
 | Post date: 2019/12/29 | 
Personal Details
Surname: Rahbar                   
Name:      Morteza                             
Date of birth: 1984                
E-mail:     rahbarmiust.ac.ir
Present Position:  Assistant Professor of Computational Design & Digital Fabrication
Department:  Architecture, IUST
Tel: +98-21-73228205
E_mail:   rahbarmiust.ac.ir

Education and Qualifications
  1. University Degrees
Visting Scholar, CAAD chair, ITA, ETH Zurich. 2017-2018
Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) in Computational Design, TMU, 2014-2019
Thesis Title: A novel generative algorithm of architectural layout design (Based on hybrid cGAN algorithm & agent-based modelling)
Master of Science in Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University 2006-2009
Bachelor of Science in Architecture, School of Art & Architecture, Shiraz University, 2002-2006
  1. Sellected Short Course Certificates
“Audi Terminal Intensive Training”, held by the Audi AG, Ingolstadt (Germany), September 2016

Assistant Professor, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Since September 2019

Teaching Experiences
Computational Geometry (undergraduate course, School of Design, Shanghai Institute of Visual Art)
Computational Design & Digital Fabrication (postgraduate course, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Architectural Technology)
Advanced Scripting in Architecture (postgraduate course, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Architectural Technology)
Swarm Intelligence & AI in Generartive Design (postgraduate course, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Architectural Technology)
Building Information Modeling (undergraduate course, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Architecture)
Research Studio (postgraduate course, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Architectural Technology)
Introduction to Architectural Design II (undergraduate course, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Architecture)
Bionic Design (undergraduate course, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Architecture)
Digital Landscape Architecture (postgraduate course, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Architectural Technology)
Application of AI in Architecture & Urban Design (Open course, Iranian Architecture Center)
Machine Learning & Deep Learning in Architecture & Urban Design (Open course, Iranian Architecture Center)
Parametric Design (Open Course, Iranian Architecture Center)

Workshop Teaching Experience
VoxGrowth (Generative Design & Digital Fab. by Voxel Grwoth, Shanghai Institute of Visual Art, Jan. 2021)
VoxWarm (AI Generative Design & Digital Fabrication, Shanghai Institute of Visual Art, Jan. 2020)
AI & Generative Design (eCAADe 2018, Lodz University of Technology, Poland, Sep. 2018)
RoboWall (Robotic Fabrication, Mashhad University, Dec. 2019)
Indra-I (Minimal Surface Pavilion Digital Fabrication, Shahid Beheshti University, Dec.2018)
MiniFab (Minimal Surface Pavilion Digital Fabrication, Iran University of Science & Technology, Dec.2018)
Kinetic Architecture (Tehran Art University, Feb. 2017)
Selected Written Works
Architectural layout design through deep learning and agent-based modeling: A hybrid approach”, Journal of Building Engineering, 2022
Towards CFD-based optimization of urban wind conditions: Comparison of Genetic algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization, and a hybrid algorithm”, Sustainable Cities & Society, 2022
“PCA-ANN integrated NSGA-III framework for dormitory building design optimization: Energy efficiency, daylight, and thermal comfort”, Applied Energy, 2022
“Modified A* Algorithm integrated with ant colony optimization for multi-objective route-finding; case study: Yazd”, Applied Soft Computing, 2021
“A Comparative Study of Artificial Intelligence Models for Predicting Interior Illuminance”, Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2021
“Artificial Neural Network for Outlining and Predicting Environmental Sustainable Parameters”,  Journal of Sustainable Architecture & Urban Design, 2020

“Training cGan Algorithm for Generating Architectural Layout Heat Map”, Armanshahr Architecture & Urban Development, 2020

“Generating Synthetic Space Allocation Probability Layouts Based on Trained Conditional-GANs”, Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2019
“DublinCity: Annotated LiDAR Point Cloud and its Applications”, BMVC 2019
“Application of Artificial Intelligence in Architectural Generative Design”, eCAADe 2018
"Isfahan’s Organic and Planned Form of Urban Greenways in Safavid Period" International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development, 2016
"Tehran Urban Development Planning with a Landscape Ecology Approach (Case Study: Municipal District 22, Tehran)", Journal of Landscape Studies, 2010
"Greenway Planning for Tehran Metropolis" 5th Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning. 2016
"Greenway Planning in the High Populated Cities (Case Study: Tehran's Greenway Structure)", Harmony and Prosperity, Traditional Inheritance and Sustainable Development, Proceedings of 47th IFLA World Congress 2010, Suzhou, China
"Tehran Riverfronts Rehabilitation (Case study: Kan River)", Green Culture in the City, Proceedings of IFLA APR Congress 2009, Incheon, S. Korea, pp. 214-221.
“Human Territories in Urban Landscape”, Manzar, the professional Journal of Art, Environment, Landscape, City and Architetcure, No.1, 2009

“Parametricism in Digital Age”, Mohammadreza Bemanina, Morteza Rahbar, Negah Publication, 2018

Conference Attendance
eCAADe, Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, (as a workshop instructor and lecturer), Lodz, Poland, 2018
IFLA APR, International Federation of Landscape Architects Asia Pacific Region, (paper presentation and lecturer), Incheon, S. Korea, 2009
Research Projects
Computational Geometry,  IUST internal Research Grant, 2020-2021
Computational Design & Digital Fabrication,  IUST internal Research Grant, 2019-2020
“Honor Award of USITT International Student Design Competition on Ideal Theatre”, Member of Aura Team, issued by United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USIIT), Cincinnati, USA, 2009.
“1st place - Mobin 5 Star Hotel Façade Design Competition”, issued by Abadgaran Margoon & Tadbir Tooseh Company, Karbala, Iraq, 2016.
“2nd place – Barin Ski Resort”, Member of RYRA Design Studio, National Architecture Competition of Completed Buildings, issued by Memar Magazine, Shemshak, Iranm 2011.

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