Showing 14 results for Khan
M. Goodarzi, S. M. A. Boutorabi, M. A. Safarkhanian,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (Summer 2009 2009)
Abstract:In this study, an effort has been made to determine the influence of rotational speed of tool on themicrostructure and hardness values of friction stir welded 2024-T851 aluminum alloy. The microstructure of stir zonein the joints has been investigated. It was found that the particles such as Al6(CuFeMn) particles are broken up duringfriction stir welding, and the degree of break up of these particles in the stir zone increases with increasing rotationalspeed. Since the break up of these particles and the recrystallization of new grains happen simultaneously, the brokenparticles would be placed in the grain boundaries. Moreover, the hardness value in the stir zone increases withincreasing rotational speed
B. Mirzakhani,mohammadi, H. Arabi,s. H. Seyedein, M. R. Aboutalebi, M. T. Saleh, Sh. Khoddam,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (Summer 2009 2009)
Abstract:Optimization of specimen geometry before subjecting it to hot torsion test (HTT) is essential for minimizingnon-uniform temperature distribution and obtaining uniform microstructure thought the specimen.In the present study, a nonlinear transient analysis was performed for a number of different geometries andtemperatures using the commercial finite element (FE) package ANSYSTM. FE thermal results then were applied tooptimize HTTspecimen produced from API-X 70 microalloyed steel taking into account the microstructurehomogeneity. The thermodynamic software Thermo-calcTM was also used to analysis solubility of microalloyingelements and their precipitates that may exist at different equilibrium conditions. In addition the behavior of austenitegrain size during reheating was investigated. The results show high temperature gradient occurred in long specimens.This could lead to non homogeneous initial austenite grain size and alloying element or precipitates within the gaugesection of the specimen. The proposed optimization procedure can in general be used for other materials and reheatingscenarios to reduce temperature. This then creates more homogeneous initial microstructure prior to deformation andreduces errors in post processing of the HTTresults
Bahman Mirzakhani, Hossein Arabi, Mohammad Taghi Salehi,seyed Hossein Seyedein, Mohammad Reza Aboutalebi, Shahin Khoddam, Jilt Sietsma,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (Autumn 2009 2009)
Recovery and recrystallization phenomena and effects of microalloying elements on these phenomena are of great importance in designing thermomechanical processes of microalloyed steels. Thus, understanding and modeling of microstructure evolution during hot deformation leads to optimize the processing conditions and to improve the product properties.
In this study, finite element method was utilized to simulate thermomechanical parameters during hot deformation processes. FEM results then were integrated with physically based state variable models of static recovery and recrystallization combined with a realistic microstructural geometry. The thermodynamic software Thermo-calc was also used to predict present microalloying elements at equilibrium conditions.
The model performance was validated using stress relaxation tests. Parametric studies were carried out to evaluate the effects of deformation process parameters on the microstructure development following hot deformation of the API-X70 steel
K. Taherkhani, F. Mahboubi,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (June 2013)
Nitriding is a surface treatment technique used to introduce nitrogen into metallic materials to improve their surface hardness, mechanical properties, wear resistance and corrosion resistance. In this research, the effects of plasma nitriding parameters including frequency and duty cycle were investigated on samples with different grooves dimensions. Steel blocks prepared from DIN1.2344 hot working steel were plasma nitride at 500 °C under the atmosphere contents of %75H2-%25N2, the duty cycles of 40%, 60%, 80%, and the frequencies of 8, 10 kHz for 5 hours. Then characteristics and micro hardness's of the nitrided samples were investigated using SEM, XRD, and Vickers Micro Hardness method. The results of the experiments indicated that with increasing frequency, the duty cycle, and the thickness of the grooves, the roughness of the surfaces increased. With an increase in duty cycle from 40% to 80%, the hardness of the surface rose and the thickness of the compound layer built up. Hollow cathode effect occurred in the samples with small grooves and high duty cycle in plasma nitriding. This will result in over heating of the sample which leads to a decrease in the slope of hardness values from the surface to the core of the sample and also a decrease in the diffused depth of nitrogen. The compound layer of the treated samples consisted of @ : Fe4N and : Fe2-3N phases and the proportion of the A to @ increased with the decrease in the duty cycle. Increasing the frequency did not affect the proportion of phases and micro hardness of the samples.
M. Abbas, S. Nisar, A. Shah, F. Imtiaz Khan,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (June 2015)
Aluminium base alloy (Al-Cu-Si) was reinforced with silicon carbide (SiC) particles, in various percentage
compositions from 0-20 wt%. Silicon carbide particle size of 20µm was selected. The molten slurry of SiC reinforced
base aluminium metal was casted through green and dry sand casting methods and solidification process was carried
out under ambient conditions. A selected population of total casted samples were subjected to T6 heat treatment
process, followed by evaluation of mechanical properties of hardness, tensile strength and impact loading. The micro
sized SiC particles were preheated up to 300C prior pouring into the melted metal, for subsequent removal of residual
gases and moisture content. A continuous manual stirring method was used for homogenous distribution of reinforced
particle in molten slurry. The experimental results revealed that the highest parameters of hardness, impact energy and
tensile strength were achieved in the T6 heat treated specimens having highest percentage composition (20%) of
Silicon Carbide (SiC) particles
H. Adelkhani, Kh. Didehban, R. Dehghan,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (June 2016)
In this study, polyaniline-graphene composites with different nano-structures are synthesized and the behaviour of the obtained composites serving as electrode materials in electrochemical capacitors is studied. The morphology, crystal structure, and thermal stability of the composites are examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). Electrochemical properties are characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV). According to the results, the obtained composites show different crystal structures and different thermal stabilities, and consequently different electrochemical capacities, when used as electrodes in electrochemical capacitors. A nano-fibre composite is shown to have a good degree of crystallization, 5.17% water content, 637oC degradation onset temperature, and 379 Fg-1 electrochemical capacity.

N. Alavifard, H. Shalchian, A. Rafsanjani-Abbasi, J. Vahdati Khaki, A. Babakhani,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (September 2016)
In the present work, iron recovery from a low-grade hematite ore (containing less than 40% iron), which is not applicable in common methods of ironmaking, was studied. Non-coking coal was used as reducing agent. Reduction experiments were performed under various coal to hematite ratios and temperatures. Reduction degree was calculated using the gravimetric method. Reduced samples were subjected to magnetic separation followed by X-ray diffraction analysis. Total iron content, degree of metallization and recovery efficiency in magnetic part were determined by quantitative chemical analysis, which were obtained about 82%, 95% and 64% respectively under optimal conditions. CaO as an additive improved ore reducibility and separation efficiency. The microstructure of reduced samples and final products were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Final product with a high degree of metallization can be used in steel making furnaces and charging of blast furnaces which can improve production efficiency and decrease coke usage.
. S. Khani, . M. T. Salehi, . H. R. Samim, Prof. M. R. Aboutalebi, . H. Palkowski,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (September 2016)
The evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties of a magnesium cast alloy (AZ31) processed by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) at two different temperatures were investigated. The as-cast alloy with an average grain size of 360 was significantly refined to about 5 after four ECAP passes at 543 K. Grain refinement was achieved through dynamic recrystallization (DRX) during the ECAP process in which the formation of necklace-type structure and bulging of original grain boundaries would be the main mechanisms. ECAP processing at lower temperature resulted in finer recrystallized grains and also a more homogenous microstructure. The mechanical behavior was investigated at room temperature by tensile tests. The obtained results showed that the ECAP processing can basically improve both strength and ductility of the cast alloy. However, the lower working temperature led to higher yield and ultimate strength of the alloy.
T. Ebadzadeh, S. Ghaffari, M. Alizadeh, K. Asadian, Y. Ganjkhanlou,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (March 2019)
The densification behavior, structural and microstructural evolution and microwave dielectric properties of Li2TiO3 + xZnO (x = 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, and 5 mol%) ceramics have been investigated using X-ray diffraction, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and microwave resonant measurement. The Maximum density of 3.33 g/cm3 was obtained in Li2TiO3 + 2ZnO ceramic at low sintering temperature of 1100˚C. SEM investigations revealed good close packing of grains when x = 2 and preferential grain growth when x ≥ 3. The maximum values of Q × f = 31800 GHz and εr = 22.5 were obtained in Li2TiO3 + 3ZnO and Li2TiO3 + 2ZnO compositions, respectively. The observed properties are attributed to the microstructural evolution and grain growth (first case) or high density of the obtained ceramic (second case).
M. Imran, R. Khan, S. Badshah,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (March 2019)
Composite structures are widely used in many applications ranging from, but not limited to, aerospace industry, automotive, and marine structures due to their attractive mechanical properties like high strength to weight ratios. However composite structures needs utmost care during structures manufacturing and working conditions should be assessed prior to installation. One of the important defect in composite structures is delamination. Present work is focused on investigation of delamination effects on the natural frequencies of composite plate using commercial finite element software, ABAQUS. Analytical results were also analyzed using MATLAB code. Different stacking sequences and boundary conditions are considered for study in both analytical formulation and finite element analysis. Finite element results are compared with analytical results to validate the perfect composite plate. The natural frequency of the composite plate reduced with an increase in delamination size. Additionally, all-sides clamped composite plate showed higher values of natural frequency than other constraints in lower modes for symmetrical laminates. Natural frequency in cross ply laminates are higher for the simply supported composite plates. On comparison, results from both the techniques, finite element analysis and analytical analysis, were in good agreement.
B. Mirzakhani, Y. Payandeh, H. Talebi, M. Maleki,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (September 2020)
In this paper, the effect of two-step precipitation hardening on the mechanical properties of Al-3.7Cu-1Mg was investigated. For this meaning, some specimens were subjected to the first step aging at 175, 190 and 205°C for 2 h, once the samples solution treated at 500°C. To have stable precipitates uniformly distributed in the microstructure and to reduce the heat treatment time, the second step was implied at 65°C. The tensile and hardness tests were performed at ambient temperature immediately after aging. The results indicated that depending on the first step temperature, the second aging time affects the alloy mechanical behavior in different aspects. A factor named SNMP introduced to determine the cycle giving the best mechanical properties. The strength and elongation increase 1.5 and 2 times respectively; compared to the values reported in the DIN EN 755-2 standard by performing the two-step aging cycle, consisting of the first-stage at 175°C and the second step at 65°C for 10 hours. Moreover, using the proposed two-step aging, the heat treatment time was reduced considerably compared to the conventional precipitation hardening process.
Sh. Foroutan, M. Hashemian, A. Khandan,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (December 2020)
In this article, a novel bio-nanocomposite consists of sodium alginate polymer-based graphene nanosheet enhanced incorporating wollastonite containing various amount of graphene nanosheet were produced using freeze-drying technique. The bio-nanocomposites were mechanically and biologically evaluated using tensile strength and biological test. The phase and topological characterization were conducted using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. Subsequently, based upon Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theories (EBT and TBT), the buckling responses of the porous bio-nanocomposite soft tissue are analyzed corresponding to various graphene amounts. In order to solve the governing equations a sufficient numerical solution is proposed. Elastic modulus and mass density of the porous bio-nanocomposite are extracted from the experimental tests. The obtained results indicated the sample with 1 wt% graphene sheet has shown proper mechanical and biological features. Therefore, the sample with 1 wt% graphene sheet can be used as potential case for light weight bone substitute applications.
Mitra Ghannadi, Hediye Hosseini, Bagher Mohammad Sadeghi, Bahman Mirzakhani, Mohammad Tahaaha Honaramooz,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (September 2021)
The objective of the present paper is to investigate the effects of rapid heating and cryogenic cooling on on the microstructure and tensile properties of Al-Cu-Mg. The specimens were subjected to three heat treatment cycles in which the Infrared heating (IR) were used as the heating medium at the ageing stage, and the liquid nitrogen and water were used as the quenching mediums. The ageing temperature and time were 190⁰C and from 2 hours to 10 hours, respectively.The results indicated that by using IR at the ageing stage, the hardening rate enhanced because the rapid heating via this method leads to faster diffusion of the alloying elements. Moreover, the high density of nano-sized precipitates formed during ageingleads to higher strength and suitable ductility. Cryogenic treatment showed a negligible effect on both microstructure and tensile properties; however, it improved ductility. Overall, the combination of a high heating rate and cryogenic treatment led to the highest mechanical properties. SEM micrograph of the fracture surface of alloy demonstrated that in Cryogenic treatment+Artificial Ageing (CAA) condition, the surface had been fully covered by deep dimples in contrast to the Cryogenic treatment+Infrared Heating (CIR) and Water-Quench+ Infrared Heating (QIR) conditions which their dimples were shallow and also some facets were observed.
Davar Rezakhani, Abdol Hamid Jafari,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (Desember 2022)
In this work, the addition of a combination of Graphene Oxide Nanoplatelets (GONPs) and Ground
Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) was studied as admixture in concrete. Tests on physical and mechanical
properties and chloride permeability were conducted. GGBFS was replaced with Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
and it was determined that GGBFS Up to 50% by weight improves the physical and mechanical properties of
concrete. GONPs with an optimal amount of 50% by weight of GGBFS were added to the concrete and the physical
and mechanical properties of the samples were determined. It was observed that the addition of GONPs was effective
in improving the mechanical strength and physical properties of specimens. The results indicated that addition of
0.1 wt.% GO and 50 wt.% GGBFS would increase the compressive strength of the concrete sample up to 42.7%
during 28 days and 46% during 90 days compared to OPC. Concrete with a combination of 0.1 wt.% GONPs and
50 wt.% GGBFS witnessed an increase in its flexural strength up to 58.5% during 28 days and 59.2% during 90
days. The results indicated that by adding 0.1 wt.% GO and 50 wt.%, concrete chloride permeability decreased
substantially 72% for 90 day cured samples compared to OPC. GONPs as an alternative to cement up to 0.1% by
weight can accelerate the formation of C-S-H gel, thereby increasing the strength and improving the resistance of
water absorption and chloride permeability. The effects of pozolanic reaction in the concrete leading to the filling
of the pores were significant factors in the proposed curtailment mechanism