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Showing 2 results for Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue

H. Ashuri,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2015)

Loading conditions and complex geometry have led the cylinder heads to become the most challenging parts of diesel engines. One of the most important durability problems in diesel engines is due to the cracks valves bridge area. The purpose of this study is a thermo-mechanical analysis of cylinder heads of diesel engines using a two-layer viscoelasticity model. The results of the thermo-mechanical analysis indicated that the maximum temperature and stress occurred in the valves bridge. The results of the finite element analysis correspond with the experimental tests, carried out by researchers, and illustrated the cylinder heads cracked in this region. The results of the thermo-mechanical analysis showed that when the engine is running the stress in the region is compressive caused by the thermal loading and combustion pressure. When the engine shut off the compressive stress turned into the tensile stress because of assembly loads. The valves bridge was under the cyclic tensile and compressive stress and then is under low cycle fatigue. After several cycles the fatigue cracks will appear in this region. The lifetime of this part can be determined through finite element analysis instead of experimental tests. Viscous strain was more than the plastic strain which is not negligible.
Adel Basiri, Ebrahim Amini,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2022)

The objective of the present paper is to assess the capability of several classical damage models in prediction of service lifetime of engine components subjected to Thermo-mechanical Fatigue (TMF) loading. The focus of the present study is based on efficient and robust predictive tools which are suitable in industrial development process, thus the classical fatigue damage models are selected to perform such a tsk. In the classical framework, three strain-based models including Manson-Coffin, Smith-Watson-Topper and Ostergren models and one plastic strain energy-based model are examined. Besides, some correction factors are added to the Manson-Coffin, Ostergren and plastic strain energy models regarding the mean stress and temperature effects. The statistical analysis of the models is carried out utilizing the Low-cycle fatigue and Thermo-mechanical Fatigue tests on standard specimens of A356 aluminum alloy. The analysis indicated that modified Ostergren model is the most reliable model in fatigue lifetime description of the A356 alloy among the others. The studied engine component is a passenger-car diesel engine cylinder head made of A356 aluminum alloy. The temperature, stress and strain distribution fields of the component are considered as the given boundary conditions from our previous work as they are not in the scope of the present investigation. The selected damage models based on the best accuracy identified during statistical analysis are introduced into the ABAQUS software. The modified Ostergren model presented the most accurate and realistic results based on empirical observations of fatigue crack area in diesel engine cylinder heads studied in the literature.

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