دوره 14، شماره 3 - ( 3-1403 )                   جلد 14 شماره 3 صفحات 336-319 | برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها

XML English Abstract Print

چکیده:   (5274 مشاهده)
Spillway design poses a significant challenge in effectively managing the energy within water flow to prevent erosion and destabilization of dam structures. Traditional approaches typically advocate for standard hydraulic jump stilling basins or other energy dissipators at spillway bases yet constructing such basins can be prohibitively large and costly, particularly when extensive excavation is necessary. Consequently, growing interest in cascade hydraulic structures has emerged over recent decades as an alternative for energy dissipation. These structures utilize a series of arranged steps to facilitate water flow, effectively dissipating energy as it traverses the cascade. Commonly deployed in scenarios involving high dams or steep gradients, the stepped configuration ensures efficient aeration and substantial energy dissipation along the structure, thereby reducing the size and cost of required stilling basins. Despite extensive research on hydraulic characteristics using physical and numerical models and established design procedures, construction cost optimization of step cascades remains limited but promising. This paper aims to address this gap by employing two novel gradient-based meta-heuristic optimization techniques to enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of cascade stilling basin designs. Through comparative analyses and evaluations, this study demonstrates the efficacy of these techniques and offers insights for future research and applications in hydraulic structures design optimization.
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نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: Applications
دریافت: 1402/12/15 | پذیرش: 1403/3/6 | انتشار: 1403/3/23

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