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:: Niknam ::

Dr. Seyed Ali Niknam

Assistant Professor
School of Mechanical Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology

Adjunct Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Polytechnique Montreal
Universite de Montreal, Canada


Address: Narmak, Tehran, Iran, 1684613114, 
Office: Mec-155
Phone: +98 (21) 7724 0540 Ext. 8913
Direct Phone line: +98 (21) 7724 0203
Emails: saniknamiust.ac.ir; seyed-ali.niknampolymtl.ca
Webpage:  Google scholar , Research Gate , Linkedin

Academic Background
Professional Experiences
  1. Assistant Professor- Iran University of Science and Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran
  2. Adjunct Professor- Polytechnique Montreal, Canada (2019-Date)
  3. Visiting ProfessorETS, Montreal, Canada (Summer 2019)
  4. FQRNT Research Fellow- Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada 
  5. Lecturer and Faculty Member-Dawson College Montreal, Canada
  6. Invited Lecturer- Nanjing College of Chemical Technology, Nanjing, China
  7. Postdoctoral Research fellow- ETS, Montreal, Canada 
  8. Ph.D. Candidate- ETS, Montreal, Canada 
  9. R&D Engineer- Center of Advanced Manufacturing & Enterprise Engineering ,UK     
Research Interests
  • High performance manufacturing/machining of composites and metals.
  • Modeling, Simulation and Optimization (FEM, CAD/CAM/CAPP) of the Advanced Manufacturing Processes.
  • Design, development and machinability evaluation of metal matrix composites (MMCs).
  • Sustainable and clean manufacturing.
  • Process monitoring, control and optimization using statistical theories, experimental and artificial intelligence (AI) methods.
  • Condition monitoring and health diagnosis.
Mentoring and Supervision Activities 

Completed Thesis (Aug 2021)
B.Sc Thesis: 8
M.Sc Thesis: 15
Ph.D Thesis: 0
B.Sc Thesis: 2
M.Sc Thesis: 3
Ph.D Thesis: 6

I. Thesis
  1. Seyed Ali Niknam.,“Burrs understanding, modeling and optimization during slot milling of aluminium alloys., Ph.D. Thesis, École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS), Universite du Quebec, Montréal, QC, Canada, May 2013.   
  2. Seyed Ali Niknam.,“Bearing Condition monitoring using Acoustic Emission”., M.Sc. Thesis, Brunel University, September 2008.
  3. Seyed Ali Niknam.,“Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling of TRMS using ANFIS”., B.Eng. Thesis, Queen Mary University of London, April 2007.
II. Book Chapters
  1. S.A, Niknam., W, Wygowski,., M,Balazinksi,. and V, Songmene. (2014) Milling Burr Formation and Avoidance, in Machinability of Advanced Materials (ed J. P. Davim), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA. doi: 10.1002/9781118576854,Ch2.
  2. S.A, Niknam., Y.Zedan and V, Songmene. (2014) Machining Burrs Formation & Deburring of Aluminium Alloys, Light Metal Alloys Applications, Dr. Waldemar A. Monteiro (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-1588-5, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/58361..
  3. S.A, Niknam., R,Khettabi.,and V, Songmene. (2014) Machinability and Machining of Titanium Alloys: A Review in Machining of Titanium alloysMachining of Titanium AlloysMaterials Forming, Machining and Tribology, pp 1-30.(ed. J. P. Davim),ISBN 978-3-662-43901-2; Springer Heidelberg, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-43902-9. 
III. Journal Articles
  1. SH. Musavi, B.Davoodi, SA.Niknam.,“Eco-green machining of superalloy A286: Assessment of tool wear morphology and surface topology”, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Accepted in Jan 2021 (In press).

  2. K. Jabbari, Y.Zedan, SA.Niknam,H.Mehmanparast.,“Factors governing machinability of heat-treated AL 6061-T6., Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, 2021,45(2), 543-553.

  3. M.Saberi, SA.Niknam, R.Hashemi.“On the impacts of cutting parameters on surface roughness, tool wear mode and size in slot milling of A356 metal matrix composites reinforced with silicon carbide elements”.,Part B, Engineering Manufacture, 2021, 235(10), 1655-1667.

  4. MJ.Anahid, H. Heydarnia, SA.Niknam, H, Mehmanparast.“Evaluating the sensitivity of Acoustic Emission signals features to the variation of cutting parameters in milling aluminium alloys, Part A: Frequency-domain Analysis”.,Part B, Engineering Manufacture, 2021, 1558-1568.

  5. M.Memarianpour,SA.Niknam.,S, Turrene, M. Balazinski.,“Study of the Effects of Initial Cutting Conditions and Transition Period on Ultimate Tool Life when Machining Inconel”, Journal of Materials, Special issue of Machinability of Metallic Materials and Composites, 2021, 14(3), 592.

  6. SA.Niknam, AR. Jalali, “Effects of lubricants and flow rates on the surface roughness and chip thickness when MQL Turning of Aero-Engine Aluminum Alloys 6061-T6 and 7076-T6”,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology., 2020, 110(7), 2015-2202. 

  7. MJ.Anahid, H. Heydarnia, SA.Niknam, H, Mehmanparast.“Evaluating the sensitivity of Acoustic Emission signals features to the variation of cutting parameters in milling aluminium alloys, Part A: Frequency-domain Analysis”., Submitted to Part B, Engineering Manufacture. Accepted in July 2020.

  8. R.Hashemi, SA.Niknam.Flexible bending of rectangular profiles: numerical and experimental investigations”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 56, 390-399.

  9. M.Saberi, R.Hashemi, SA.Niknam.“Formability and fractography of AA5754/polyethylene/AA5754 sandwich composites”., Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, In press.

  10. A. Yeganefar, SA.Niknam, V.Songmene. “Machinability study of aircraft series aluminium alloys 7075-T6 and 7050-T7451”, Transaction of Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering (CSME), Accepted in Nov 2019.

  11. M.Memarianpour,SA.Niknam.,S, Turrene, M. Balazinski., “Initial Tool Wear behavior in High-Speed Turning of Inconel 718”, Transaction of Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering (CSME), Accepted in Aug 2019.

  12. R.Asadi , A. Yeganefar, SA.Niknam,“ Optimization and prediction of surface quality and cutting forces in the milling of aluminum alloys using ANFIS and interval type 2 neuro fuzzy network coupled with population-based meta-heuristic learning methods”,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.,2019, 105(1-4)2271-2287.

  13. A. Yeganefar, SA.Niknam, R.Asadi.,“The use of support vector machine, neural network and regression analysis to predict and optimize surface roughness and cutting forces in milling- Application of NSGA-II”,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.,2019, 105, 951-965.

  14. N. Barari., SA.Niknam,H.Mehmanparast.,“Tool wear morphology  and life under Various Lubrication Modes in Turning Stainless Steel  316L”, Transaction of Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering (CSME), Accepted in April 2019.

  15. S.A,Niknam., M. Saberi, J, Kouam., R.Hashemi, V.Songmene.,M.Balazinski.,“Ultrafine and Fine particle emission in Dry and Semi-Dry Turning of Titanium Metal Matrix Composites (Ti-MMCs)”, Journal of Central South University, 2019, 26(6), 1563-1572.

  16. M.Saberi., SA.Niknam., R.Hashemi.,“On the effects of cutting and lubrication parameters on the surface quality and cutting forces in machining Ti-MMC-Experimental and frequency assessment”, Journal of Science and Technology of composites”, 2019, 6(1), 143-150 (In Persian).

  17. SH.Musavi., B.Davoodi., SA.Niknam., Effects of reinforced nanoparticles with surfactant on surface quality and chip formation morphology in MQL-turning of superalloys”. Journal of Manufacturing Processes; 2019, 40, 128-139. 

  18. SH.Musavi, B.Davoodi, SA.Niknam.,“Effects of Reinforced Nanofluid with nanoparticles on the Cutting Tool Wear Morphology, Journal of Central South University, 2019, 26(5), 1050-1064.

  19. K.Jabbari., SA.Niknam., “The Effect of Artificial Aging Treatment and Lubrication Modes on the cutting force and the chip surface morphology when Drilling Al-Si-Mg (A356) Cast Alloys“., Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and Production;2018, 7(1), 39-48.

  20. S. Kamalizadeh.,SA.Niknam., A Asgari., M Balazinski., “Tool wear characterization in high-speed milling of Titanium Metal Matrix Composites”., Int Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology; 2019, 100(9-12), 2901-2913. 

  21. SA.Niknam, A.Tiabi., V.Songmene., “Burr Edge Occupancy: An Edge Finishing Index for Milling Machined Parts.”.Transaction of Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering (CSME)-In press. 

  22. S.A, Niknam.,“The simultaneous use of acoustic emission signals and statistical analysis to distinguish between lubrication modes in rolling element bearings”., 2018, 11(4), 81-90.

  23. SH.Musavi., B.Davoodi., SA.Niknam., “Enviromental-friendly turning of A286 superalloy”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2018, 32, 734-743.

  24. SA.Niknam,S Kamalizadeh., A Asgari., M Balazinski., “Turning Titanium metal matrix composties (Ti-MMC) with carbide and CBN inserts,”Int Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology; 2018

  25. SA.Niknam, B.Davoodi, JP.Davim., V.Songmene., “A Review On The Most Widely Used Deburring and Edge Finishing Processes For Aluminum Parts”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology; 2018,95(1-4),1101-1125.

  26. S.A, Niknam., M.Balazisnki, V.Songmene.,“To characterize and optimize the surface quality attributes in slot milling operation  ”.,Int Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology; 2017, 93(1-4), 727-746. 

  27. S.A, Niknam.,“Modeling and Experimental Characterization of the Friction Effects on Orthogonal Milling exit burrs”., Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology;  2017, 91(1),1079-1089. 

  28. S.A, Niknam., J, Kouam., V.Songmene.,“Experimental investigation on Part Quality and Metallic Particle Emission when Milling 6061-T6 Aluminium alloys”, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials (IJMMM) , 2016, 18(1-2), 120-137. 

  29. S.A, Niknam.V.Songmene,“Study the correlation between milling burrs sizes and acoustic emission information”., Proceeding of Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Part B, Journal of Engineering manufacture, doi: 10.1177/0954405415590562.

  30. S.A, Niknam., and V, Songmene.,“Analytical modelling of slot milling exit burr size”.,Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology; 2014, 73(1-4), 421-432. 

  31. S.A, Niknam., and V, Songmene.,“Milling Burr formation Modeling, control and avoidance-A review”., Proceeding of Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Part B, Journal of Engineering manufacture. doi: 10.1177/0954405414534827.

  32. S.A, Niknam.,V.Songmene, Y.H. Joe, Au .,“The Use of Acoustic Emission Information To Distinguish Between Dry And Lubricated Rolling Element Bearings In Low-Speed Rotating Machines”., Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology; 2013, 69(9-12), pp.2679-2689.

  33. S.A, Niknam., V, Songmene.,“Simultaneous optimization of burrs size and surface finish when milling 6061-T6aluminium alloy”., Int. Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing; 2013, 14(8), pp.1311-1320.

  34. S.A, Niknam.,V., Songmene.,“Modeling of milling burr thickness in ductile material”., Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013,66(9-12), pp.2029-2039.

  35. S.A, Niknam.,Y.H. J, Au, and V., Songmene .,“ Proposing a new Acoustic Emission parameter for bearing condition monitoring in low rotating speed machine”., Transaction of Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering (CSME); 2013,37(4), pp.105-1114.

  36. S.A, Niknam., V, Songmene.,“Factors governing burr formation during high-speed slot milling of wrought aluminum alloys”., Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2013, 227(8), pp.1165-1179.

  37. S.A, Niknam., A,Tiabi., A, Djebara, and V, Songmene.,“Analysis of burr formation on aluminum machined parts”, In Encyclopedia of research on aluminum in Quebec . Les Presses de l'aluminium PRAL, Chicoutimi, Canada, 2011, p. 71. ISBN 978-2-923168-17-3.

  38. A, Djebara.,V, Songmene ., R, Khettabi, and S.A, Niknam.,“Ultrafine particle sampling: application to the machining aluminum alloy”., In  Encyclopedia of research on aluminum in Quebec . Les Presses de l'aluminium PRAL, Chicoutimi, Canada, 2011, p. 64. ISBN 978-2-923168-17-3. 

  39. S.A, Niknam., A,Tiabi., R, Kamguem and V, Songmene.,“Machining Burr size estimation using acoustic emission”., In Encyclopedia of research on aluminum in Quebec . Les Presses de l'aluminium PRAL, Chicoutimi, Canada, 2011, p. 72. ISBN 978-2-923168-17-3.

  40. S.A, Niknam., R, Kamguem., V, Songmene, and  J.P, Kenné.,“Machining factors influences on Acoustic Emission parameters”., Int. Journal of Advances in Machining and Forming Operations, 2010, 2(2), pp.91-114, ISSN 0975-4784. 

IV. Conference Proceedings
  1. M.Karegar.,SA.Niknam.,“Investigating the effect of using various current collectors on the battery performance”.17th National Conference and 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Tehran, Iran, March 2-4, 2021.
  2. M.Hasanifar., SA.Niknam.,“Study wear in the coated carbide tools when turning steel MO40”. 17th National Conference and 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Tehran, Iran, March 2-4, 2021.
  3. M.Sarafraz., SA.Niknam.,R. Hashemi.“Study the effects of annealing on mechanical properties and corrosion resistance in Pb-Sn-Ca alloy”.17th National Conference and 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Tehran, Iran, March 2-4, 2021.
  4. M.Sepehrikia.,M.Nankali., SA.Niknam.,B.Davoodi.“Fabrication of micro-textures on the tungsten carbide cutting tool to improve the surface quality when machining 7075 aluminum alloy”.17th National Conference and 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Tehran, Iran, March 2-4, 2021.
  5. M.Memarianpour,SA.Niknam.,S, Turrene, M. Balazinski.,Initial Tool Wear Mechanism in Dry and Lubricated Turning of Inconel 718”. Proceedings of the International Conference, ICERA 2018, Dec 1-2, Vietnam.
  6. SA.Niknam, J.Kouam, V.Songmene.,M.Balazinski.,” Dry and Semii-Dry Turning of Titanium Metal Matrix Composites (Ti-MMCs)”. 8th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC 2018), June 25-27, 2018, Budapest, Hungary. 
  7. SA.Niknam ., M.Saberi ., A,Sousanabadi.,” Study the effects of cutting parameters on surface roughness and cutting forces when ball end milling steel 2205”. 14th National Manufacturing Conference, October 24-26, 2017, Arak, Iran. (In Persian)
  8. S.Badri ., SA.Niknam.,”Study the effects of cutting parameters on Acoustic emission signals using wavelet analysis”. 14th National Manufacturing Conference, October 24-26, 2017, Arak, Iran. (In Persian)
  9. SA.Niknam., A,Sousanabadi ., M.Saberi.,”Study the effects of cutting parameters on surface roughness and cutting forces when ball end milling steel 304”. 14th National Manufacturing Conference, October 24-26, 2017, Arak, Iran. (In Persian)
  10. SA.Niknam, A.Tiabi, V.Songmene.,“ Proposing A New Edge Finishing Index, So-Called Burr Edge Occupancy”, 25th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME 2017), Tehran, Iran, May 2-4, 2017.
  11. SA.Niknam, AR. Asgari, M.Balazinski.“Study the tool wear mode in Carbide and PCD tools when face milling Titanium metal matrix composite (Ti-MMC)”, The 6th International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology (VMPT 2017),Montreal, QC, Canada, 29 May-June 02 , 2017.
  12. M.Memarianpour, SA.Niknam, M.Balazinski.“The Initial Tool Wear Mechanism in High Speed Turning of Inconel 718”, The 6th International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology (VMPT 2017), Montreal, QC, Canada, 29 May-June 02 , 2017.
  13. SA.Niknam, N.Barari, H.Kiani.,“Study the effects of MQL on exit burr and surface roughness when drilling 6061-T6 aluminium alloys”,13th National Manufacturing Conference, November 8-10, 2016, Bandar Abbas, Iran. (In Persian)
  14. SA.Niknam, N.Barari, H.Kiani.,“Study the effects of MQL on cutting force and chip formation when drilling 6061-T6 aluminium alloys”,13th National Manufacturing Conference, November 8-10, 2016, Bandar Abbas, Iran. (In Persian)
  15. S.A, Niknam., V, Songmene.,“Analysis of friction and burr formation in slot milling”.,CIRP Manufacturing Systems (CMS), Procedia CIRPVolume 17, 2014, Pages 755–759.
  16. S.A, Niknam., V, Songmene., “Deburring and edge finishing of aluminium alloys”.,International conference on Aluminium (INALCO 2013), Montreal, Canada, 21-22 October 2013.
  17. S.A, Niknam., V, Songmene.,“Experimental investigation and modelling of milling burrs”., ASME 2013, International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference MSEC2013., Madison, Wisconsin, USA, June 10-14, 2013.
  18. S.A, Niknam., V,  Songmene.,“Analysis and optimization of exit burr size and surface roughness in milling using desirability function”., ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE-86201).,Houston, TX, USA, Nov 9-15, 2012, ISBN: 978-0-7918-4519-6.
  19. Y, Zedan., S.A, Niknam., A, Djebara ., and V, Songmene.,“Burr size minimization when drilling 6061-T6 aluminum alloy”., ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE-86412)., Houston,TX, USA, Nov 9-15, 2012, ISBN: 978-0-7918-4519-6.
  20. S.A, Niknam., V, Songmene.,“Statistical investigation on burrs thickness during milling of 6061-T6 aluminium alloy”., 1st International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology,CIRP Sponsored Conference, École Polytechnique, Montréal, Canada, May 28 – June 1, 2012.
  21. S.A, Niknam.,Y, Zedan., and V, Songmene., “Burr formation during milling of wrought aluminum alloys”., 20th Annual Int. Conf. Mechanical Engineering-( ISME 2012-3476)., Shiraz, Iran, 16-18 May 2012.
  22. S.A, Niknam., A, Tiabi., I, Zaghbani., R, Kamguem and V, Songmene.,“Milling burrs size estimation using acoustic emission and cutting forces”., ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE-63824)., Denver, CL, USA, Nov 11-17, 2011.
  23. S.A, Niknam., R, Kamguem ., A, Djebara and V, Songmene.,“Milling burr size estimation using acoustic emission and cutting forces”., student research presentation day (Poster), COM 2011, 2-5 October 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  24. A, Rahideh, M .H, Shaheed and S.A, Niknam ,.“Nonlinear two DOF dynamic modelling of a TRMS using an adaptive network based inference system”., 14th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR 2011), Paris, France, 6-8 Sep. 2011.
  25. S.A,  Niknam. R, Kamguem, and V, Songmene.,“Spectral analysis of slot milling using Acoustic Emission”., 28th annual CMVA seminar., Québec city, QC, Canada, 27-29 October 2010.
  26. S.A, Niknam.,V, Songmene.,“The influence of Bearing Operational Conditions on Acoustic Emission Parameters”., Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering Forum 2010, June 7-9, 2010., Victoria, B.C, Canada, 7-9 June 2010.
  27. S.A, Niknam., S.M, Rezaei, and V, Songmene.,“Sensitivity of Acoustic Emission to lubrication on bearing surfaces”., 6th conference in Maintenance, Tehran, Iran, 8-9 June 2010.
  28. S.A, Niknam., S.M, Rezaei, and V, Songmene.,“A review on bearing faults diagnosis using  Acoustic Emission”., 6th conference in Maintenance, Tehran, Iran, 8-9 June 2010.
Taught Courses 

In Iran (Iran University of Science and Technology) 
  1. Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems (Undergraduate level)
  2. Numerical Control Machines (Undergraduate level)
  3. Control and Measurement Systems of Machine Tools (Graduate level)
  4. Advanced CAD/CAM (Graduate level)
  5. Manufacturing workshop (Undergraduate)
International Delivered courses (China and Canada)
  1. Control and monitoring of machine tools and machining processes
  2. Production Tooling
  3. Production Planning
  4. Machining Technology
  5. Design Project
  6. Quality Control
  7. CNC Programming
  8. Solid Modeling
Honors and Awards
  1. FIR 2019, ETS, Montreal, Canada (June 2019). 
  2. Research Grant (Young Assistant Professors), 200,000,000Rials-Iran National Elites Foundation
  3. FQRNT Post-Doctoral Fellowship, $70,000 (Ranked First in Quebec among all Candidates in the category of Mechanical and Civil Engineering)
  4. Ph.D. studentship and tuition fees waiver support, $27,000 p.a. (3yrs)
  5. FRQNT Research scholarship (1000$- Won 4 times)
  6. Internal scholarship (bourses internes), $5,000 p.a
  7. International mobility and exchange program scholarship, $5,000
Review and Editorial activities 

1. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
2. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
3. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B:  Journal of Engineering Manufacture
4. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mech Engineering science
5. Journal of Cleaner Production
6. Journal of Measurement
7. Journal of Manufacturing Processes
8. Journal of Engineering Fracture Mechanics
9. Journal of Alloys and Compounds
10. Journal of Composite Structures
11. Journal of Advances in Nano Research
Delivered Talks at International Conferences
  1. Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering (CSME) Forum 2010, Victoria, B.C, Canada, 7-9 June 2010.
  2. 28th annual Seminar of the Canadian Machinery Vibration Association (CMVA). Quebec City, QC, Canada, 27-29 October 2010.
  3. COM 2011, Montréal, QC, Quebec, Canada, 2-5 October 2011.
  4. ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Denver, CL, USA, 11-17 Nov 2011.
  5. 20th Annual Int. Conf. Mechanical Engineering (ISME 2012), Shiraz, Iran, 16-18 May 2012.
  6. 1st International Conference on Virtual Machining ProcessTechnology, CIRP Sponsored Conference, Polytechnique Montréal, QC, Canada, May 28 – June 1, 2012.
  7. ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, TX, USA, 9-15 Nov 2012.
  8. ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC2013), Madison, WIS, USA, 10-14 June 2013.
  9. International Conference on Aluminium (INALCO 2013), Montréal, QC, Canada, 21-22 October 2013.
  10. CIRP Manufacturing Systems (CMS), Windsor, ON, Canada, 28-30 April 2014.
  11. 13th National Manufacturing Conference, November 2016, Bandar Abbas, Iran.
  12. The 6th International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology (VMPT 2017), Polytechnique Montréal, QC, Canada, 29 May-June 02, 2017.
  13. 13th National Manufacturing Conference, November 2017, Arak, Iran.
  14. 8th CIRP Conference on High-Performance Cutting (HPC 2018), Budapest, Hungary.June 25-27, 2018. 
  15. 17th National Conference and 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Tehran, Iran, March 2021.
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