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Showing 4 results for Simulated Annealing

A. Hadidi, A. Kaveh, B. Farahmand Azar, S. Talatahari, C. Farahmandpour,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2011)

In this paper, an efficient optimization algorithm is proposed based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Simulated Annealing (SA) to optimize truss structures. The proposed algorithm utilizes the PSO for finding high fitness regions in the search space and the SA is used to perform further investigation in these regions. This strategy helps to use of information obtained by swarm in an optimal manner and to direct the agents toward the best regions, resulting in possible reduction of the number of particles. To show the computational advantages of the new PSO-SA method, some benchmark numerical examples are studied. The PSO-SA algorithm converges to better or at least the same solutions, while the number of structural analyses is significantly reduced
Z. Hajishafee , S.h. Mirmohammadi , S.r. Hejazi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2015)

The overall cost of companies dealing with the distribution tasks is considerably affected by the way that distributing vehicles are procured. In this paper, a more practical version of capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) in which the decision of purchase or hire of vehicles is simultaneously considered is investigated. In CVRP model capacitated vehicles start from a single depot simultaneously and deliver the demanded items of several costumers with known demands where each costumer must be met once. Since the optimal vehicle procurement cost is a function of total distance it traverses during the planning horizon, the model is modified in a way that the decision of purchasing or hiring of each vehicle is made simultaneously. The problem is formulated as a mixed integer programming (MIP) model in which the sum of net present value (NPV) of procurement and traveling costs is minimized. To solve the problem, a hybrid electromagnetism and parallel simulated annealing (PSA-EM) algorithm and a Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm (SFLA) are presented. Finally, the presented methods are compared experimentally. Although in some cases the SFLA algorithm yields better solutions, experimental results show the competitiveness of PSA-EM algorithm from the computational time and performance points of view.
A. Kaveh, J. Jafari Vafa,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (4-2022)

The cycle basis of a graph arises in a wide range of engineering problems and has a variety of applications. Minimal and optimal cycle bases reduce the time and memory required for most of such applications. One of the important applications of cycle basis in civil engineering is its use in the force method to frame analysis to generate sparse flexibility matrices, which is needed for optimal analysis.
In this paper, the simulated annealing algorithm has been employed to form suboptimal cycle basis. The simulated annealing algorithm works by using local search generating neighbor solution, and also escapes local optima by accepting worse solutions. The results show that this algorithm can be used to generate suboptimal and subminimal cycle bases. Compared to the existing heuristic algorithms, it provides better results. One of the advantages of this algorithm is its simplicity and its ease for implementation.
M. Shahrouzi, S.-Sh. Emamzadeh, Y. Naserifar,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (10-2023)

Shape optimization of a double-curved dam is formulated using control points for interpolation functions. Every design vector is decoded into the integrated water-dam-foundation rock model. An enhanced algorithm is proposed by hybridizing particle swarm algorithm with ant colony optimization and simulated annealing. The best experiences of the search agents are indirectly shared via pheromone trail deposited on a bi-partite characteristic graph. Such a stochastic search is further tuned by Boltzmann functions in simulated annealing. The proposed method earned the first rank in comparison with six well-known meta‑heuristic algorithms in solving benchmark test functions. It captured the optimal shape design of Morrow Point dam, as a widely addressed case-study, by 21% reduced concrete volume with respect to the common USBR design practice and 16% better than the particle swarm optimizer. Such an optimal design was also superior to the others in stress redistribution for better performance of the dam system.

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