Speeches of IUST Vice Chancellor for International Affairs at Symposium of Iranian-Spanish Universities

IUST Vice Chancellor for International Affairs delivered speeches in the 1st Symposium of Vice –Rectors and Directors of International Relations at Iranian and Spanish Universities on Feb. 3, 2021. Sixteen vice rectors and directors of international affairs from Iranian and Spanish universities attended this online event that was held by Allameh Tabataba’i University and on the occasion of the 400th year of Iran- Spain relationships.

IUST Vice Chancellor for International Affairs in his speeches in the event mentioned this virtual event as an opportunity for expansion and promotion of the scientific relations between the two countries following their previous scientific programs. Dr. Shahhoseini also mentioned current programs of IUST with Polytechnic University of Madrid as well as Malaga University in the ground of student and faculty members’ exchange. With reference to the University Strategic Program Dr. Shahhoseini declared IUST’s readiness for cooperation with Spanish Universities in the grounds of Energy, Architecture and Urban Design, and Transportation.
Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), University of Complutense (UCM), University of Lledida (Udl), University Santiago de Compostela (USC), University of Alicante (UA), and University of Nebrija from Spain and 8 universities from Iran attended this Symposium. The vice rectors of all these Universities introduced their capacities and announced their willingness for mutual cooperation.

At the end of the event it was determined that Allameh Tabataba’i University prepare a draft of Memorandum of Understanding for all 16 universities for establishing a scientific network between the two countries.