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:: Thematic Workshop - E-Science Ecosystem and Collaborative Knowledge Societies -ICT-SIS WSIS Forum 2016 ::
 | Post date: 2016/05/6 | 
Thematic Workshop - E-Science Ecosystem and Collaborative Knowledge Societies, - IUST Research Center for ICT Strategic and International Studies (ICT-SIS) WSIS Forum 2016
International Telecommunication ::union:: (ITU), Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland; 6 May
Rapid growth of ICTs in past ten years has significantly increased the amount of scientific data and the speed at which it is produced. On the other hand mobile devices and e-tools provide the huge potential in transforming and using these data, anywhere and anytime, for all members of the Information Society. WSIS documents, Geneva-2003 Tunis-2005 and NewYork-2015, emphasize on the central role of science in the development of the Information Society. Affordable and reliable high-speed Internet connection infrastructure for all universities and research institutions in order to support information and knowledge production, education and training, and to support the establishment of partnerships, cooperation and networking between these institutions are one of the main aim of Action Line 7 that are preceded by UNESCO, ITU and UNCTAD as facilitators for e-science. E-science has considerable effects on the way in which research is conducted, and on how the scientific agenda is defined, so in general a new ecosystem has been evolved for research and innovation that make a frog leap towards Knowledge Societies.
This workshop focuses on e-science ecosystem which has been appeared in the Information Society, and goes towards collaborative Knowledge Societies. After a short review of e-science ecosystem, the workshop will provide a general view of knowledge societies and then the panelists will discuss about some of the main issues regarding collaborative Knowledge Societies. The role of international bodies such as UNESCO and ITU in facilitating the new ecosystem; as well as facilities, such as scientific databases and e-tools, scientific social networks are discussed as pillars of e-Science ecosystem and collaborative Knowledge Societies.
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