The school of Architecture and Environmental Design of Iran University of Science and Technology proudly announces:
Five teams of students from the school of Architecture and Environmental Design of Iran University of Science and Technology, including 3 master's teams related to the design studio 3, master's degrees in sustainability and 2 teams of undergraduate students related to the final design of the undergraduate course who participated in The Oasis Culture center international competition. , Succeeded in taking pride in these competitions.
The competition was designed with the theme of designing a sustainable cultural center in Morocco inspired by the oasis, and students and professional architects in teams from around the world had the opportunity to participate in the competition.
The purpose of holding this competition was to pay attention to the history and culture of the site, to pay attention to the requirements and features of modern buildings and climatic design. The competition site was located 60 km south of the Moroccan capital, next to a man-made lake, reminiscent of the features of a microclimate inspired by the desert oasis of the African continent.
Eventually, the five teams won the following titles:
Design Studio 3, masters of sustainability (under the supervision of Dr. Daneshpour and Dr. Sanaieian)
Team members: Vedi Megerdichi, Hossein nazari, Shadi ezzati, Neda karimzade .
Title earned:
Honorable mention
Design Studio 3, masters of sustainability (under the supervision of Dr. Daneshpour and Dr. Sanaieian)
Team members : Hamid kaboli, Siamak Zandi, Ali moradi, Mahsa yazdani .
Title earned :
Institutional Excellence
Undergraduate thesis (under the supervision of Dr. Khakzand)
Team members : Parham salahi, Mohammad hosein eghlidos .
Title earned :
Editor's Choice
Undergraduate thesis (under the supervision of Dr. Khakzand)
Team members : Anahita niknejad, Mohadese alsadat hamidi, Taha khanijazani .
Title earned :
Design Studio 3, masters of sustainability (under the supervision of Dr. Daneshpour and Dr. Sanaieian)
Team members : Azadeh shehnizadeh, Mohammad vahidi, Fatemeh karimian .
Title earned : Shortlisted
In this project, efforts were made to design the complex inspired by the principles of native Moroccan architecture with the aim of acquainting tourists with the culture and history of the site and creating a sense of belonging between the building and the natives of the region. Other goals of the project include using the potentials of the site to achieve the minimum energy consumption and energy production required to make the complex as self-sufficient as possible. In this regard, active and passive solutions such as central courtyard, use of water and greenery, solar chimney design were done in this complex. Also, the multifunctional shell is designed according to local manufacturing methods and the cycle of using materials with the aim of shading and using natural ventilation in combination with photovoltaic cells.
The concept of oasis means settlement in the desert. We first started our initial studies by analyzing the type of climate in the region. Then, by examining what has happened or is happening in Moroccan architecture, it was concluded that in addition to Moroccan architecture paying special attention to the culture and customs of the region, it has also reacted to its climate and is completely The influence of climate and culture and ... the region itself has been formed.
In the second stage, we evaluated and analyzed the identified site in Morocco, in which there are many influential factors, including view, proximity, existing vegetation, prevailing wind, topography of the area, and so on.
In the main concept of the project, a desert shading tree has been used, which has used shading and console mode of its branches to form the building. The reason for using this concept is the need to use the concept of shade and shading in the desert.
In arranging the spaces in the plan as well as the openings, attention has been paid to the view of the landscape and the use of natural light. Also, the tree form has been used for the roof supporting columns, which means that the tree form in the main volume has been used for shading, in the building structure for retrofitting, and also the minor identity of the tree itself inside and outside the spaces.
This design is based on vernacular architecture and the cultural context of the region , with the aim of maximum elimination of the adverse climatic factors by using sustainable local elements in design. In designing the components and elements of the project, according to the primitive design concepts, it was decided to control the intense sunlight and the resulting heat, as the most important adverse climatic element, by using the shadows of the elements so that they make shade on top of each other. Some corridors also put shade on semi-open spaces and external walls. Spaces are located based on different topographic levels according to the dunctions and spatial needs of the project. We have studied 4 alternative design methods during the design process and finally we've decided to take vernacular approach toward this project. An alternative was chosen that could provide the best possible answers to the current cultural and climatic conditions of morocco. The materials of this project are based on vernacular materials and the past experiences of the native people. According to the climate of the region, which requires materials with high thermal capacity, materials are usually made out of soil, such as brick. As well as locally available materials such as wood and for the building surfaces from cement mortars that are made in the local area.
In order to achieve the goals set in the project, we first reviewed the vernacular architecture of morocco and the requirements and needs of the project to make changes and try different methods to respond so that the inconveniences in the project could be minimized and obstacles would be eliminated.
Back in the time, when the technology that we exploit nowadays didn't exist, people used some creative and also effective ways to design their environment. By considering these methods and strategies and the convenience of modern technology, we can obtain an optimum design. Cultural and climatic aspects were the most needed matters to contemplate and required solutions. One of the most significant and desired answers was to study the behaviour of the indigenous people and their lives. There are two strategies utilized to gather data in this project, one of them is Survey Analysis design (SAD), and the other one is Pattern Assistance Design (PAD). After searching and analyzing different samples in different patterns and studying constructed architectural buildings, considering the evolution of the formation of Morocco, we detected that narrow alleys and condensed construction of the buildings were the solutions to climatic and also social sustainability and interaction aspects, which in this project we have used this concept in various spots.

The current project is a cultural center near Lake Lala Tuckercost near Morocco. Due to the location of the project in the desert, the design of the building has been done using the form of sand dunes and paying attention to the concept of oasis as a settlement and a green place. This design has been formed with the aim of paying attention to environmental issues, reducing energy consumption and considering all the principles of sustainable development. The trees on the site have been preserved and integrated with the design. Among the solutions used in the construction of a double-walled wall, creating a middle courtyard according to the local climate and architecture, shelter, local materials, reuse of gray water, evaporative cooling using rainwater, green wall inside the central courtyard, creating holes Biology in the yard for waste recycling as fertilizer (compost) and rain garden.