
 | Post date: 2024/06/30 | 

Four-year program of Computer Science Program
1St Semester
course unit prerequisite course Type
1 Calculus I 3
2 Intraduction to  Computer & programing 3
3 Foundation Of  Mathematics 3 Basic
4 Foundation Of  Combinatorics 3 Corequisite:3 Basic
5 Computer Workshop
- 3*2

2nd Semester
course unit prerequisite course Type
6 Calculus II 3 1
7 Physics I 3 -
8 Advanced Programming 3 2
9 Intraduction to Probability 3 1

3rd Semester
course unit prerequisite course Type
10 Differential equation 3 6
11 Accounting & Cost Accounting 3
12 Probability / Intoduction to Mathematical Analysis 3 9*3*1
13 Itroduction to Computation theory 3 3
14 Data Structures & Algorithms 4 8

4th Semester
course unit prerequisite course Type
15 Computer Geometrical Design 3 14
16 Foundation Of Matrix & Linear 3 3
17 Foundation Of Numerical Analysis  3 6
18 Principles Of  Computer systems 4 8
19 Theory Of Computation 3 13

5th Semester
course unit prerequisite course Type
20 Principles Of Ooerating Systems 4 14
21 Linear Ofptimization  3 16
22 Principles Of Software Design 3 14
23 Introduction to Logic & Set theory 3 3
24 Research Mehod & Documentation 2
6th Semester
course unit prerequisite course Type
25 Database 3 14
26 Nonlinear Optimization 3 21
27 Computer Network 3 18
28 Computerized Simulation/ Computer Graphics 3 9*14
29 Internship I 2 24

7th Semester
course unit prerequisite course Type
30 Numerical Linear Algebra 3 16
31 Application Of Computerin Commercial Systems/ Coding  Theory 3 8*16
32 Intraduction to Data Mining 3
33 Topics In Computer Scienve 3
34 Graph theory & Applications / Topics in Algoithms 3 4*15
8th Semester
course unit prerequisite course Type
35 Programming Languages/ Engineering Mathematics 3 14*6
36 Entrepreneurship/ IntershipII 2 29*90
37 Project 3 24
38 Artificial Intelligence  3 9*14
39 Compiler 3 13


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