Volume 7, Issue 4 (Autumn 2010 2010)                   IJMSE 2010, 7(4): 16-24 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (28577 Views)


current densities. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) results showed that the codeposition mechanism of

tungsten in Ni-W deposition is the reduction of tungsten oxide which changed to the reduction of tungsten-containing

ion complexes at higher current densities. In Co-W electrodeposition, the tungsten codeposition takes place via

reduction of tungsten oxide, although, the role of tungsten-containing complexes at higher current densities cannot be

ruled out. The surface morphology of Ni-W coatings was crack-free and was strongly dependent on deposition current

density. In addition, higher grain size and lower tungsten content were obtained by increasing the current density. In

Co-W coatings, no obvious variation in surface morphology was observed except for the fine cracks appeared at

higher current densities. In this system the grain size remained almost constant with increasing current density. The

microhardness values of Ni-W and Co-W coatings decreased due to the increase in the grain size and/or decrease in

tungsten content.

Ni-W and Co-W alloy nanocrystalline coatings were electrodeposited on copper substrate at different
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Surfe coating and corrosion

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