Volume 5, Issue 3 (Summer 2008 2008)                   IJMSE 2008, 5(3): 33-37 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (26983 Views)
Abstract: A novel dust free alginate impression material was formulated and prepared, comprising an alginate polyvinylpyrrolidone and tetraflouroethylene resins, a mixture of liquid paraffin and dimethylpolysiloxane oil as the dust generation controlling agents and processed diatomaceous earth filler which was obtained from Iranian ore. No dusting was detected during the mixing of the powder and the conventional properties of the impression material, like working and setting times and compressive strength were in the range of the required specifications for alginate dental impressions. The compressive strength was measured to be 2.6 times of the minimum requirement for such fast setting impressions.
Type of Study: Research Paper |

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