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اطلاعیه تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشگاه درباره ثبت نام دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد ورودی 98::
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 Professor Jabbar Ali Zakeri
Jabbar Ali Zakeri   Professor of Railway Engineering   University: Iran University of science & Technology   Faculty: School of railway engineering   Department: Track & railway structures Dep

  Jabbar Ali Zakeri
  Professor of Railway Engineering
  University: Iran University of science & Technology
  Faculty: School of railway engineering
  Department: Track & railway structures Department
  Phone: 0098-21-73913517
  Email: Zakeri@iust.ac.ir
  Doctor of Philosophy in Civil engineering – road and railroad engineering
  University: Beijing Jiaotong University, 2000
  Master of Science in Structural Engineering, 1995
  University: Tabriz University, Iran
  Award: Prize for achieving the first rank among all graduates- highest distinction mark With 19.53 from 20
  Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, 1992
  University: Tabriz University, Iran.
  Member of Infrastructure commission of UIC (2004-2005)
  Member of Iranian Association of Rail transport Engineering
  · عضو کمیته علمی کنفرانس بین المللی تقاطعات همسطح راه آهن – کانادا -2006
  Dean of track department, School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran , Iran (2000-2008)
  - Associate Professor, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran , Iran ( 2011-present)
  - Assistant Professor, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran , Iran ( 2000-2010)
  Teaching in:
  Bsc. Courses: Railway track (1), railway track construction, track maintenance, track Analysis and design, track laboratory
  Msc. Courses: train-track interaction, Modern methods in track maintenance, Advanced railway engineering
  PhD. courses: train-track interaction II, special Issues in Railway track and structures
  Conducting research: track dynamics, track maintenance & construction, track in desert area, safety of level crossings
  1. 2010: Frictional sleeper and its effects on increasing lateral track resistance, Iran University of Science and Technology.
  2. 2008: Investigation of railway track superstructure in transition zone from elastic bed to rigid one”, Iran University of Science and Technology.
  3. 2007: Investigation of increasing safety methods in rail/road level crossings, Iran University of Science and Technology.
  4. 2006: Internal evaluation of railway track and structures training program, Iran University of Science and Technology.
  5. 2005: Review in Railway track and structures syllabus, B.Sc. Program, Iran University of Science and Technology.
  6. 2004: Designing Special sleepers for reducing the maintenance cost, Iran University of Science and Technology.
  7. 2003-2005: Investigating loads applied to concrete sleeper, Sleeper manufacturing and track laying Co. (Iranian Railways) and Iran University of Science and Technology, 2003-2005
  8. 2003: Cooperating in preparation of the loading code for railway bridges- Iran University of Science and Technology- Road and transport ministry training and research ad joint.
  9. 2003: Cooperating in “Investigation on track Deterioration model” Iran University of Science and Technology- Iran railway research center.
  10. 2004: Cooperating in designing ladder track - Iran University of Science and Technology- Boo Ali University of Hamadan.
  11. Controller of “ Investigation of Safety configuration and presenting a safety instruction for Iran Railway system” research project, Road and transport ministry training and research ad joint, 2003
  12. Controller of “ Rail transport safety design” research project, Road and transport ministry training and research ad joint, 2004
  13. Controller of “ Design and execution of TMS track maintenance management” Research project, Road and transport ministry training and research ad joint, 2004
  14. Controller of “ The effect of NB in improvement of Mechanical and structural properties of Termite welding” Research project, Road and transport ministry training and research ad joint, 2002
  15. Controller of “Consolidation of Current gravels criteria in Bafgh- Mashhad railway” research project, Road and transport ministry training and research ad joint, 2005
  16. Controller of “ Preparation of Maintenance of railway structures instruction” research project, Road and transport ministry training and research ad joint, 2005
  - Dynamic Train- track interaction
  - Maintenance Management System
  - Analysis and design of railway superstructure (ballasted and slab tracks)
  - railway track construction and maintenence
  - Dynamics of railway bridges
  - railway track safety
  1 - Dynamics of Railway Bridges, Iran university of science & Technology Press, 2004 (translation)
  2 - An Introduction to Railway Track maintenance system , Advanced Training Center of Iranian Railway Press, 2006
  3 - Railway Track Maintenance Methodes, Iran university of science & Technology Press, 2006
  4- Modern railway track Vol 1. , Iranian Association of Rail transport Engineering Press, (with Dr. Mohammadzadeh) (translation) 2009.
  5 - Modern railway track Vol 2. , Iranian Association of Rail transport Engineering Press, (with Dr. Mohammadzadeh) (translation) 2009.
  6- Track safety Standards, Advanced Training Center of Iranian Railway Press, (under press). 2010
  Journals (in English):
  1. Zakeri J. A., Mirfattahi B., Fakhari M. (2011 ) " Lateral Resistance of Railway Track with Frictional Sleepers" Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport journal (under press) .  (Abstract)
  2. Zakeri J. A. (2011) " Investigation on Railway Track Maintenance in sandy-dry Areas" Journal of structure and infrastructure engineering Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance . (Under press).  (Abstract)
  3. Jabbar Ali Zakeri, Morteza Esmaeili, Masoud Fathali (2011) "Evaluation of Humped Slab Track Performance in Desert Railways" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit , Volume 225 Issue 6 November, pp. 567 - 574.  (Abstract)
  4. Zakeri J. A. and Ghorbani V. (2011)" Investigation on Dynamic Behavior of Railway Track in Transition Zone " Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology V 25 No. 2, pp. 287-292.  (Abstract) 
  5. Zakeri, J. A., Kooben, F. (2010) "Variation of dynamic wheel-rail forces in high speed trains", Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 4 – No. 5, pp. 48~51. (Abstract)
  6. Zakeri J. A., Xia H. and Fan J. J. (2009) " Dynamic Responses of Train –Track system to Single rail Irregularity " Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, V 6 No. 2, pp. 89-104.  
  7. Zakeri J. A. and Xia H. (2009) "Application of 2D-infinite beam elements in dynamic analysis of railway track" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology V 23 No. 5, pp. 1415-1421. (Abstract)
  8. Zakeri J. A. (2009) "Determination of "V" shaped permissible rail defect based on WLR ratio" Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B, Engineering, Vol. 33, No. B1, pp 129-132.  (Abstract) 
  9. Zakeri J. A. and Xia H. (2008) “Sensitivity Analysis of Track Parameters on Train- Track Dynamic Interaction" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology V 22 No. 7, pp. 1299-1304. (Abstract)
  10. Zakeri J. A and Sadeghi J. (2007) “Field Investigation on Load Distribution and Deflections of Railway Track Sleepers" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, V 21 No. 12, pp. 1948-1956.  (Abstract)
  11. Xia H., Xu Y. L., Chan T. H. T. and Zakeri J. A (2007) "DYNAMIC RESPONSES OF RAILWAY SUSPENSION BRIDGES UNDER MOVING TRAIN" Scientia Iranica, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp 385-394.  (Abstract)
  12. Zakeri J. A (2002) “Development of railway Networks in Iranian Railways” Journal of rail international, Vol 33(11), pp. 35-39.
  13. Zakeri J. A., Xia H. and Fan J. J. (2000)Effects of unsupported Sleeper on Dynamic Responses of Railway Track”, Journal of Northern Jiaotong University, 24 (1), 50-55.  (Abstract)
  14. ISC Journal papers
  15. Zakeri, J.A. & Esmaeili, M. & Abdorazagh, P; (2009) “Static analysis of soil- steel bridges under train load”, Civil and Environmental Engineering journal of Tabriz University, Vol. (39) No. 1, pp. 69-74. (in Persian).  (Abstract)
  16. Zakeri, J.A. & Fathali, M. & Bolukian, N. (2008)” Investigating the effect of rail lateral slope on rail-wheel interaction , case study: Mashad railway”, Journal of Tabriz University Engineering department, Volume 38, No. 3, PP 73-79. (in Persian).  (Abstract) 
  17. Zakeri, J.A (2008) rail-wheel impacts at railway track switches, Esteghlal Researching journal, Isfahan polytechnic University, 27th year, No.1, PP 87-101.(in Persian) .  (Abstract)
  18. Zakeri, J.A & Sadeghylar, A.A. (2008) The effect of existing hanging sleeper on dynamic behavior of Railway track with corrugated rail in Iran North-East Railway track, Transportation Research Journal, 5th year, No.1, PP 43-48. (in Persian).  (Abstract)
  19. Zakeri, J.A. (2007) Dynamic analysis of railway bridges under train load, Journal of Tabriz University Engineering department, Volume 33, No.3, PP 47-54. (in Persian) .  (Abstract) 
  20. Zakeri, J.A & Doroodi, Y.& MohammadZadeh, S. (2007) Field investigation of contact stress distribution at the underside of B70 concrete sleeper, Journal of Tabriz University Engineering department, Volume 33, No. 2, PP 36-44.  (Abstract)
  21. Zakeri, J.A, (2005) Cognizance of Dangerous road-railroad crossings according to track indices , Transportation Research Journal, 3rd year, No. 3, PP223-231. (in Persian).  (Abstract)
  22. Zakeri, J.A, (2005) Analysis of railway track effects on dynamic interaction between railway bridges and trains”, Transportation Research Journal, 2nd year, No.4, PP 213-221. (in Persian) .  (Abstract)
  23. Zakeri, J.A, Fan Jun Jie, (2005) Investigation of CWR exchange devices calculations, Esteghlal researching journal, Isfahan Polytechnic University, No. 24, Volume 1, PP 381-390, 2002 .  (Abstract) 
  24. Zakeri, J.A. & gharamani, S. (2008) Assessment of Ballast bed defects by applying GPR, Artificial intelligence journal, September, pp 47-51. (in Persian).  (Abstract)
  25. Zakeri, J.A & Yaghubi Saray, H. (2008) investigation of magnetic trains benefits to other fast trains, Development and transportation journal, No. 12, pp 44-53.(in Persian) .  (Abstract)
  1.   Zakeri J. A., Abbasi R. (2011) "Field investigation on distribution of contact pressure between sleeper and saturated ballast with flowing sand " 11th International conference on Railway Engineering, London, Uk .
  2.  Zakeri J. A., Abbasi R. (2011) "Field investigation on distribution of contact pressure between sleeper and saturated ballast with flowing sand " 11th International conference on Railway Engineering, London, Uk .
  3. Zakeri J. A., Jadidi K. (2011) "Effect of outsourcing on cost of railway track maintenance and repair " 11th International conference on Railway Engineering, London, Uk .
  4. Zakeri J.A , Esmaeili M , Mosayebi A and Abbasi R (2011) "Investigation on vibration Effects of Moving Train in Desert Area" , Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Vibration, Chengdu, China, October 20-22.
  5. Zakeri J. A., Abdolrazagh P. (2011)" Improving the Seismic Behavior of Railway Tracks Using Parametric Analysis of Components " Sixth International Conference of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 16-18 May 2011 Tehran, Iran.
  6. Zakeri J. A., Mirfattahi B., Fakhari M. (2010) " Field and laboratory investigation on the lateral resistance of sleepers by employing STPT test" CD-proceedings of the First International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure (CETRA 2010), 17th to 18th May , Croatia .
  7. Zakeri J. A., Shahriari, Sh. " Developing deterioration probabilistic model on the basis of Weibull distribution for rail Wear with case study in Lorestan railway " CD-proceedings of the First International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure (CETRA 2010), 17th to 18th May , Croatia .
  8. Jabbar Ali Zakeri, Morteza Esmaeili, Parisa Haji Abdulrazagh, "Simplified Design Method of Long- Span Railway Soil-Metal Bridges" 6 th International Conference on Arch Bridges , Fuzhou, Oct 11-13, 2010 .
  9. Zakeri J. A., Sadeghi A. A. "Results evaluation of safety improvement plan in Iranian railway level crossings", 1st National Conference on road and railway accidents, Zandjan, 2009.
  10. Xia H . , Dong Y.S, and Zakeri J. A. (2009) "Experimental study of ladder track on a rail transit elevated bridge" Proceedings of second International Conference on recent Advances in Railway Engineering .
  11. Jadidi, K. and Zakeri J. A. (2009) " Design and Manufacturing an Intelligent System for Ballast Compaction Estimation" CD- Proceedings of 11th International conference on Railway Engineering, London.
  12. Zakeri J. A. (2007) " REQUIREMENTS OF RAILWAY ROUTE DESIGN IN DESERT AREAS", CD- Proceedings of 8th International conference on Railway Engineering, London.
  13. Zakeri J. A. (2007) " EFFECTIVE FACTORS ON FAILURES OF CONCRETE SLEEPERS", CD- Proceedings of 8th International conference on Railway Engineering, London.
  14. Zakeri J. A. (2006) “ EXECUTIVE APPROACHES TO CONSTRUCT RAILWAY BRIDGES WHILE RAILWAY LINE IS IN OPERATION ”, CD - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on structural faults + repairs, University of Edinburgh, UK.
  15. Zakeri J. A. (2006) " Safety Improvement Measures Based on Level crossing Inventories", CD - Proceedings of the World Congress on Railway Research, Canada.
  16. Zakeri J. A. (2006) " VULNERABILITY OF IRANIAN RAILWAY NETWORK FROM NATURAL DISASTERS" CD- Proceedings of the International Railway Symposium , Turkey .
  17. Zakeri J. A. (2005)” STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF RAIL BREAKAGE AND RAIL WELDING FAILURES IN IRANIAN RAILWAYS ” CD- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Railway Engineering, university of westminster, London.
  18. Zakeri J. A. (2004) “Iranian Railways Strategies for reducing accident risks in crossings” CD- Proceedings of 8th International level Crossings Symposium, Sheffield University, UK.
  19. Zakeri J. A. (2004) ” Track defects in desert area and methods for determining corrective measures ” CD- Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Railway Engineering, Commonwealth Institute, London.
  20. Zakeri J. A. (2003) ” Repair and strengthening of Karoon Railway Bridge “CD- Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Faults + Repair , Commonwealth Institute, London.
  21. Zakeri J. A., Ayan V. (2003)” Increasing Train Speed in Tehran-Mashhad up to 160 km/h” CD- Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Railway Engineering, Commonwealth Institute, London.
  22. Zakeri J. A. (2003) “ Development of Railway Transportation Network in Desert and Dry Lands” CD- Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Development of Dry Lands,Tehran.
  23. Zakeri J. A., Xia H. and Fan J. J. (2001) “Whiplash phenomenon in Rail/Sleeper Interaction”, CD- Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Railway Engineering, Commonwealth Institute, London.
  24. Zakeri J. A., Xia H. and Fan J. J. (2000) “Dynamic Behaviour of High-Speed Railway Tracks”, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, Northern Jiaotong University, pp. .
  25. Zakeri J. A., Xia H. and Fan J. J. (1999) “Dynamic Responses of Railway Track to Rail Corrugation Excitations by using finite and infinite Elements model” CD-ROM Proceedings of the World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR’99) RTRI, Tokyo.
  26. Zakeri J. A., Xia H. and Fan J. J. (1999) “Computer Simulation for Dynamics of Railway Track structure ” Proceedings of International Symposium on Theory and Application of Structural Engineering Test Method, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, pp. 169-176.
  27. Xia H., Xu Y. L., Chan T. H. and Zakeri J. A. (1999) “ Dynamic Responses of Long Suspension Bridges under Running Trains ” 5th Annual Railway Transportation Conference, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran.
  28.  Esmaeili, M. & Abdorazagh, P & Zakeri, J.A. “Assessment of Soil cover in Soil-steel bridges by applying 2D Finite element method analysis”, 11th international congress on railway transportation, Tehran 2009 (in persian)
  25. Zakeri, J.A & Nasudi, A. “ Dynamic analysis of railway track structure in high velocities by applying Finite Element Method”, 11th international congress on railway transportation, Tehran 2009 .
  26. Zakeri, J.A. & Naimi, “ Methods of railway steel bridges renovation”, 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances on Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 2009.
  27. Zakeri, J.A. & Esmaeili, M. & Abdorazagh, P. “ Comparison between 2D and 3D finite element method in soil-steel railway bridges”, 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances on Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 2009
  28. Zakeri, J.A & Nasudi, A. “ Dynamic analysis of railway track structure in high velocities by applying Finite Element Method”, 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances on Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 2009
  29. Zakeri, J.A. & kuben, F. “ Investigation of load variation applied to rail according to rail- train interaction at high speed”, 8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2009 .
  30. Zakeri, J.A & Nasudi, A. “ The effects of ballast maintenance under train moving load on railway track dynamic behavior ”, 8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2009
  31. Zakeri, J.A & Nasudi, A. “ railway track dynamic analysis under the wheel cut effect”, 8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2009.
  32. Ayati, E. & Zakeri, J.A, & Sedeghy, A.A. “ A Model for anticipating crush intensity for Iran road -rail level crossings”, First national conference on road and railroad accidents, Iran, Zanjan, 2009
  33. Shafiee, M. Zaketi, J.A. “ The Assessment of Derailment methods and its doers”, First national conference on road and railroad accidents, Iran, Zanjan, 2009
  34. Zakeri, J.A. & Fathali, M. “The life cycle cost analysis of railway superstructure, Case study: Qom- Isfahan railway”, 5th International Conference on maintenance operations”, 2008
  35. Zakeri, J.A. & Shahryari, Sh. “Determination of railway track maintenance operation type according to cost norm”, 5th International Conference on maintenance operations”, 2008 .
  36. Abdorazagh, P.& Zakeri, J.A. & Mokhtari, S. “Investigation of applying Geogrid effects on railway track substructure strengthening” by applying FEM analysis”, 10th conference on rail transport, Iran 2008
  37. Zakeri, J.A. & Motian Najar, M.A. “The assessment of Railway track bed stiffness sensibility against lifting by applying modified winkler method” 10th conference on rail transport, Iran 2008
  38. Zakeri, J.A. & Fathali, M. “ Design of humpback slab track for deserts”, 10th conference on rail transport, Iran 2008
  39. Zakeri, J.A. & Nasudi, A. “ Investigation of wheel cut defect and aits effects on dynamic loads applied to railway track”, 10th conference on rail transport, Iran 2008
  40. Navab zadeh, R & Zakeri. J.A. & Wahdai, sh. “ Wearing effects on vertical stresses on rail”, 9th conference on rail transport, Iran 2007 .
  41. Zakeri, J.A. & Rad, M. “Investigation of concrete sleeper failure under vertical load”, 9th conference on rail transport, Iran 2007
  42. Zakeri, J.A. & Mirmohamad sadeghi, J. “Field investigation of sleeper ballast interaction in railway track super structure”, 3rd national congress on civil engineering, Tabriz, 2007 .
  43. Zakeri, J.A. “ Investigation of railway track vulnerability to earth hazards and natural dangerousness”, First international conference on earth natural dangerousness, Qom 2005.
  44. Zakeri, J.A. “Investigation of railway track vulnerability to earthquake and its solutions”, ”, First international conference on earth natural dangerousness, Qom 2005
  45. Vaziri, M. & Zakeri, J.A. “Comparison ofmulti variation Regression (MVR) Analytical model and NNW analytical model for track modulus calculation by GPR”, 7th conference on rail transport, Sharif University of technology, 2004
  46. Zakeri, J.A. & khalili, A. “ Statistic analysis of rail breakage and welded rail joints in Iran railway”, 7th conference on rail transport, Sharif University of technology, 2004
  47. Zakeri, J.A. & Fan Jun Jie, “ Investigation of railway track dynamic behavior under train moving load”, 5th international conference on civil engineering, Mashhad, 2000
  48. Zakeri, J.A. & Fan Jun Jie, xia He , “ Investigation the rail corrugations and its effects on railway track dynamic behavior”, 5th conference on rail transport, Iran University of Science and Technology, 1999
  49. Zakeri, J.A. & Fan Jun Jie, Xia Hei , “ Dynamic interaction of train and railway track- Models and solutions”, 4th conference on rail transport, Tehran University, 1998
  Jabbar Ali Zakeri
  Professor of Railway Engineering
  University: Iran University of science & Technology
  Faculty: School of railway engineering
  Department: Track & railway structures Department
  Phone: 0098-21-73913517
  Email: Zakeri@iust.ac.ir
  Doctor of Philosophy in Civil engineering – road and railroad engineering
  University: Beijing Jiaotong University, 2000
  Master of Science in Structural Engineering, 1995
  University: Tabriz University, Iran
  Award: Prize for achieving the first rank among all graduates- highest distinction mark With 19.53 from 20
  Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, 1992
  University: Tabriz University, Iran.
  Member of Infrastructure commission of UIC (2004-2005)
  Member of Iranian Association of Rail transport Engineering
  · عضو کمیته علمی کنفرانس بین المللی تقاطعات همسطح راه آهن – کانادا -2006
  Dean of track department, School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran , Iran (2000-2008)
  - Associate Professor, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran , Iran ( 2011-present)
  - Assistant Professor, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran , Iran ( 2000-2010)
  Teaching in:
  Bsc. Courses: Railway track (1), railway track construction, track maintenance, track Analysis and design, track laboratory
  Msc. Courses: train-track interaction, Modern methods in track maintenance, Advanced railway engineering
  PhD. courses: train-track interaction II, special Issues in Railway track and structures
  Conducting research: track dynamics, track maintenance & construction, track in desert area, safety of level crossings
  1. 2010: Frictional sleeper and its effects on increasing lateral track resistance, Iran University of Science and Technology.
  2. 2008: Investigation of railway track superstructure in transition zone from elastic bed to rigid one”, Iran University of Science and Technology.
  3. 2007: Investigation of increasing safety methods in rail/road level crossings, Iran University of Science and Technology.
  4. 2006: Internal evaluation of railway track and structures training program, Iran University of Science and Technology.
  5. 2005: Review in Railway track and structures syllabus, B.Sc. Program, Iran University of Science and Technology.
  6. 2004: Designing Special sleepers for reducing the maintenance cost, Iran University of Science and Technology.
  7. 2003-2005: Investigating loads applied to concrete sleeper, Sleeper manufacturing and track laying Co. (Iranian Railways) and Iran University of Science and Technology, 2003-2005
  8. 2003: Cooperating in preparation of the loading code for railway bridges- Iran University of Science and Technology- Road and transport ministry training and research ad joint.
  9. 2003: Cooperating in “Investigation on track Deterioration model” Iran University of Science and Technology- Iran railway research center.
  10. 2004: Cooperating in designing ladder track - Iran University of Science and Technology- Boo Ali University of Hamadan.
  11. Controller of “ Investigation of Safety configuration and presenting a safety instruction for Iran Railway system” research project, Road and transport ministry training and research ad joint, 2003
  12. Controller of “ Rail transport safety design” research project, Road and transport ministry training and research ad joint, 2004
  13. Controller of “ Design and execution of TMS track maintenance management” Research project, Road and transport ministry training and research ad joint, 2004
  14. Controller of “ The effect of NB in improvement of Mechanical and structural properties of Termite welding” Research project, Road and transport ministry training and research ad joint, 2002
  15. Controller of “Consolidation of Current gravels criteria in Bafgh- Mashhad railway” research project, Road and transport ministry training and research ad joint, 2005
  16. Controller of “ Preparation of Maintenance of railway structures instruction” research project, Road and transport ministry training and research ad joint, 2005
  - Dynamic Train- track interaction
  - Maintenance Management System
  - Analysis and design of railway superstructure (ballasted and slab tracks)
  - railway track construction and maintenence
  - Dynamics of railway bridges
  - railway track safety
  1 - Dynamics of Railway Bridges, Iran university of science & Technology Press, 2004 (translation)
  2 - An Introduction to Railway Track maintenance system , Advanced Training Center of Iranian Railway Press, 2006
  3 - Railway Track Maintenance Methodes, Iran university of science & Technology Press, 2006
  4- Modern railway track Vol 1. , Iranian Association of Rail transport Engineering Press, (with Dr. Mohammadzadeh) (translation) 2009.
  5 - Modern railway track Vol 2. , Iranian Association of Rail transport Engineering Press, (with Dr. Mohammadzadeh) (translation) 2009.
  6- Track safety Standards, Advanced Training Center of Iranian Railway Press, (under press). 2010
  Journals (in English):
  1. Zakeri J. A., Mirfattahi B., Fakhari M. (2011 ) " Lateral Resistance of Railway Track with Frictional Sleepers" Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport journal (under press) .  (Abstract)
  2. Zakeri J. A. (2011) " Investigation on Railway Track Maintenance in sandy-dry Areas" Journal of structure and infrastructure engineering Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance . (Under press).  (Abstract)
  3. Jabbar Ali Zakeri, Morteza Esmaeili, Masoud Fathali (2011) "Evaluation of Humped Slab Track Performance in Desert Railways" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit , Volume 225 Issue 6 November, pp. 567 - 574.  (Abstract)
  4. Zakeri J. A. and Ghorbani V. (2011)" Investigation on Dynamic Behavior of Railway Track in Transition Zone " Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology V 25 No. 2, pp. 287-292.  (Abstract) 
  5. Zakeri, J. A., Kooben, F. (2010) "Variation of dynamic wheel-rail forces in high speed trains", Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 4 – No. 5, pp. 48~51. (Abstract)
  6. Zakeri J. A., Xia H. and Fan J. J. (2009) " Dynamic Responses of Train –Track system to Single rail Irregularity " Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, V 6 No. 2, pp. 89-104.  
  7. Zakeri J. A. and Xia H. (2009) "Application of 2D-infinite beam elements in dynamic analysis of railway track" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology V 23 No. 5, pp. 1415-1421. (Abstract)
  8. Zakeri J. A. (2009) "Determination of "V" shaped permissible rail defect based on WLR ratio" Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B, Engineering, Vol. 33, No. B1, pp 129-132.  (Abstract) 
  9. Zakeri J. A. and Xia H. (2008) “Sensitivity Analysis of Track Parameters on Train- Track Dynamic Interaction" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology V 22 No. 7, pp. 1299-1304. (Abstract)
  10. Zakeri J. A and Sadeghi J. (2007) “Field Investigation on Load Distribution and Deflections of Railway Track Sleepers" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, V 21 No. 12, pp. 1948-1956.  (Abstract)
  11. Xia H., Xu Y. L., Chan T. H. T. and Zakeri J. A (2007) "DYNAMIC RESPONSES OF RAILWAY SUSPENSION BRIDGES UNDER MOVING TRAIN" Scientia Iranica, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp 385-394.  (Abstract)
  12. Zakeri J. A (2002) “Development of railway Networks in Iranian Railways” Journal of rail international, Vol 33(11), pp. 35-39.
  13. Zakeri J. A., Xia H. and Fan J. J. (2000)Effects of unsupported Sleeper on Dynamic Responses of Railway Track”, Journal of Northern Jiaotong University, 24 (1), 50-55.  (Abstract)
  14. ISC Journal papers
  15. Zakeri, J.A. & Esmaeili, M. & Abdorazagh, P; (2009) “Static analysis of soil- steel bridges under train load”, Civil and Environmental Engineering journal of Tabriz University, Vol. (39) No. 1, pp. 69-74. (in Persian).  (Abstract)
  16. Zakeri, J.A. & Fathali, M. & Bolukian, N. (2008)” Investigating the effect of rail lateral slope on rail-wheel interaction , case study: Mashad railway”, Journal of Tabriz University Engineering department, Volume 38, No. 3, PP 73-79. (in Persian).  (Abstract) 
  17. Zakeri, J.A (2008) rail-wheel impacts at railway track switches, Esteghlal Researching journal, Isfahan polytechnic University, 27th year, No.1, PP 87-101.(in Persian) .  (Abstract)
  18. Zakeri, J.A & Sadeghylar, A.A. (2008) The effect of existing hanging sleeper on dynamic behavior of Railway track with corrugated rail in Iran North-East Railway track, Transportation Research Journal, 5th year, No.1, PP 43-48. (in Persian).  (Abstract)
  19. Zakeri, J.A. (2007) Dynamic analysis of railway bridges under train load, Journal of Tabriz University Engineering department, Volume 33, No.3, PP 47-54. (in Persian) .  (Abstract) 
  20. Zakeri, J.A & Doroodi, Y.& MohammadZadeh, S. (2007) Field investigation of contact stress distribution at the underside of B70 concrete sleeper, Journal of Tabriz University Engineering department, Volume 33, No. 2, PP 36-44.  (Abstract)
  21. Zakeri, J.A, (2005) Cognizance of Dangerous road-railroad crossings according to track indices , Transportation Research Journal, 3rd year, No. 3, PP223-231. (in Persian).  (Abstract)
  22. Zakeri, J.A, (2005) Analysis of railway track effects on dynamic interaction between railway bridges and trains”, Transportation Research Journal, 2nd year, No.4, PP 213-221. (in Persian) .  (Abstract)
  23. Zakeri, J.A, Fan Jun Jie, (2005) Investigation of CWR exchange devices calculations, Esteghlal researching journal, Isfahan Polytechnic University, No. 24, Volume 1, PP 381-390, 2002 .  (Abstract) 
  24. Zakeri, J.A. & gharamani, S. (2008) Assessment of Ballast bed defects by applying GPR, Artificial intelligence journal, September, pp 47-51. (in Persian).  (Abstract)
  25. Zakeri, J.A & Yaghubi Saray, H. (2008) investigation of magnetic trains benefits to other fast trains, Development and transportation journal, No. 12, pp 44-53.(in Persian) .  (Abstract)
  1.   Zakeri J. A., Abbasi R. (2011) "Field investigation on distribution of contact pressure between sleeper and saturated ballast with flowing sand " 11th International conference on Railway Engineering, London, Uk .
  2.  Zakeri J. A., Abbasi R. (2011) "Field investigation on distribution of contact pressure between sleeper and saturated ballast with flowing sand " 11th International conference on Railway Engineering, London, Uk .
  3. Zakeri J. A., Jadidi K. (2011) "Effect of outsourcing on cost of railway track maintenance and repair " 11th International conference on Railway Engineering, London, Uk .
  4. Zakeri J.A , Esmaeili M , Mosayebi A and Abbasi R (2011) "Investigation on vibration Effects of Moving Train in Desert Area" , Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Vibration, Chengdu, China, October 20-22.
  5. Zakeri J. A., Abdolrazagh P. (2011)" Improving the Seismic Behavior of Railway Tracks Using Parametric Analysis of Components " Sixth International Conference of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 16-18 May 2011 Tehran, Iran.
  6. Zakeri J. A., Mirfattahi B., Fakhari M. (2010) " Field and laboratory investigation on the lateral resistance of sleepers by employing STPT test" CD-proceedings of the First International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure (CETRA 2010), 17th to 18th May , Croatia .
  7. Zakeri J. A., Shahriari, Sh. " Developing deterioration probabilistic model on the basis of Weibull distribution for rail Wear with case study in Lorestan railway " CD-proceedings of the First International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure (CETRA 2010), 17th to 18th May , Croatia .
  8. Jabbar Ali Zakeri, Morteza Esmaeili, Parisa Haji Abdulrazagh, "Simplified Design Method of Long- Span Railway Soil-Metal Bridges" 6 th International Conference on Arch Bridges , Fuzhou, Oct 11-13, 2010 .
  9. Zakeri J. A., Sadeghi A. A. "Results evaluation of safety improvement plan in Iranian railway level crossings", 1st National Conference on road and railway accidents, Zandjan, 2009.
  10. Xia H . , Dong Y.S, and Zakeri J. A. (2009) "Experimental study of ladder track on a rail transit elevated bridge" Proceedings of second International Conference on recent Advances in Railway Engineering .
  11. Jadidi, K. and Zakeri J. A. (2009) " Design and Manufacturing an Intelligent System for Ballast Compaction Estimation" CD- Proceedings of 11th International conference on Railway Engineering, London.
  12. Zakeri J. A. (2007) " REQUIREMENTS OF RAILWAY ROUTE DESIGN IN DESERT AREAS", CD- Proceedings of 8th International conference on Railway Engineering, London.
  13. Zakeri J. A. (2007) " EFFECTIVE FACTORS ON FAILURES OF CONCRETE SLEEPERS", CD- Proceedings of 8th International conference on Railway Engineering, London.
  14. Zakeri J. A. (2006) “ EXECUTIVE APPROACHES TO CONSTRUCT RAILWAY BRIDGES WHILE RAILWAY LINE IS IN OPERATION ”, CD - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on structural faults + repairs, University of Edinburgh, UK.
  15. Zakeri J. A. (2006) " Safety Improvement Measures Based on Level crossing Inventories", CD - Proceedings of the World Congress on Railway Research, Canada.
  16. Zakeri J. A. (2006) " VULNERABILITY OF IRANIAN RAILWAY NETWORK FROM NATURAL DISASTERS" CD- Proceedings of the International Railway Symposium , Turkey .
  17. Zakeri J. A. (2005)” STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF RAIL BREAKAGE AND RAIL WELDING FAILURES IN IRANIAN RAILWAYS ” CD- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Railway Engineering, university of westminster, London.
  18. Zakeri J. A. (2004) “Iranian Railways Strategies for reducing accident risks in crossings” CD- Proceedings of 8th International level Crossings Symposium, Sheffield University, UK.
  19. Zakeri J. A. (2004) ” Track defects in desert area and methods for determining corrective measures ” CD- Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Railway Engineering, Commonwealth Institute, London.
  20. Zakeri J. A. (2003) ” Repair and strengthening of Karoon Railway Bridge “CD- Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Faults + Repair , Commonwealth Institute, London.
  21. Zakeri J. A., Ayan V. (2003)” Increasing Train Speed in Tehran-Mashhad up to 160 km/h” CD- Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Railway Engineering, Commonwealth Institute, London.
  22. Zakeri J. A. (2003) “ Development of Railway Transportation Network in Desert and Dry Lands” CD- Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Development of Dry Lands,Tehran.
  23. Zakeri J. A., Xia H. and Fan J. J. (2001) “Whiplash phenomenon in Rail/Sleeper Interaction”, CD- Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Railway Engineering, Commonwealth Institute, London.
  24. Zakeri J. A., Xia H. and Fan J. J. (2000) “Dynamic Behaviour of High-Speed Railway Tracks”, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, Northern Jiaotong University, pp. .
  25. Zakeri J. A., Xia H. and Fan J. J. (1999) “Dynamic Responses of Railway Track to Rail Corrugation Excitations by using finite and infinite Elements model” CD-ROM Proceedings of the World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR’99) RTRI, Tokyo.
  26. Zakeri J. A., Xia H. and Fan J. J. (1999) “Computer Simulation for Dynamics of Railway Track structure ” Proceedings of International Symposium on Theory and Application of Structural Engineering Test Method, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, pp. 169-176.
  27. Xia H., Xu Y. L., Chan T. H. and Zakeri J. A. (1999) “ Dynamic Responses of Long Suspension Bridges under Running Trains ” 5th Annual Railway Transportation Conference, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran.
  28.  Esmaeili, M. & Abdorazagh, P & Zakeri, J.A. “Assessment of Soil cover in Soil-steel bridges by applying 2D Finite element method analysis”, 11th international congress on railway transportation, Tehran 2009 (in persian)
  25. Zakeri, J.A & Nasudi, A. “ Dynamic analysis of railway track structure in high velocities by applying Finite Element Method”, 11th international congress on railway transportation, Tehran 2009 .
  26. Zakeri, J.A. & Naimi, “ Methods of railway steel bridges renovation”, 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances on Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 2009.
  27. Zakeri, J.A. & Esmaeili, M. & Abdorazagh, P. “ Comparison between 2D and 3D finite element method in soil-steel railway bridges”, 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances on Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 2009
  28. Zakeri, J.A & Nasudi, A. “ Dynamic analysis of railway track structure in high velocities by applying Finite Element Method”, 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances on Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 2009
  29. Zakeri, J.A. & kuben, F. “ Investigation of load variation applied to rail according to rail- train interaction at high speed”, 8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2009 .
  30. Zakeri, J.A & Nasudi, A. “ The effects of ballast maintenance under train moving load on railway track dynamic behavior ”, 8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2009
  31. Zakeri, J.A & Nasudi, A. “ railway track dynamic analysis under the wheel cut effect”, 8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2009.
  32. Ayati, E. & Zakeri, J.A, & Sedeghy, A.A. “ A Model for anticipating crush intensity for Iran road -rail level crossings”, First national conference on road and railroad accidents, Iran, Zanjan, 2009
  33. Shafiee, M. Zaketi, J.A. “ The Assessment of Derailment methods and its doers”, First national conference on road and railroad accidents, Iran, Zanjan, 2009
  34. Zakeri, J.A. & Fathali, M. “The life cycle cost analysis of railway superstructure, Case study: Qom- Isfahan railway”, 5th International Conference on maintenance operations”, 2008
  35. Zakeri, J.A. & Shahryari, Sh. “Determination of railway track maintenance operation type according to cost norm”, 5th International Conference on maintenance operations”, 2008 .
  36. Abdorazagh, P.& Zakeri, J.A. & Mokhtari, S. “Investigation of applying Geogrid effects on railway track substructure strengthening” by applying FEM analysis”, 10th conference on rail transport, Iran 2008
  37. Zakeri, J.A. & Motian Najar, M.A. “The assessment of Railway track bed stiffness sensibility against lifting by applying modified winkler method” 10th conference on rail transport, Iran 2008
  38. Zakeri, J.A. & Fathali, M. “ Design of humpback slab track for deserts”, 10th conference on rail transport, Iran 2008
  39. Zakeri, J.A. & Nasudi, A. “ Investigation of wheel cut defect and aits effects on dynamic loads applied to railway track”, 10th conference on rail transport, Iran 2008
  40. Navab zadeh, R & Zakeri. J.A. & Wahdai, sh. “ Wearing effects on vertical stresses on rail”, 9th conference on rail transport, Iran 2007 .
  41. Zakeri, J.A. & Rad, M. “Investigation of concrete sleeper failure under vertical load”, 9th conference on rail transport, Iran 2007
  42. Zakeri, J.A. & Mirmohamad sadeghi, J. “Field investigation of sleeper ballast interaction in railway track super structure”, 3rd national congress on civil engineering, Tabriz, 2007 .
  43. Zakeri, J.A. “ Investigation of railway track vulnerability to earth hazards and natural dangerousness”, First international conference on earth natural dangerousness, Qom 2005.
  44. Zakeri, J.A. “Investigation of railway track vulnerability to earthquake and its solutions”, ”, First international conference on earth natural dangerousness, Qom 2005
  45. Vaziri, M. & Zakeri, J.A. “Comparison ofmulti variation Regression (MVR) Analytical model and NNW analytical model for track modulus calculation by GPR”, 7th conference on rail transport, Sharif University of technology, 2004
  46. Zakeri, J.A. & khalili, A. “ Statistic analysis of rail breakage and welded rail joints in Iran railway”, 7th conference on rail transport, Sharif University of technology, 2004
  47. Zakeri, J.A. & Fan Jun Jie, “ Investigation of railway track dynamic behavior under train moving load”, 5th international conference on civil engineering, Mashhad, 2000
  48. Zakeri, J.A. & Fan Jun Jie, xia He , “ Investigation the rail corrugations and its effects on railway track dynamic behavior”, 5th conference on rail transport, Iran University of Science and Technology, 1999
  49. Zakeri, J.A. & Fan Jun Jie, Xia Hei , “ Dynamic interaction of train and railway track- Models and solutions”, 4th conference on rail transport, Tehran University, 1998


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