Volume 9, Issue 2 (june 2012 2012)                   IJMSE 2012, 9(2): 1-14 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (26476 Views)
Abstract: Nickel was electrodeposited onto copper substrates with high {111} and {400} peak intensities. The grain size of coatings deposited onto the copper substrate with a higher {111} peak intensity was finer. Spheroidized pyramid morphology was obtained at low current densities on both copper substrates. By increasing the deposition current density, grain size of the coating was increased for both substrates and eventually a mixed morphology of pyramids and blocks was appeared without further increase in grain size. This decreased the anodic exchange current density probably due to the decrease of surface roughness and led to a lower corrosion rate.
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Type of Study: Research Paper |

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