Educational courses

 | Post date: 2024/01/5 | 
Educational courses:

1- Chemistry master course:

It is a course with 5 specializations (organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, and applied chemistry), and the characteristics of each specialization are determined by the specific courses of that specialization and the content of the thesis.
2- Doctoral course in chemistry:
It is a full-time course and the highest course of higher education that leads to the awarding of an academic degree, and its mission is to educate people who can be effective in meeting the needs of the country and expanding the frontiers of knowledge through innovation in various fields of science and technology.

1- The development of self-reliance and the power of initiative and research in students to conduct independent research in chemistry
2- Increasing the student's ability and skill to achieve job responsibilities at the level of an expert in one of the fields of chemistry, according to the needs of society (training of educational and research staff required by universities and research, industrial, governmental and non-governmental institutions)
3- The development of the student's contemplation and general attitude in chemistry to increase the ability to understand issues, communicate with each other, and apply this ability to meet the needs of society.

Necessity and importance:
The importance of this course is felt more and more due to the above-mentioned points in the direction of economic independence and industrial self-sufficiency and the country's need for nanotechnology and new energies.
A) Eliminating the shortage of academic staff for the country's universities
b) training researchers and experienced researchers to work in the country's research and industrial institutions as a result of efforts to eliminate the country's research dependency.

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