Volume 8, Issue 2 (spring 2011 2011)                   IJMSE 2011, 8(2): 48-56 | Back to browse issues page

PMID: 27581681

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Abstract:   (41198 Views)
Abstract: Most properties of nanoparticles are size-dependent. In fact, the novel properties of nanoaprticles do not prevail until the size has been reduced to the nanometer scale. The particle size and size distribution of alumina nanoparticle, as a critical properties, have been determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS), surface area analysis (BET) and x-ray diffraction peak broadening analysis. The particle size was found to be in the range of 5-95nm. Cumulative percentage frequency plot of the data extracted form TEM images indicates that particle size distribution obeys the log-normal function. The TEM images also reveal that particles are spherical in shape and loosely agglomerated. Comparing of the XRD and TEM results shows that the particles are single-crystal. The HRTEM images also verify that the particles have a single-crystal nature. In comparison, there is a good correlation between the BET, XRD and TEM measurements other than PCS that is sensitive to the presence of the agglomerates.
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Type of Study: Research Paper |

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