
 | Post date: 2015/01/24 | 


Mrs  Sanaieian Haniyeh will present his P.H.D thesis on " Impact of Placement and Form of Semi-Enclosed Spaces on Thermal Performance, Solar Access and Ventilation inside the building  (Contemporary Residential Building in Tehran) " at 11:45 A.M on 25 Januray 2015 under the guidance of Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saraj, Seyed Majid Mofidi Shemrani Advisor: Farshad Nasrollahi .



Semi-enclosed spaces are very common in the architecture all over the world. In Iran, these spaces such as court yard, patio, and etc. have several functions. One of the main function of these places is to reach to solar access and day lighting, but they can effect on energy demand in the building (heating, cooling, lighting) too. Analyzing the semi-open spaces based on their thermal behavior (energy consumption, daylighting and ventilation) and compare them with each can be helpful for designer to make best decisions about the shape, dimensions, proportions, orientation, and location of these spaces in predesign stage.

 This dissertation explains how the placement and shape of semi-enclosed spaces in the buildings of the Tehran impact on energy uses of building. In most previous studies, the effect of thermal variations on energy consumption have been done with an emphasis on the building without regarding to open spaces.

According to the literature reviews, the parameters such as width to depth, height and orientation are the most important factors affecting the thermal behavior of buildings and energy consumption. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the effect of those parameters of semi enclosed spaces on energy consumption, solar energy and ventilation inside the building.

In order to achieve the desired objectives, the buildings with several types of placement of patio and courtyard are compared according the energy uses in buildings. The annual heating, cooling and lighting energy demand are compared. The analysis employs the Energy Plus and Design Builders simulation package to simulate configurations consisting of combinations of values of parameters in order to assess the effects of placement of semi-Enclosed spaces on the energy demand as well as heating, cooling and lighting demand of building. The reference shape is a rectangle and as the contemporary buildings in Iran.

This thesis consists of six main chapters. The first chapter addresses the research questions, necessity and importance, questions, objectives, assumptions and structure of the research. The second chapter deals with the literature review and discuss the semi enclosed spaces in two scales, single building and urban block. In the third chapter the research methods which appropriate to the objectives of the study are elected. The fourth chapter investigates the results of the simulation and in the fifth chapter the result of simulation results will be compared with the measured results. Conclusions and hypothesis testing are examined in Chapter six.


Keywords: Form of Semi-Enclosed Spaces, Patio, Energy Consumption, Solar Access, Ventilation


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