Dr. Shamsoddin, Mirdamadi

Personal Details


SURNAME: Mirdamadi


Fields of Research Interests:

Design and Selection of Engineering Materials, Extractive Metallurgy, Mechanical Metallurgy, Heat Treatment.


Contact Address

School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering

Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran

Tel: (9821)73228806

Fax: +9821-77240480



Javadi, A.H., Mirdamadi, S., Shakhesi, S., "Process optimization and microstructural analysis of aluminum based composite reinforced by multi-walled carbon nanotubes with various aspect ratios",  Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, Volume 48, Issue 7, July 2017, Pages 719-725

Taghipourian, M., Mohammadaliha, M., Boutorabi, S.M., Mirdamadi, S.H., "The effect of waterjet beginning time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of A356 aluminum alloy during the ablation casting process", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 238, 1 December 2016, Pages 89-95
Sharifi Sedeh, E., Mirdamadi, S., Sharifianjazi, F., Tahriri, M., "Synthesis and Evaluation of Mechanical and Biological Properties of Scaffold Prepared from Ti and Mg with Different Volume Percent", Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, Volume 45, Issue 7, 2015, Pages 1087-1091
S. Nouri, S. Rastegari, Sh. MirdamadiM. Hadavi, "Formation of Diffusion Aluminide Coatings on γ-TiAl Alloy with In-Pack and Out-Pack Processes", Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, March 2015
S. M. Kalantari, H. Arabi, Sh. Mirdamadi, S. A. Mirsalehi, "Biocompatibility and compressive properties of Ti-6Al-4V scaffolds having Mg element", JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS", V. 48, 183-191, 2015
S. A. Mirsalehi, A. Khavandi, Sh. Mirdamadi, M. R. Naiemi Jamal, S. M. Kalantari, "Nanomechanical and tribological behavior of hydroxyapatite reinforced ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene nanocomposites for biomedical applications", JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, V. 132, 1-11, 2015
H. Rahmani, S. Rastegari, Sh. Mirdamadi, "Effective parameters on microstructure and properties of EB-PVD NiCrAlY coating",SURFACE ENGINEERING, no. 2, Vol. 31, 156-165, 2015
S. H. Hoseini, Sh. Mirdamadi, S. Rastegari, "Investigating the efficiency of ?-Al2O3 diffusion barrier layer in oxidation of EB-PVD NiCrAlY coatings",SURFACE ENGINEERING, no. 2, Vol. 31, 146-155, 2015
S. NouriSh. MirdamadiS. RastegariM. Hadavi, "Microstructural Investigation of Si-Modified Aluminide Coating Formed on γ-TiAl Alloy by the Slurry Method", Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, April 2015, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 109-113
M. Hashemi, Sh. Mirdamadi, H. R. Rezaie, "Effect of SiC nanoparticles on microstructure and wear behaviour of Cu-Ni-W nanocrystalline coating", Electrochemica Acta, V. 138, 224-231, 2014
Z. S. Seyedraoufi * , S. Mirdamadi , S. Rastegari , "Electrodeposition of Nano Hydroxyapatite Coating on Biodegradable Mg-Zn Scaffold (English)", مجله بین المللی مهندسی، سال بیست و هفتم، شماره 6، June 2014 Pages 939-944
N. Khatami * , Sh. Mirdamadi,   "EFFECT OF CONTROLLED QUENCHING ON THE AGING OF 2024 ALUMINUM ALLOY CONTAINING BORON (English)", فصلنامه علوم و مهندسی مواد، شماره 41، 2014 Pages 17-26
Mohammadreza Foruzanmehr , Seid Mohammad Hosainalipour, Shamsoddin Mirdamadi Tehrani, Mahnaz Aghaeipour , "Nano-structure TiO2 film coating on 316L stainless steel via sol-gel technique for blood compatibility improvement (English)", Nanomedicine Journal، سال اول، شماره 3، Spring 2014 Pages 128-136
Z. S. Seyedraoufi, Sh. Mirdamadi, "Synthesis, microstructure and mechanical properties of of porous Mg-Zn scaffolds, Journal of the mechanical behaviour of biomedical materials, V. 21, 1-8, 2013
A. Seyfoori, Sh. Mirdamadi, Z.S. Seyedraoufi, A. Khavandi, M. Aliofkhazraei, "Synthesis of biphasic calcium phosphate containing nanostructured films by micro arc oxidation on magnesium alloy", Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 142, Issue 1, 15 October 2013, Pages 87–94
A. Seyfoori, Sh. Mirdamadi, M. Mehrjoo, A. Khavandi, "In-vitro assessments of micro arc oxidized ceramic films on AZ31 magnesium implant: Degredation and cell-surface response", Progress in natural science: materials international, V. 23, 425-433, 2013
M. Raoufi, Sh. Mirdamadi, F. Mahboubi, Sh. Ahangarani, M. S. Mahdipoor, H. Elmkhah, "Effect of active screen plasma nitriding pretreatment on wear behaviour of TiN coating deposited by PACVD technique", Applied surface science, V. 258, 7820-7825, 2012
A. Seyfoori, Sh. Mirdamadi, A. Khavandi, M. Raoufi, "Biodegradation behaviour of micro-arc oxidized AZ31 magnesium alloys formed in two different electrolyts",  Applied surface science, V. 261, 92-100, 2012
E. Sharifi, Sh. Mirdamadi, H. Arabi, "In vitro bioactivity of biocomposite fabricated from Ti and Mg powders by powder metallurgy method", advanced materials research, vols 415-417, 2012, 1176-1180
A. H. Javadi, Sh. Mirdamadi, M. A. Faghihisani, S. Shakhesi, R. Soltani, "Fabrication of well-dispersed, multiwalled carbon nanotubes-reinforced aluminium matrix composites", new carbon materials, V. 27, 161-165, 2012
N. Khatami, Sh. Mirdamadi, H. Razavizadeh, "the boron effect on mechanical properties of aged 2024 aluminium alloy", advanced materials research, vol. 339, 2011
S. H. Razavi, Sh. Mirdamadi, M. M. Hormozi, "investigating the physical and mechanical properties of high-copper and silver dental-filling amalgam alloys", iranian journal of materials science and engineering, vol. 8, no. 1, 2011
H. Ghayour, H. R. Rezaie, Sh. Mirdamadi, A. A. Nourbakhsh, "The effect of seed layer thickness on alignment and morphology of ZnO nanorods", vacuum, 2011, 101-105

  H. Ghorbani , A. M. Rashidi , S. Rastegari , S. Mirdamadi , "Mass production of multi-wall carbon nanotubes by metal dusting process with high yield", Materials Research Bulletin (28 January 2011).

  Nami B., Shabestari S.G., Razavi H., Mirdamadi sh., Miresmaeili S.M., "Effect of Ca, RE Elements and Semi-Solid processing on the Microstructure and creep properties of AZ91 Alloy", Materials Science and Engineering A, 528, 1261-1267, 2011.

  Nami B. Razavi H., Miresmaeili S.M., Mirdamadi sh., Shabestari S.G., "Impression creep properties of a semi-solid processed Magnesium-Aluminum Alloy containing Calcium and Rare Earth Elements", Scripta Materialia, 65, 221-224, 2011.

  M. Raoufi, Sh. Mirdamadi, F. Mahboubi, Sh. Ahangarani, M.S. Mahdipoor, H. Elmkhah, " Correlation between the surface characteristics and the duty cycle for the PACVD-derived TiN nanostructured films ," Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 205, Issues 21-22, 25 August 2011, Pages 4980-4984.

 H. Sabet, Sh. Khierandish, Sh. Mirdamadi, M. Goodarzi, " The Microstructure and Abrasive Wear Resistance of Fe-Cr-C Hardfacing Alloys with the Composition of Hypoeutectic, Eutectic, and Hypereutectic at Cr/C = 6", Tribology Letters , Volume 44, Number 2, November 2011 , pp. 237-245(9)

 M.Raoufi, Sh.Mirdamadi, F.Mahboubi, Sh.Ahangarani, M.S.Mahdipoor and H.Elmkhah, "Tribological Study of TiN Nano Structured Films Deposited on Plasma Nitrided H11 Steel by Pulsed DC PACVD", Advanced Materials Research, V. 264-265, 1395-1400 (2011).

  J. Saaedi, H. Arabi, T. W. Coyle, S. Mirdamadi, H. Ghorbani, "Corrosion resistance of Ni-50CrHVOF coatings on 310S alloy substrates in a metal dusting atmosphere" , Materials and Corrosion Volume 62, Issue 9, pages 823–835, September 2011.

B. Nami, S. G. Shabestari, S. M. Miresmaieli, H. Razavi, Sh. Mirdamadi, "The effect of rare earth elements on the kinetics of the isothermal coarsening of the globular solid phase semisolid AZ91 alloy produced via SIMA process", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, V. 489, 570-575, 2010
Nami B., Razavi H., Mirdamadi S., Shabestari S.G., Miresmaeili S.M.," Effect of Ca and Rare Earth Elements on Impression creep properties of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, volume 41A, 1973-1982, 2010.
M. Esfahani, R. Gholamipour, Sh. Mirdamadi, A. Abdolhoseini, T. Ohkobo, "Effect of Ti and C additions on the nanostructure and magnetic properties of (nd, Pr)-(Fe, Co, Ga)-B melt-spun nanocomposite ribbons", Physica B: Condensed Matter, V. 405, 3838-3841, 2010

H. Sabet, Sh. Khierandish, Sh. Mirdamadi, M. Goodarzi, " SEM and XRD Study of Hypoeutectic Fe-Cr-C Hardfacing Alloy Microstructure in as Weld Condition", Journal of Applied Chemical Research, 15, 70-78 (2010).

  H. Ghayour, A. A. Nourbakhsh, Sh. Mirdamadi, H. R. Rezaei, "Illustration of effective parameters on growth of ZnO micro/Nano Rods, on the Borosilicate Glass via Hydrothermal Process", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , Volume 10, Number 11, November 2010 , pp. 7455-7458(4).

  A. Keyvanara, R. Gholamipour, Sh. Mirdamadi, F. Shahri, T. Salavati-Fard, A. Abdolhoseini, "Effect of quenching wheel speed on the structure , magnetic properties and magnetoimpedance effect in Co64Fe4Ni2B19-xSi8Cr3Alx (x=0, 1 and 2) melt-spun ribbons", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 322, Issue 18, p. 2680-2683, 2010.

  H. Aliakbarzadeh, Sh. Mirdamadi, M. Tamizifar, "Effect of Low Zr addition on microallyed cast steel", Materials Science and Technology Vol. 26 Number 11 , pp. 1373-1376, 2010.

A. Sadeghzadeh Attar, M. Sasani, F. Hajiesmaielbeigi, Sh. Mirdamadi, K. Katagiri, K. Koumouto, "Sol-gel template synthesis and characterization of aligned anatase-TiO2 nanorod arrays with different diameter", Materials Chemistry Physics, V. 113, 856-860, 2009
N. Akbari, S. Ghasempur, N. Ghaemi, S. Rezaie, S. Mirdamadi, K. Khajeh, "Application of response surface methodology to optimize conditions for lipase production of a newly isolated Pseudomonas spp.",New Biotechnology,Volume 25, Supplement, September 2009, Pages S88

  A. Sadeghzadeh, M. sasani, F. Hajiesmaeili, Sh. Mirdamadi, K. Katafiri, K. Komo, “Phase Formatlon in a Ni-50Co HVOF Caoting”, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 202, Issue 24, 15 August 2008, Pages 5804–5811

  A. Sadeghzadeh M.sasani, F. Hajiesmaeili, Sh. Mirdamadi, K. Katafiri K.Komo, “Synthesis and characterization of anatase and rutile TiO2nanorods by tempeate – anites method”, J. Mater. Sci., 2008

  A. Sadeghzadeh, M. sasani, F. Hajiesmaeili, Sh. Mirdamadi, K. Katafiri, K.Komo, “Study on the effects of complo ligondsin in the synthesis of TiO2 nanorod arrays unsing the sol-fel template method”, J.of Physics D:Aplied physics, 2008

J. Saaedi, H. Arabi, Sh. Mirdamadi, Th.W. Coyle, " Sigma phase formation in a heat treated Ni-50 Cr coating applied by HVOF process on a stainless steel", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2008
M. Maleki, Sh. Mirdamadi, R. Ghasemzadeh, M. Sasani, "Preparation and characterization of cadmium sulfide nanorods by novel solvothermal method", Materials Letters, V. 62, 1993-1995, 2008

  H. Arabi, Sh. Mirdamadi, A.R. Abdolmaleki, “Synthesis and study of a new class of red pigments based on perouskite YAlO3 structure", ISIJ International, No. 9, 2007

  H. Arabi, Sh. Mirdamadi, A.R. Abdolmaleki, "Temper embrittlement sensitivities of 3Cr-1Mo and 2.25Cr-1Mo low alloy steels", ISIJ International, No. 9, 2007, pp. 1363-1367

  A. Sadeghzadeh, Sh. Mirdamadi, F. Hajesmaeili, M. Sasani, "Growth of TiO2 nanorods by sol-gel template process", Journal Materials Science & Technology, 2007

  H.A. Akbarzadeh, M. Tamizifar, Sh. Mirdamadi, A. Abdolhossani, "Mechanical properties and microstructures of Zr-microalloyed cast steel", ISIJ International, No. 8, 2005, pp. 1201-1204

  M. Movakalati, H.Arabi, Sh. Mirdamadi, S.M. Abbasi, “The Kinetic of precipitation reactions in a rapidly aged high alloy high strength steel”, Iranian J. of Materials Sci., 2005

  H.A. akbarzadeh, Sh. Mirdamadi, M. Tamizifar, M.R. saleh, “Investigation of hardness and impact toughness of Zr-microalloyed cast steel", International Journal of ISSI, No. 1, 2005

  A.R. Abdolmaleki, Sh. Mirdamadi, H. Arabi, M. Rahmanian, "Evaluation of fracture toughness of interface between weld over lay and base metal in hydrocacker reactor", Materials Science and Technology, 2004

  Sh. Razavi, Sh. Mirdamadi, J. Szpunar, H. Arabi, “Improvement of age-hardening Process of a nickel – base superallay IN738LC by induction aging”, J. of Materials Sci., 2002

M.R. Bateni, S. Mirdamadi, F. Ashrafizadeh, J.A. Szpunar, R.A.L. Drew, "Oxidation behaviour of titanium coated copper substrate", Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 139, Issues 2–3, 15 May 2001, Pages 192–199

"The Effect of Spraying Distance and Agglomerate size on the Properties of Nanostructured YSZ Thermal Barrier Coatings Applied by APs", UFGNSM2011

M. Maleki, M. Sasani, Sh. Mirdamadi, R. Ghasemzadeh, "A facial route for preparation of cds nanoparticles", First International Congress On Nanoscience & Nanotechnology.

"Effect of nanocrystalization annealing on magnetic properties and magnetoimpedance of Co-base ribbons", UFGNSM2010

A. Sadeghzadeh, M. Sasemi, F. Haji, Sh. Mirdamadi, "Template-based growth of TiO2 nanorods by sol-gel process", First International Congress On Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

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