body with mass and ECBO utilizes memory to save some historically best solutions and uses a random procedure to escape from local optima. VPS is based on simulating free vibration of single degree of freedom systems with viscous damping. To evaluate the performance of these three recent population-based meta-heuristic algorithms, they are applied to one of the most complex and challenging issues related to water resource management, called reservoir operation optimization problems. Hypothetical 4 and 10-reservoir systems are studied to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the algorithms. The aim is on discovering the optimum mix of releases, which will lead to maximum benefit generation throughout the system. Comparative results show the successful performance of the VPS algorithm in comparison to the CBO and its enhanced version.
D. Sedaghat Shayegan, A Lork, S.a.h. Hashemi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (6-2019)

In this paper, the optimum design of a reinforced concrete one-way ribbed slab, is presented via recently developed metaheuristic algorithm, namely, the Mouth Brooding Fish (MBF). Meta-heuristics based on evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence are outstanding examples of nature-inspired solution techniques. The MBF algorithm simulates the symbiotic interaction strategies adopted by organisms to survive and propagate in the ecosystem. This algorithm uses the movement, dispersion and protection behavior of Mouth Brooding Fish as a pattern to find the best possible answer. The cost of the system is considered to be the objective function, and the design is based on the American Concrete Institute’s ACI 318-08 standard. The performance of this algorithm is compared with harmony search (HS), colliding bodies optimization (CBO), particle swarm optimization (PSO), democratic particle swarm optimization (DPSO), charged system search (CSS) and enhanced charged system search (ECSS). The numerical results demonstrate that the MBF algorithm is able to construct very promising results and has merits in solving challenging optimization problems.
A. Kaveh, K. Biabani Hamedani,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2020)

The minimum crossing number problem is among the oldest and most fundamental problems arising in the area of automatic graph drawing. In this paper, eight population-based meta-heuristic algorithms are utilized to tackle the minimum crossing number problem for two special types of graphs, namely complete graphs and complete bipartite graphs. A 2-page book drawing representation is employed for embedding graphs in the plane. The algorithms consist of Artificial Bee Colony algorithm, Big Bang-Big Crunch algorithm, Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization algorithm, Cuckoo Search algorithm, Charged System Search algorithm, Tug of War Optimization algorithm, Water Evaporation Optimization algorithm, and Vibrating Particles System algorithm. The performance of the utilized algorithms is investigated through various examples including six complete graphs and eight complete bipartite graphs. Convergence histories of the algorithms are provided to better understanding of their performance. In addition, optimum results at different stages of the optimization process are extracted to enable to compare the meta-heuristics algorithms.
A. Kaveh, K. Biabani Hamedani, F. Barzinpour,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (4-2020)

Meta-heuristic algorithms are applied in optimization problems in a variety of fields, including engineering, economics, and computer science. In this paper, seven population-based meta-heuristic algorithms are employed for size and geometry optimization of truss structures. These algorithms consist of the Artificial Bee Colony algorithm, Cyclical Parthenogenesis Algorithm, Cuckoo Search algorithm, Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization algorithm, Vibrating Particles System algorithm, Water Evaporation Optimization, and a hybridized ABC-TLBO algorithm. The Taguchi method is employed to tune the parameters of the meta-heuristics. Optimization aims to minimize the weight of truss structures while satisfying some constraints on their natural frequencies. The capability and robustness of the algorithms is investigated through four well-known benchmark truss structure examples.
E. Pouriyanezhad, H. Rahami, S. M. Mirhosseini,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (4-2020)

In this paper, the discrete method of eigenvectors of covariance matrix has been used to weight minimization of steel frame structures. Eigenvectors of Covariance Matrix (ECM) algorithm is a robust and iterative method for solving optimization problems and is inspired by the CMA-ES method. Both of these methods use covariance matrix in the optimization process, but the covariance matrix calculation and new population generation in these two methods are completely different. At each stage of the ECM algorithm, successful distributions are identified and the covariance matrix of the successful distributions is formed. Subsequently, by the help of the principal component analysis (PCA), the scattering directions of these distributions will be achieved. The new population is generated by the combination of weighted directions that have a successful distribution and using random normal distribution. In the discrete ECM method, in case of succeeding in a certain number of cycles the step size is increased, otherwise the step size is reduced. In order to determine the efficiency of this method, three benchmark steel frames were optimized due to the resistance and displacement criteria specifications of the AISC-LRFD, and the results were compared to other optimization methods. Considerable outputs of this algorithm show that this method can handle the complex problems of optimizing discrete steel frames.
M. Shahrouzi,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (6-2020)

Meta-heuristics have received increasing attention in recent years. The present article introduces a novel method in such a class that distinguishes a number of artificial search agents called players within two teams. At each iteration, the active player concerns some other players in both teams to construct its special movements and to get more score. At the end of some iterations (like quarters of a sports game) the teams switch their places for fair play. The algorithm is developed to solve a general purpose optimization problem; however, in this article its application is illustrated on structural sizing design. Switching Teams Algorithm is presented as a parameter-less population-based algorithm utilizing just two control parameters. The proposed method can recover diversity in a novel manner compared to other meta-heuristics in order to capture global optima.
M. Danesh, M. Jalilkhani,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (6-2020)

This study is devoted to discrete sizing optimization of truss structures employing an efficient discrete evolutionary meta-heuristic algorithm which uses the Newton gradient-based method as its updating scheme and it is named here as Newton Meta-heuristic Algorithm (NMA). In order to enable the NMA population-based meta-heuristic to effectively explore the discrete design space, a term containing the best solution found is added to the basic updating rule of the algorithm. The efficiency of the proposed NMA metaheuristic is illustrated by presenting five benchmark discrete truss optimization problems and comparing the results with literature. The numerical results demonstrate that the NMA is a robust and powerful meta-heuristic algorithm for dealing with the discrete sizing optimization problems of steel trusses.
Y. Naserifar, M. Shahrouzi,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (10-2020)

Passive systems are preferred tools for seismic control of buildings challenged by probabilistic nature of the input excitation. However, other types of uncertainty still exist in parameters of the control device even when optimally tuned. The present work concerns optimal design of multiple-tuned-mass-damper embedded on a shear building by a number of meta-heuristics. They include well-known genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization as well as more recent gray wolf optimizer and its hybrid method embedding swarm intelligence. The study is two-fold: first, optimal designs by different meta-heuristics are compared concerning their reduction in structural seismic responses; second, the effect of uncertainty in Multi-Tuned-Mass-Damper parameters, is studied offering new reliability-based curves. Monte Carlo Simulation is employed to evaluate failure probabilities. A variety of structural responses are assessed against seismic excitation including maximal displacement, velocity and acceleration. It is declared that the best algorithm for efficiency and effectiveness has not coincided the best based on the reliability traces. Such traces also show that in a specific range of limit-states, algorithm selection has a serious effect on the reliability results. It was found even more than 35% and depends on the response type.  

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