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آدرس: تهران، میدان رسالت، خیابان هنگام، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک

کدپستی: 13114-16846

صندوق پستی: 163-16765



کانال تلگرام تحصیلات تکمیلی  دانشکده

سیستم جامع گلستان


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سایت دانشکده مکانیک را چگونه ارزیابی می کنید:
قطب علمی


قطب علمی مکانیک جامدات تجربی و دینامیک



کانون دانش آموختگان و اساتید دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران

:: دانشجو ::

نام: دکتر کامران دانشجو

رتبه علمی: استاد

تلفن: 50-77240540 داخلی: 8906

فاکس: 77240488

پست الکترونیکی : kdaneshjo AT iust.ac.ir

آدرس: دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تهران، ایران

تحصیلات :

  • دکتری: تحصیل به مدت سه سال و نیم در دانشگاه امپریال کالج لندن، انگلستان (دفاع از پایان نامه در تیر ماه 1368 در دانشگاه صنعتی امیرکبیر )
  • فوق لیسانس: دانشگاه امپریال کالج لندن، انگلستان
  • لیسانس: دانشگاه کویین مری کالج لندن، انگلستان

زمینه های تحقیقاتی :

1. دینامیک سازه‌ها - سازه‌های فضایی
طراحی سازه‌های فضایی و منظومه ماهواره‌ها، دینامیک مداری و بهینه‌سازی مسیر، طراحی مکانیزم‌های فضایی، مدل‌سازی پرنده‌های بدون سرنشین
   - Structural Dynamics
   - Structural Design and Spacecraft Mechanisms
   - Orbital Dynamics and constellation Design
   - System Identification and Dynamics Modeling of UAVs 
2. آکوستیک         
تحلیل و آنالیز اثرات محیط پرتاب و Micro-vibration بر روی فضاپیما، پاسخ آکوستیکی و انتشار امواج، انتقال صوت از طریق محیط‌های متخلخل و سازه‌های ساندویچی، پنهان‌سازی آکوستیکی
   - Acoustic
   - Analysis of Micro-vibration and Launching Environment on Spacecraft 
   - Acoustic Response and Wave Propagation 
   - Sound Transmission through Porous medium and Sandwich Structures 
   - Acoustic Cloaking
3. تحلیل و آنالیز سازه‌ها به روش اجزاء محدود
   - Finite Element Analysis

 تألیف کتاب:

  • حسین بلندی، محمدعلی شرکت معصوم، کامران دانشجو، محمد نصیری، محمد سلیمانی و مجید قاسمی، "مقدمه‌ای بر اصول طراحی ماهواره"، انتشارات شرکت صنایع الکترونیک ایران (مرکز تحقیقات عالی الکترونیک)،  سال 1378
  • کامران دانشجو و شهرام رضایی، "دینامیک وضعیت و موقعیت ماهواره"، انتشارات شرکت صنایع الکترونیک ایران،سال 1379
  • کامران دانشجو و مرتضی رمضانی، "طراحی ماهواره: سازه و مکانیزم‌ها"،مرکز انتشارات علمی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، سال 1381
  • کامران دانشجو و مرتضی رمضانی، "روشهای جدید در تحلیل المان محدود"، مرکز انتشارات عملی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، سال 1383
  • کامران دانشجو و مهدی فکور، "خودآموز CATIA"، انتشارات دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی دفتر گسترش تولید علم، سال 1385
  • کامران دانشجو، محمدرضا حسینی نامی، مهدی فکور، زهرا دانشجو، "اصول طراحی وسایل بازشونده در ماهواره"، انتشارات دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم و تحقیقات، سال 1392

مقالات منتشر شده:

I.Published Journal Papers

  1. Bakhtiari, M., Daneshjou, K.,  Fakoor, M., “Long-Term Effects of Main-body’s Obliquity on Satellite Formation Perturbed by Third-Body Gravity in Elliptical and Inclined Orbit”,  Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics , Vol. 17, Issue. 4, pp. 39-59, 2017
  2. Bakhtiari, M., Daneshjou, K., Abbasali, E., “A new approach to derive a formation flying model in the presence of a perturbing body in inclined elliptical orbit: relative hovering analysis configuration”, Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol. 362, Issue. 36, pp. 1-15, 2017
  3. Daneshjou, K., Talebitooti, R., Kornokar, M., “Vibroacoustic study on a multilayered functionally graded cylindrical shell with poroelastic core and bonded-unbonded configuration”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 393, Issue. 1, pp. 157-175, 2017
  4. Daneshjou, K., Bakhtiari, M., Tarkashvand, A., “Wave propagation and transient response of a fluid-filled FGM cylinder with rigid core using the inverse Laplace transform”, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, Vol. 61, Issue. 1, pp. 420-432, 2017
  5. Daneshjou, K., Talebitooti, R., Tarkashvand, A., “An exact solution of three-dimensional elasticity for sound transmission loss through FG cylinder in presence of subsonic external flow”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 120, Issue. 1, pp. 105-119, 2017
  6. Bakhtiari, M., Daneshjou, K., Alibakhshi, R., “A New Approach to Thermal Analysis of a Multilayered Cylindrical Structure with Imperfect Bonds and Internal Heat Source”,  Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 138, Issue. 12, 2016
  7. Daneshjou, K., Talebitooti, R., Tarkashvand, A., “Investigation on Sound Transmission through Thick-Wall Cylindrical Shells using 3D- Theory of Elasticity in the Presence of External and Mean Air-Gap Flow”,  Journal of Vibration and Control, Pages: 1077546316655723, 2016
  8. Daneshjou, K., Talebitooti, R., Tarkashvand, A., “Analysis of sound transmission loss through thick-walled cylindrical shell using three-dimensional elasticity theory source”,  International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 106, Issue 1, pp. 286-296, 2016
  9. Daneshjou, K., Bakhtiari, M.,  Parsania, H.,  Fakoor, M., “Non-Fourier heat conduction analysis of infinite 2D orthotropic FG hollow cylinders subjected to time-dependent heat source”,  Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 98, Issue 1, pp. 582-590, 2016
  10. Talebitooti, R., Daneshjou, K., Kornokar, M., “Three dimensional sound transmission through poroelastic cylindrical shells in the presence ofsubsonic flow”,  Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 363, Issue 1, pp. 380-406, 2016
  11. Talebitooti, R., Daneshjou, K., Jafari, S.A.M., Alibakhshi, R., Fakoor, M., “Optimal control of laminated plate integrated with piezoelectric sensor and actuator considering TSDT and meshfree method”,  European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids Rockets , Vol. 55, Issue 1, pp. 199-211, 2016
  12. Daneshjou, K., Bakhtiari, M., Alibakhshi, R., Fakoor, M., “Transient Thermal Analysis in 2D Orthotropic FG Hollow Cylinder with Heat Source”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , Vol. 89, Issue 1, pp. 977-984, 2015
  13. Mansourinejad, H., Sharavi, M., Daneshjou, K., “Design and Analysis of Oscillation-Decreasing Mechanism on the Deployable Composite Boom Source”,  Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets , Vol. 52, Issue 4, pp. 1091-1100, 2015
  14. Daneshjou,K., Talebitooti, M., “Free Vibration Analysis of Rotating Stiffened Composite Cylindrical Shells by using the Layerwise-Differential Quadrature (LW-DQ) Method”, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Vol. 50, Issue 1, pp. 21-38, 2014
  15. Rahimzadeh,M., Daneshjou, K., “A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON PROPAGATION OF ELASTIC WAVES IN RANDOM PARTICULATE COMPOSITES”,  Latin American Journal of solids and Structures, Vol. 11, No. 9, pp. 1565-1590, 2014
  16.  Talebitooti, M., Daneshjou, K., Talebitooti, R., “Vibration and Critical Speed of Orthogonally Stiffened Rotating FG Cylindrical Shell under Thermo-mechanical Loads Using Differential Quadrature Method”, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Vol. 36, Issue 2, pp. 160-188, 2013
  17. Daneshjou, K., Talebitooti, M., Talebitooti, R., “Free vibration and critical speed of moderately thick rotating laminated composite conical shell using generalized differential quadrature method”, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 34, Issue 4, pp. 437-456, 2013
  18. Daneshjou, K.,  Talebitooti, M.,  Talebitooti, R., Saeidi Googarchin, H.,Dynamic Analysis and critical speed of rotating laminated conical shells with orthogonal stiffeners using generalized differential quadrature method”, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, vol.10, No.2, pp. 349-390, 2013
  20.  Daneshjou, K., Ramezani, H., Talebitooti, R., “Wave transmission through laminated composite double-walled cylindrical shell lined with porous materials”, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 32, Issue 6, pp. 701-718, 2011
  21. Babaei, B.,  Shokrieh, M. M., Daneshjou, K., “The ballistic resistance of multi-layered targets impacted by rigid projectiles”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 530, pp. 208–217, 2011
  22.  Daneshjou, K., Shokrieh, M. M.,  Ghorbani Moghaddam, M., Talebitooti, R., “Analytical model of sound transmission through relatively thick FGM cylindrical shells considering third order shear deformation theory”, Composite Structures, Vol. 93, Issue 1, pp. 67–78, 2010
  23. Daneshjou, K., Nouri, A., Talebitooti, R.,Analytical model of sound transmission through orthotropic cylindrical shells with subsonic external flow”, Vol. 13, Issue 1, pp. 18–26, 2009
  24. Daneshjou, K., Talebitooti, R., Nouri, A., “Investigation model of sound transmission through orthotropic cylindrical shells with subsonic external flow”, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 13, pp. 18-26, 2009
  25. Daneshjou, K., Talebitooti, R., Nouri, A.,Acoustic Transmission Through Cylindrical Shells Treated with FLD Mechanisms”, Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 299-306, 2009
  26. Daneshjou, K., Nouri, A., Talebitooti, R., “Analytical model of sound transmission through laminated composite cylindrical shells considering transverse shear deformation”, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 29, Issue 9, pp. 1165-1177, 2008
  27. Daneshjou, K., Talebitooti, R., Nouri, A., Analytical model of sound transmission through orthotropic  double walled cylindrical shells”, Transactions of the CSME /de la SCGM, Vol. 32, No.1, 2008
  28. Daneshjou, K., Shahravi, M., “The Role of Simulation in Long-rod Ricochet Phenomenon”, Mech. & Aerospace Eng. J., Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 69-86, 2008
  29. Daneshjou, K., Fakoor, M., “Efficient Algorithm for Reliability Analysis of Structures under Random Vibration”, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 11, pp. 1293-1304, 2007
  30.  Daneshjou, K.,  Nouri, A.,  Talebitooti, R., “Sound transmission through laminated composite cylindrical shells using analytical model”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 77, Issue 6, pp. 363-379, 2007
  31. Daneshjou, K., Shahravi, M., Rahimzadeh, M., “Comparative Study of Nose Profile Role in Long-Rod Penetration”, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 635-643, 2007
  32. Daneshjou, K.,  Talebitooti, M.,  Talebitooti, R., Vibration and Critical Speed of Axially loaded Rotating Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells”, Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology (JAST), Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 37-43, 2007
  33. Daneshjou, K., Nouri, A., Talebitooti, R., SOUND TRANSMISSION THROUGH LAMINATED COMPOSITE CYLINDRICAL SHELLS, CONSIDERING TRANSVERSE SHEAR DEFORMATION”, Mech. & Aerospace Eng. J., Vol. 2 , No. 2, pp. 71-84, 2006
  34. Daneshjou, K., Kochakinejad, A. , Rahimzadeh, M., “Numerical study of long rods penetration depth in semiinfinite targets in electromagnetic launchers”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 375-379, 2005
  35. Dehghan Nayeri, M. R., Alasty, A., Daneshjou, K., “Neural optimal control of flexible spacecraft slew maneuver”, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 55, Issue 10, pp. 817–827, 2004
  36. Zamani, A., Daneshjou, K., Tak, A. A. J.,Estimating the incidence of neonatal hearing loss in high risk neonates”, Acta Medica Iranica, Vol. 42(3), pp. 176-180, 2004
  37. Daneshjou, K., Ramezani, M.,Classical coupled thermoelasticity in laminated composite plates based on third-order shear deformation theory”, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, Vol. 64 , No. 3-4, pp. 369-375, 2004
  39. Daneshjou, K., Alasti,  A., Rezaei, Sh., “ATTITUDE CONTROL SYSTEM OF Z-SAT”, IRANIAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (ENGLISH), Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-13, 2001

II.Conference Papers

  • “Analysis of Viscoelastic Boundary Conditions on Vibration of a Beam”, 13th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2005.
  • “Sound Transmission Analysis from Cylindrical Isotropic Shells with Infinite Length”, 13th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2005.
  • “Calculation of RMS Von-Mises Stress in Structures Under Random Vibration Using SVD Method”, 13th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2005.
  • “An Efficient Algorithm for Failure Analysis of Mechanical Structures under Random Loading”, 12th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2004.
  • “Estimation of Propulsion System Acoustic Loads”, 12th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2004.
  • “Computation of Von-Mises Stress Distribution on Structures Under Random Loading Using Monte Carlo Simulation”, 12th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2004.
  • “Flexible Satellite Simulator Design”, 12th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2004.
  • “Structural Design and Modeling of an Electromagnetic Launcher”, 11th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2003.
  • “Simulation and frequency Response Calculation of a Space Structure due to Random Vibration”, 11th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2003.
  • “Conceptual Design of Attitude Control Simulators for Rigid and Flexible Satellites”, Second Aero Space Industries Conference, Jan 2004.
  • “Conceptual Design of Solar Array Mechanism”, Second Aero Space Industries Conference, Dec 2004.
  • “Design of Satellite’s Acoustic Test Room”, Second Aero Space Industries Conference, Dec 2004.
  • “Random Vibration Analysis of a Small Satellite”, Second Aero Space Industries Conference, Dec 2004.
  • “Design and Fabrication of E-Glass / Silicone Composite With Elastic Properties, Using in Expandable and Retractable Space Structures”, 6th Iranian Metallurgy Conference, Nov 2002.
  • “Study of Al 2024 Thermomechanical Aging and it’s affects on Satellite Structural Weight”, First Metal Forming Conference, May 2002.
  • “Mathematical Model for Natural Frequencies of a Satellite Structure”, Iranian Aero Space Conference, May 2002.
  • “Physical - Mechanical Property Optimization of Tungsten - Copper Composites for Using in the Structure of a Railgun E.M.L.”, 10th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2002.
  • “Design of Coil-able control Boom with Simple Mechanical Structure”, 10th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2002.
  • “Dynamic and Shock Analysis of a Satellite Structure”, 10th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2002.
  • “Study of Thermomechanical Aging in Tensile Properties of Al 2024”, 5th Iranian Metallurgy Conference, Nov 2001.
  • “Study of Infiltration Process in Optimizing the Tungsten - Copper Composite”, 5th Iranian Metallurgy Conference, Nov 2001.
  • “Design and Optimization of a Satellite Stabilization”, 9th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2001.
  • “Design and Static Analysis of an EML Structure with F.E. Method”, 9th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2001.
  • “Integration of Satellite Stabilization Control System”, First Iranian International Aero Space Conference, Jan 2001.
  • “Design of Control Boom in Gravity Gradient Stabilization”, 8th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2001.
  • “Analytical Model of Sound Transmission through Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells”, 13th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference May 2005 Isfahan University of Technology. Isfahan, Iran.
  • “Developing an Efficient Method in Small Satellite’s System Integration in the Phase of Conceptual Design”, 12th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2004.
  • “Design, Analysis and Modeling of an Electromagnetic Launcher (HPEL)”, 12th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2004.
  • “Reliability and Failure Analysis of a Small Satellite under Random Loading”, 12th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference, May 2004.
  • “Effect of Spin Stabilized Attitude Control System on Small Satellite’s Configuration in the Conceptual Design Phase”, International Aerospace Conference, Feb 2004.
  • “Structural analysis of Space Vehicle using Tresca Stress Criterion in Random Vibration Environment”, International Aerospace Conference, Feb 2004.
  • “Tribological Problems in Space Mechanisms”, International Aerospace Conference, Feb 2004.
  • “Formulization of Satellite Structure Conceptual Design”, 11th International Mechanical Engineering conference, May 2003.
  • “Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Coil-able Control Boom in Scaled Laboratory Model for a Small Satellite”, International Aerospace Conference, Feb 2003.
  • “Design and Analysis of Z-SAT Control System”, 10th International Mechanical Engineering conference, May 2002.
  • “FARAGAM Algorithm in Satellite Layout”, the 6th APC-MCSTA, Sep 2001.
  • “Design and Analysis of ZS3-SAT Structure”, 9th International Mechanical Engineering conference, May 2001.
  • “Satellite Simultaneous Attitude Orbit Determination via Kalman Filtering of Magnetometer Data”, 9th International Mechanical Engineering conference, May 2001.
  • “Effects of Orbital Perturbation on Trajectory of the L.E.O Satellite”, International Aerospace conference, Dec 2000.
  • “Dynamic Modeling and Stability Analysis of Z-SAT”, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Conference, August 2000.
  • “Control Boom Design of Z-SAT”, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Conference, August 2000.
  • “Structural Design of Z Satellite”, 5th APC-MCSTA, 1999.


  • An Introduction to Satellite Design
  • Dynamic of Satellite attitude
  • Satellite Design: Structures and Mechanisms
  • New Methods in Finite Element Analysis

ارائه دروس

• کارشناسی

  • Design of Airplane Structure
  • Mechanical Vibrations
  • Mechanics of Material
  • Statics

تحصیلات تکمیلی

  • Design of Advanced Space Structures
  • Finite Element Method
دفعات مشاهده: 111398 بار   |   دفعات چاپ: 5713 بار   |   دفعات ارسال به دیگران: 851 بار   |   0 نظر

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