Ceremony for Honoring Current and Retired Professors


 Ministry of Science, Research and Technology:

 Iran University of Science and Technology is one of the best Universities around the World


 A ceremony to show gratitude and appreciation to current and 1390 retired professors of Iran University of Science and Technology was held on Monday the 11th of Ordibehesht 1391 in the Imam Khomeini (RA) cultural complex, with the attendance of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology,administrative staff, and faculty members.


 The minister of science, research and technology, Dr. Daneshjoo, expressed gratitude for being among his IUST co-workers, in where he expressed: “In my opinion, Iran University of Science and Technology is one of the best universities around the world.” Throughout the course of his speech, Dr. Daneshjoo responded to the comments and concernsmade by members of the advisory board.  

 Dr. Daneshjoo finds an utmost importance in the relationship betweenindustry and university, “Around the world, it is the professor who introduces himself to the industry, and the industry puts its trust in him, wherein results in an agreement with the university. In my opinion, perhaps the problem in our academia lies in this lack of understanding between industry and university. We must transform this relationship from a mechanical environment into a more natural and organic atmosphere.” 

 “This year,” Dr. Daneshjoo continued, “one of our programs is to relocate our research centers, initially to the ministry, and later to the universities.” He emphasized, “Research centers do not copy universities, rather they attempt to educate the research student.” Dr. Daneshjoofurther added that we are responsible to increasea higher capacity for education, for if we do not, we will be liable.


 Dr. Daneshjoo urged to increase the capacity for accepting PhD candidates, “Our country has about thirty thousand associate professors, and if each of them accept at least one PhD student, we can increase the current number of PhD students from five thousand members to a well thirty thousand.” 

 He furtherexpressed that our country’s universities have the necessary resources to compete with universities around the world. “We do not lack resources, although we must have programs for these resources, especially since the Islamic Republic’s president has granted a budget of one hundred and fifty billion Tomanstowards these resources.” 

 Dr. Daneshjoopraised our country’s professors, expressing “I believe our professors are among the best professors around the world.” 

 Regarding the Islamic trend in our universities, he expressed that “Knowledge is a tool for attaining the obvious. Now if the obvious is ‘creation’, that which we attain is in practice an interpretation of divine act; for creation has both a purpose and a creator. In other words, knowledge becomes a tool for the growth of man, not to dominate him.”  

 The Minister of Scienceexplained that an Islamic university is only possible when Islamic ethics and thoughts are in practice, and its' text resemble Islamic text. When done in this manner, an Islamic university can increase a country’s scientific growth to great lengths.  

 Early on, Dr. JabalAmoli, IUST’s chancellor, praised its professors onteacher appreciation day noting that “Iran University of Science and Technology has been successful in creating a turning point in its growth activities. The University of Science and Technology succeeded in launching a five year program with the help of its schools and faculty members. He expressed that while some areas lacked and require further work, IUST has accomplished many of its goals.” 

 Dr. JabalAmoliexpressed gratitude for the promising conditions in the fields of knowledge production, “We hold second place in technical and engineeringfields, and first place in three to five schools of our institution. Let it not be forgotten IUST continues to hold first place in the field of industry and its relationship with the university. Conventional industry projects handled by IUST have always been triumphant.” 

 Dr. JabalAmolifurther acclaimed, “A country’s development relies heavily on its advancement in technology, for which to God’s grace, the University of Science and Technology has achieved this honor.” 

 The chancellor referred to the agreement made for the design and build of the satellite with Iran’s Department of Air and Space, “This satellite is responsible for thexerography, sending and receiving images from space to our bases on earth. We owe it to our co-workers who carried out this mission to its fullest.” He added, “With support from Iran’s Neural Technology Center, we haveadvanced greatly in the field of neurology. Furthermore, the “Para Walk” project has improvedour levels of trade.” 

 Dr. JabalAmoli praised the first build of glass fibers in the country, which wascarried out by the Composite Department of the university. He added, “Other important research in the university are under way, and we are certain that if management capacity allows, we would give our faculty members further technical projects within their fields.” While acknowledging university achievements in the field of education and technology, Dr. JabalAmoli expressed, "that by the grace of God, and the support of the minister and the vicegerentof the Ministry of Science, presently our co-workers in the specialized councils of the Ministry of Science, and within different departments of the university are consulted in important decision making tasks in the fields of technology.” In the end he welcomed new faculty members to the IUST family.

   Upon receiving permission for the laboratory of Iran’s Science and Technology from the Ministry of Sciencehe said, “honesty the ninth and tenth nations have solved obvious university problems, and we too should gradually be more effective in the field of industry in order to solve our research problems.” The university chancellor concluded his speech by looking forward to the future with a better effort of the faculty members in a warm and close environment, so to create a welcoming educational environment in the country.  

 Dr. Daneshjoo and Dr. JabalAmoli ended the ceremony by presenting recognition awards to IUST retired faculty members of 1390.






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