Dr. Amirhasan Kakaee

 | Post date: 2024/12/8 | 

Dr. Amirhasan Kakaee ,Associate


Research laboratory

Class schedule

 Email: kakaee_ah(At)iust.ac.ir
 Phone: (+9821) 77240540 Ext.: 3476
 Fax: ---
 Phone: (+9821) 73223476
 Postal code: 1684613114  
 Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, University St., Hengam St., Resalat Square, Tehran, Iran.
Persian Profile
  Virtual lab
  Research laboratory

     Education  | Honors and Awards | Courses  | Research Interests | Executive Responsibilites | Patents Projects | Memberships | Thesis | BooksJournals | Conferences


 Ph.D.:Mechanical Engineering,

  (Major: Conversion of Energy, Minor: CFD and Heat Transfer)Sharif University of Technology, Mean Grade: 16.13 Quality of Final Thesis: Excellent

  •   Determination of the Temperature of Moving Surface   with Inverse Analysis                

 M.Sc.: Mechanical Engineering,

  Conversion of Energy, Sharif University of Technology, Mean Grade: 17.64

  •   Analysis of Incompressible Laminar Fluid Flow with Unstructured Grid
 B.Sc.: Mechanical Engineering,

  Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Sharif University of Technology, Mean Grade: 16.39

  • Technical and Economical Comparison Between Gas Turbine and Steam Power Plant for Capacities bellow 50 MW

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Sharif University of Technology
  1. Fluid Flow Lab (6 Semesters- B.Sc.)
  2. Heat Exchanger Design (1 Semesters- B.Sc.)
  3. Design of Water Distribution Systems (1 Semesters- B.Sc.)
  4. Design of Refrigeration Systems (1 Semesters- B.Sc.)
  5. Process Integration Methods (1 Semesters- M.Sc.)
  6. Group of Mechanical Engineering – Faculty of Engineering – University of Semnan
  7. Heat Transfer 2 (1 Semesters- B.Sc.)
  8. Heat Exchanger Design (3 Semesters- B.Sc.)
  9. Design of Water Distribution Systems (2 Semesters- B.Sc.)
  10. Fluid Flow (3 Semesters- B.Sc.)
  11. Group of Industrial Design – Faculty of Visional Art – University of Tehran
  12. Math 1 (2 Semesters- B.A.)
  13. Math2 (1 Semesters- B. A.)
  14. Physics 2 – Dynamics (1 Semesters- B. A.)
  15. Physics 3 – Electricity and Optics (2 Semesters- B. A.)
  16. Technical Design 1 – Strength of Materials (1 Semesters- B. A.)
  17. Technical Design 2 – Machines and Mechanisms Design (2 Semesters- B. A.)
  18. Technical Design 3 – Hydraulics and Pneumatics (2 Semesters- B. A.)
  19. Project 9 – Design for Manufacturing (2 Semesters- B. A.)
  20. Fundamentals of Economics and Management (2 Semesters- B. A.)
  21. Advance Manufacturing Methods (2 Semesters- M. A.)
  22. Analytical Geometry (1 Semesters- M. A.)
  23. Project 3 – Design for Manufacturing (1 Semesters- M. A.)

 Faculty of Automotive Engineering – Iranian University of Science and Technology

  1. Computational Fluid Dynamics (2 Semesters- M.Sc.)
  2. Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Automotive (1 Semesters- M.Sc.)
  3. Advance Internal Combustion Engine (1 Semesters- M.Sc.)
  4. Advance Design and Simulation of Internal Combustion Engine (1 Semesters- M.Sc.)

  1. Computational Fluid Dynamics
  2.   Inverse Analysis and Simulation
  3.   Heat Exchanger Design
  4.   Design of Mechanical Laboratory Equipments
  5.   Design of Experiments for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Internal Combustion Engine
  6.   Energy Auditing in Industries and Optimization
  7.   Change Management and Strategic Management
  8.   Industrial Design Management 

 Engineering Experts

  1. Computational Fluid Mechanics
  2. Finite Element Method
  3. Finite Volume Method
  4. Statistical Analysis
  5. Simulation
  6. Forecasting Analysis
  7. Sensitivity Analysis
  8. Systematic Design
  9. Exergy Analysis
  10. Nonlinear Optimization
  11. Energy Consumption Reduction
  12. Ergonomic Analysis

Other Experts

  1. General Management
  2. Strategic Management
  3. Change Management
  4. Problem Solving Methods In Group
  5. Quality Assurance Standards
  6. ISO9000
  7. QS9000
  8. TS16469
  9. Energy Audit
  10. Energy Management


  1. Head of the Powertrain Department, School of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2017-2018

  2. Head of the Creativity Office, School of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2006-2010

  3. Responsible for Martyr and Veteran Students, School of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2012-2014

  4. Deputy of Automotive Research, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2006

  5. Deputy of Education and Research, School of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2007-2011

  6. Director of the Growth and Entrepreneurship Center, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2011-2014

  7. CEO of Industrial Renovation Company of Iran, 2007-2009

  8. Deputy of the Industrial Design Group, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, 2005


  1. Amirhossein Kakaei – Ali Yadollahi, "Device for Testing the Pressure Drop of Incoming Air to the Vehicle", 2011


 Project Experience:
  1. National Car Platform Design Project

  2. National High-Speed Train Project

  3. Supervision of the 25 MW National Turbine Project

  4. Establishment of the Gas Turbine Institute

  5. Smoothing the Timing of Valve Opening and Closing Based on Urban Driving Cycle, 2013

  6. Optimization of Valve Timing in VVT System for XU7 Engine, 2011

  7. Sensitivity Analysis of Engine Performance to Ambient Temperature, 2008

  8. Optimization and Conversion of 1300 cc Pride Engine for 15% Power Increase, 2007

  9. M. Farshchi, M. Gholafshani, A.H. Kakaei, Calculation of Aerodynamic Forces for Ballistic Missiles: Solving Two-Dimensional Incompressible Flow Equations Using an Unstructured Grid Numerical Method, 1994

  10. B. Farhaniyeh, S. Shariat-Panahi, A.H. Kakaei, Design, Calculation, and Construction of a Subsonic Wind Tunnel, 1995

  11. B. Farhaniyeh, A.H. Kakaei, Design and Production of Computer Code Using Inverse Problem Analysis Method for Furnace Design, 1996

  12. B. Farhaniyeh, A.H. Kakaei, Solving Two-Dimensional Flow with Heat and Mass Transfer Using Finite Volume and Finite Element Methods, 1997

  13. B. Farhaniyeh, A.H. Kakaei, Solving Thermal Inverse Problem with Fixed Temperature Boundary Using Conjugate Gradient Method, 1998

  14. B. Farhaniyeh, A.H. Kakaei, Determining Surface Temperature of Moving Freezing Object, 1999

  15. B. Farhaniyeh, A.H. Kakaei, Measuring Heat Transfer Coefficient in Closed Chamber Using Sensitivity Coefficient Determination Method, 2000

  16. B. Farhaniyeh, A.H. Kakaei, Determining Error and Reliability in Measuring Heat Production in Low-Rate Chemical Reaction, 2001

  17. S. Kazemzadeh Hanani, M.H. Saeedi, A.H. Kakaei, Energy Conservation and Optimization in Gas Storage Water Heaters: Identification Phase, 2001

  18. B. Farhaniyeh, S. Shariat-Panahi, A.H. Kakaei, Determining Uncertainty in Wind Tunnel Test Results of Vehicle Radiators, 2002

  19. S. Kazemzadeh Hanani, M.H. Saeedi, A.H. Kakaei, Energy Conservation and Optimization in Gas Storage Water Heaters: Optimization Phase, 2002

  20. B. Farhaniyeh, A.H. Kakaei, Investigation of Factors Affecting Thermal Test Results of Automotive Air Conditioners, 2003

 Industrial Research Work:

  1. Proposal and Execution of Two-Cylinder Wankel Engine Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, for Aerospace Industries Organization, 2012-2014

  2. Proposal and Supervision Collaboration on the Design and Construction of the 25 MW National Turbine Project, for National Iranian Gas Company, 2013

  3. Proposal and Collaboration in Managing the National Floor Design Project, Iran University of Science and Technology, for Supreme Council of Science, Research, and Technology, 2012-2014

  4. Collaboration in Managing the National High-Speed Train Project, Iran University of Science and Technology, for Supreme Council of Science, Research, and Technology, 2012-2014

  5. Collaboration in Studying the Role of Trailer and Tractor on Performance and Safety of Heavy Products of Iran Khodro Diesel, Iran University of Science and Technology, for Iran Khodro Diesel Company, 2013

  6. Writing a Computer Code for Solving Three-Dimensional Combustion Flow in Cylinder, Sharif University of Technology, for Iran Khodro Company, Role: Expert and Software Developer, 1996

  7. Fuel Injection of Z24 Engine, Researchers of Akhtar Engineering Research and Design Company, for Pars Khodro Company, Role: Project Manager, 1996-1997

  8. Optimization of Electrical Energy Consumption in Evaporative Coolers, Researchers of Akhtar Engineering Research and Design Company, for Niroo Research Institute, Role: Test Designer, 1996

  9. Feasibility Study of Using Evaporative Coolers in Paykan, Researchers of Akhtar Engineering Research and Design Company, for Household Appliances Research Company, Role: Expert, 1997

  10. Experimental and Theoretical Comparison of Aluminum and Copper Radiator Performance, Sharif University of Technology, for SAPCO Company, Role: Project Manager, 2002

  11. Standard Investigation of Automotive Air Conditioners, Sharif University of Technology, for SAPCO Company, Role: Project Manager, 2002

  12. Modeling and Optimization of Gas Storage Water Heater, Sharif Energy Research Institute, for National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, Role: Expert and Scientific Manager, 2001-2002

  13. Modeling and Optimization of Gas Range Oven, Sharif Energy Research Institute, for National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, Role: Expert and Scientific Manager, 2001-2002

  14. Optimal Design of Rubber Fender for Offshore Platforms, Part Rubber Company, for Offshore Industries Company, Role: Project Manager, 1999

  15. Fuel Consumption Optimization, Sharif University of Technology, for Mazandaran Wood and Paper Industries, Role: Expert, 2003

 Design and Construction of Laboratory Devices:

  1. Vibration Testing of Rubber Vibration Damper, Tama Engineering Research and Design Company, for Tehran Conveyor Belt Company, Role: Collaborator, 1994

  2. Airflow Testing of Evaporative Cooler, Tama Engineering Research and Design Company, for Iranian Standard and Industrial Research Institute, Role: Designer and Project Manager, 1994

  3. Life Testing of Paykan Turn Signal Lever, Researchers of Akhtar Engineering Research and Design Company, for SAPCO Company, Role: Designer and Project Manager, 1996

  4. Thermal Efficiency Testing of Evaporative Cooler, Researchers of Akhtar Engineering Research and Design Company, for Iranian Standard and Industrial Research Institute, Role: Designer and Project Manager, 1996

  5. Thermal Efficiency and Airflow Testing of Automotive Radiators, for Kooshesh Radiator Company, Role: Designer and Project Manager, 2001

  6. Thermal Conductivity Testing of Building Materials, Sharif University of Technology, for National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, Role: Designer and Project Manager, 2004

 Supervision and Construction of Laboratory Devices:

  1. Completion of Thermal Test Device, Sharif University of Technology, for SAPCO Company, Role: Software Executor, 1999

  2. Energy Consumption Testing Device for Gas Storage Water Heater, Sharif Energy Research Institute, for National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, Role: Supervisor and Software Executor, 2002

  3. Energy Consumption Testing Bed for Gas Heater, Sharif Energy Research Institute, for National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, Role: Supervisor, 2002

  4. Energy Consumption Testing Bed for Kerosene Heater, Sharif Energy Research Institute, for National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, Role: Supervisor, 2002

  5. Energy Consumption Testing Bed for Gas Range, Sharif Energy Research Institute, for National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, Role: Supervisor, 2002

 Laboratory Design:

  1. Optimization of Radiator Wind Tunnel Laboratory, ARMCO Company, Role: Supervisor and Designer, 2002

  2. Completion of Thermal-Mechanical Laboratory for Automotive Radiators, Kooshesh Radiator Company, Role: Supervisor and Designer, 2003

  3. Completion of Thermal-Mechanical Laboratory for Automotive Radiators, Iran Radiator Company, Role: Supervisor and Designer, 2003

 Industrial Design:

  1. Design of 12 Amphitheater Chair Models, Researchers of Akhtar Engineering Research and Design Company, for Nik Negaran Company, Role: Designer and Project Manager, 1996-2001

  2. Design of 1 Wheelchair Model, Researchers of Akhtar Engineering Research and Design Company, for Nik Negaran Company, Role: Designer and Project Manager, 2001

  3. Design of Modular Amphitheater Chair Installation System, Researchers of Akhtar Engineering Research and Design Company, for Nik Negaran Company, Role: Designer and Project Manager, 2001


  1. Renovation of Refah Store Facilities on Jomhouri Eslami Street, Researchers of Akhtar Engineering Research and Design Company, Role: Supervisor, 1996
  2. Renovation of Majlis (Iranian Parliament) Facilities, Researchers of Akhtar Engineering Research and Design Company, Role: Supervisor, 1997
  3. Project for Installation of Wind Deflectors on Heavy Vehicles, Sharif University of Technology, for National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, 2003


  1. Iran Khodro Company – 2014 to present – Advisor to the Deputy CEO in Education and University Affairs

  2. Institute for Trade Studies and Research – 2018 to present – Advisor for Developing the Roadmap for a Competitive Automotive Industry

  3. Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) – 2010 to present – Collaboration in Drafting and Completing Automotive Industry Strategy

  4. Megamotor Company – 2010 – Strategic Advisor to the CEO

  5. Nazar Publishing Company – March 2010 to July 2010 – Strategic Consultant for Venture Capital Investment

  6. Offset Iran Company – 2008 – Drafting the Company's Strategic Plan

  7. Industrial Renovation Company of Iran – March 2007 to November 2009 – CEO

  8. IDRO – 2008 to 2009 – Automotive Industry Strategy Design and Council Secretary

  9. IDRO – 2007 to 2008 – Consultation Topic: Creating Synergy in IDRO Subsidiary Companies

  10. Iran Radiator Company – 2002 to 2005 – Consultation Topic: System Optimization, including Design System and Change Management

  11. Parsigaz Company – 2005 to 2007 – Consultation Topic: System Optimization and Change Management

  12. Nik Negaran Company – 1996 to 2001 – Consultation Topic: Implementing Quality Control System

  13. Kooshesh Radiator Company – 1996 to 2003 – Consultation Topic: Optimization of Parts and Testing Affairs

  14. ARMCO – 2001 – Consultation Topic: Implementing Engineering Design System

  15. Part Rubber Company – 2000 – Consultation Topic: Optimization of Engineering System




  1. Member of the University Publications Council, 2008 to present

  2. Evaluation of Technology and Patent Claims for Industry Relations Management, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2011 to present

  3. Member of the Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers – since 1992

  4. Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers – since 2002

  5. Member of the Society of Automotive Engineers – since 2006

  6. Collaboration in the Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers Conference at Sharif University of Technology, 1994

  7. Organizer of the First Student Conference of the Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers at Semnan University, 2001

  8. Editorial Board Member of the Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers – 2001

  9. Active Member of the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, and Monthly Newsletter Producer, 2004-2005

 Team and Society Membership:
  1. Assistant in Conference of ISME 1373 in Sharif University of Technology
  2.   Chief of first Student Conference of ISME 1380 In university of Semnan
  3.   ASME Member 2002
  4.   ISME Member
  5.   Sharif Alumni Member
  6.   عضویت در هیئت تحریریه انجمن مهندسان مکانیک ایران – 1380


Supervision of B.Sc. Projects:

  1. Karimian, H., Optimization of Water Distribution Network, Farshchi, M., Kakaee, A.H., ThermoFluid Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1373
  2. Lesani, B., Optimum Selection of Pumps in Water Distribution Network, Farshchi, M., Kakaee, A.H., ThermoFluid Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1373
  3. Kheinbari, M., Design of Home Gas Distribution Branch by Computer, Farhanieh, B., Kakaee, A.H., ThermoFluid Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1374
  4. Sayyadi, H., Thermo Hydraulic Design and Optimization of 1 Phase Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers by Computer, Farshchi, M., Kakaee, A.H., ThermoFluid Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1373
  5. Rashidi Rostami, F., Investigation of Using Disk Brake for Rear Axle of Paykan, Ahamadian, M.T., Kakaee, A.H., Solid Mechanics Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1374
  6. Jalili, A., Design of Test Equipment of Evaporative Coolers, Farhanieh, B., Kakaee, A.H., ThermoFluid Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1374
  7. Emami, A., Mechanical Design of 1 Phase Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers by Computer, Farshchi, M., Kakaee, A.H., ThermoFluid Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1375
  8. Dabbagh, B., Design of Test Equipment for Coolers of Buses, Farshchi, M., Kakaee, A.H., ThermoFluid Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1375
  9. Aghayani, V., Experimental Investigations for Decreasing Energy Consumption in Evaporative Coolers with Active Controllers, Saeedi, M.H., Kakaee, A.H., ThermoFluid Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1375
  10. Kondoozi, S., Simulation of Evaporative Coolers Performance in Different Climatic Condition in Iran, Saeedi, M.H., Kakaee, A.H., ThermoFluid Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1375
  11. Heidarzadeh, S., Cavitations Mechanism in Corrosion Effects on Marine Impellers, Farhanieh, B., Kakaee, A.H., ThermoFluid Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1375
  12. Farmanzad, F., Investigation of Design Parameters and the Testing Methods of Them in Suspension Light Vehicle, Ahamadian, M.T., Kakaee, A.H., Solid Mechanics Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1375
  13. Afsharpay, H., Investigation of Design Parameters and the Testing Methods of Them in Suspension Heavy Duty Vehicle, Ahamadian, M.T., Kakaee, A.H., Solid Mechanics Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1375
  14. Khojasteh, A.A., Investigation of Heat Generation in Multi Stage Piston Compressors and the Release Methods, Farhanieh, B., Kakaee, A.H., ThermoFluid Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1376
  15. Safe’iyan, P., Design of Control System of Heat Transfer Test Equipment for Automotive Radiators, Farhanieh, B., Kakaee, A.H., ThermoFluid Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1376
  16. Tamizi, H., Optimization of Mechanical and Hydro Thermal Design of Automotive Radiators, Farhanieh, B., Kakaee, A.H., ThermoFluid Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1376
  17. Arvand, B., Design of Mechanical Equipment for Official Building In Sangban Town, Farhanieh, B., Kakaee, A.H., ThermoFluid Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1376
  18. Ata Asadi, N., Design and Manufacturing the Automatic Shutoff Nozzle for Gasoline Pump Stations, Ahamadian, M.T., Kakaee, A.H., Solid Mechanics Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1376
  19. Mehvar, S.A.H., Design and Manufacturing the Automatic Shutoff Nozzle for Gasoline Pump Stations, Ahamadian, M.T., Kakaee, A.H., Solid Mechanics Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1376
  20. Nowroozi, H.A., Design and Manufacturing The Electrical Portable 2KW Heater with Fan and Control Systems for Temperature, Farhanieh, B., Kakaee, A.H., ThermoFluid Division, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1376
  Supervision of Graduate Projects:
  1. Farhanian, R., 3 Dimensional Turbulent Flow in 2 Valve Internal Combustion Engine for Expansion and Compression Stages, Farhanieh, B., Kakaee, A.H., in Conversion of Energy Department, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1377
  2. Parya, N., Modeling and Design of Closed loop Control for Heating Systems, Kakaee, A.H., in Conversion of Energy Department, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Azad Islamic University, South Campus, 1378
  3. Bahramian, F., Design of Passive Control in Non-Electrical Infant Incubator, Farhanieh, B., Kakaee, A.H., in Conversion of Energy Department, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1378
  4. Nazridoost, K., Numerical Solution of 3D Turbulent Flow in Compression and Combustion in Paykan Engine, Avenger 1200, Farhanieh, B., Kakaee, A.H., in Conversion of Energy Department, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1378
  5. Valipour, S., Modeling of Energy Consumption in Gas Ovens, Kazemzadeh Hannani, S., Kakaee, A.H., in Conversion of Energy Department, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Azad Islamic University, South Campus, 1378
  6. Teimoory, Sh., Cold and Hot Water Maker Design in Iranian Family Cars, Khodadadeh, Y., Kakaee, A.H., University of Tehran, Paradise of Fine Art, Faculty of Visional Art, Group of Industrial Design, 2006


  1. Amirhasan Kakaee, Amir Paykani, Research and Development of Natural Gas Fueled Engines in Iran, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2013, vol. 26, pp.805-821
  2. B. Afkhami, A.H. Kakaee, K. Pouyan, Studying Engine Cold Start Characteristics at low temperatures for CNG and HCNG by investigating low temperature oxidation, Energy Conversion Management, 2012, vol. 64, pp.122-128
  3. Behrooz Mashadi, Mehdi Mahmoudi, Amir H Kakaee, Rana Hossini, Vehicle Path Following Control in the Presence of Driver Inputs, Multi-body Dynamics, 2013, Vol. 51, pp. 11-5-132
  4. Amir-HasanKakaee,AminPaykani , MostafaGhajar, The influence of fuel composition on the combustion and emission characteristics of natural gas fueled engines, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, Vol. 38, pp.64-78
  5. B. Mashadi, A. H. Kakaee and J. Baqersad, Vibration Characteristics of Coninuously Variable Transmission Push Belts, iranian j. of science & technology, transactions of mechanical engineering, 201, Vol. 337, pp.77-82
  6. Siamak Bayat, Amir Afkar, Amirhasan Kakaee, Sensitivity Analysis of Air Flow Rate Through Underhood by Simulation of Flow Front Intake to Undertray, International Review of Mechanical Engineering, 2011, Vol. 5 pp. 717-725
  7. A.H.Kakaee, M. H. Shojaeefard, and J.Zareei, Sensitivity and Effect of Ignition Timing on the Performance of a Spark Ignition Engine: An Experimental and Modeling Study, Journal of Combustion, 2011
  8. Amirhasan Kakaee, Mehdi Keshavarz, Comparison the Sensitivity Analysis and Conjugate Gradient Algorithms for Optimization of Opening and Closing Angles of Valves to Reduce Fuel Consumption in XU7/L3 Engine, International Journal of Automotive Engineering, 2012, vol.2, pp.143-155
  9. Amirhasan Kakaee, Meghdad Pishgooie, Determination of Optimal Valve Timing for Internal Combustion Engine Using Parameter Estimation Method, International Journal of Automotive Engineering, 2011, vol1., pp. 130-140
  10. Kakaee, A.H., Farhanieh, B., Investigating the Effect of Different Conventional Regularization Methods on Convergence in a Moving Boundary Inverse Heat Conduction Problems, Vol. 11, No. 1&2, pp.104-113, 2004, Scientia Iranica, International J. of Science & Technology
  11. Kakaee, A.H., Farhanieh, B., Development of Moving Finite Element Based Inverse Heat Conduction Method for Determination of Moving Surface Temperature, Int. J. Eng., , Trans. A: Basics, Vol.17, No.3, pp.281-292, 2004.
  12. Kakaee, A.H., Farhanieh, B., Khodadadeh, Y., Measurement of Heat Characteristics of a New Incubator with Chemical Energy Source, Int. J. Eng., Trans. A: Basics, Vol.17, No.4, pp.319-328, 2004.
  13. Farhanieh, B. Kakaee, A.H., Khodadadeh, Y., Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Characteristics in a New Designed Non-Electrical Incubator Using Chemical Heat Source, J. Engineering, India, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 147-159, 2003.  

  1. A.M.Ebrahim, A.H.Kakaee, Optimization of runner length of intake manifold to improve volumetric efficiency, Third International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, UAE, 2009
  2. A.Rahimy, A.H. Kakaee, A.Gharehghani, , Combustion modeling in burner to simulate the catalyst aging condition, هفتمین همایش بین المللی موتورهای درونسوز1390
  3. A.Javaheri, V.Esfahanian, M. Aminpour, A.H. Kakaee, H. Dashtaki, M. DarziKnock Prediction in SI Engine for Different Compressed Natural Gas Compositions Using a 3D CFd Model, Sixth International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications, Turkey, 2012
  4. Reza Seifi, Amirhasan KakaeeThe Effect of Relative Humidity on Performance of Automotive Air Conditioning System, Third Conference on Thermophysical Properties and Transfer Process of Refrigerants, USA, 2009
  5. Bahramian, F., Farhanieh, B., Kakaee, A.H., Khodadadeh, Y., Numerical and Experimental Studies of Non-Electrical Infant Incubator, Proc. ISME 2000, 4th Int. Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, pp. 663-668, 2000.
  6. Kakaee, A.H., Farhanieh, B., Khodadadeh, Y., Bahramian, F., Measurement of Heat Characteristics of a New Incubator with Chemical Energy Source, Proc. ISME 2001, 5th Int. Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering, Guilan University, pp. 327-333, 2001.
  7. Kakaee, A.H., Farhanieh, B., Employment of Moving Finite Element Method for Solving the Moving Boundary Inverse Heat Conduction Problem, Proc. ISME 2001, 5th Int. Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering, Guilan University, pp. 343-349, 2001.
  8. Samadani, E., Kakaee, A.H., Farhanieh, B., An Analytical Model to Simulate the Automotive Cooling System, Proc. HT2005, ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, San Francisco, C.A. USA, 2005. 
  9. Moeeni, B., Kakaee, A.H., Razzaghi, A., Hydrrothermal Design of EF7 Radiator Relevant to CNG Engine Cooling Requirements, Code: 840155, 4th International Conf. Internal Combustion Engine, 2005.


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