IUST Professor is Keynote Speaker at ER(ZR)-2021 International Conference in Saint Petersburg
| Post date: 2021/04/18 |
IUST Professor is Keynote Speaker at ER(ZR)-2021 International Conference in Saint-Petersburg
Professor Abolfazl Vahedi, was a Keynote Speaker at the virtual conference ER(ZR)-2021 hosted by the Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI). The 16th International Conference on Electromechanics and Robotics "Zavalishin's Readings" ER(ZR)-2021, was held online by SUAI, at St. Petersburg, Russia, on April 14-17, 2021. The topic of his keynote speech was: "Monitoring Condenser Bushings by Frequency Domain Spectroscopy (FDS) and Statistical approach"; and the abstract of his speech was as follows:
Abstract:The dielectric frequency response (DFR) or the frequency domain spectroscopy (FDS) measures the tangent delta and insulation systems' capacitance over a wide frequency range. Due to the rich information that gives about insulation systems, nowadays, it is used for condenser bushings maintenance, especially moisture content detection in bushings' condenser core. However, it is still considered a new method for condenser bushings, and there is no standard method to interpret the results. Moreover, results interpretation is highly dependent on a human expert. It can be possible to set criteria for result interpretation using statistical indices. In this way, the human errors in the result interpretation process can be minimized.

Professor Vahedi, is professor of School of Electrical Engineering and Head of “Special Electric Machines and Drives” Laboratory, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran. He also is IUST Vice Chancellor for Education from 2017.