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:: Dr.rowshanzamir ::
 | Post date: 2014/12/9 | 




  Personal Details:

  Surname: Rowshanzamir

  Name: Soosan

  Date of birth: 1965

  E-mail : rowshanzamir@iust.ac.ir

  Present Position: Assistant Professor

  Department: Chemical Engineering

  Ph.D., Iran University of Science and Technology, 1999

  Tel: +98-21-77491242, 77491223…

  Website: www.iust.ac.ir E_mail: rowshanzamir@iust.ac.ir

  Education and Qualifications

  i) University Degrees

  • PhD in Chemical Engineering, Sharif University of Science and Technology, Iran,


  • MSc in Chemical Engineering, Amir-Kabir University , Iran, 1991-1993

  • BSc in Chemical Engineering, Sharif University of Science and Technology, Iran,



  Assistant Professor, Faculty of Chemical Engineering , Iran University of Science and Technology,

  Since January 1999

  Teaching Experiences

  Unit Operation I: undergraduate course in Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science

  and Technology

  Unit Operation II: undergraduate course in Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science

  and Technology

  Thermodynamic I: undergraduate course in Faculty of Food Engineering, Science and Research Branch

  of Islamic Azad University


  Thermodynamic II: undergraduate course in Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of

  Science and Technology

  Environmental Engineering: undergraduate course in Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Iran University

  of Science and Technology

  Advanced Electrochemical Engineering: postgraduate course in Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Iran

  University of Science and Technology

  Selected Written Works

  1. Rowshanzamir, S., Kazemini, M. and Kabiri Isfahani, M. (1998), Mass balance and water

  management for hydrogen - air fuel cells of the alkaline matrix type . Int. J . Hydrogen Energy ,

  23 (6), 1499-506

  2. Rowshanzamir, S and Kazemini, M. A new immobilized - alkali H2 / O2 Fuel cell. J. Power

  Sources , 88(2000) 262-268

  3. Eikani, M.H., Golmohammad, F., Rowshanzamir, S.,Mirza, M. Recovery of water-soluble

  constituents of rose oil using simultaneous distillation-extraction. Flavour and Fragrance

  Journal , 2005, 20, 555-558.

  4. Amirinejad, M., Rowshanzamir, S., Eikani, M.H., Effects of operating parameters on

  performance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell. J. of Power Sources, 161(2), 872-875,


  5. Eikani, M.H., Golmohammad, F., Rowshanzamir, Subcritical water extraction of essential oils

  from coriander seeds (Coriandrum sativum Mill.) J. Food Engineering, 80(2), 735-740, 2007.

  6. Eikani, M.H., Golmohammad, F., Rowshanzamir, S., Mirza, M. Extraction of volatile oil from

  cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) with superheated water. J. of Food Process Engineering,30(2),

  255-266, 2007 .

  7. Eikani, M.H., Golmohammad, F., Shokrollahzadeh, S., Mirza, M., Rowshanzamir, S.,

  Superheated water extraction of Lavandula latifolia Medik. volatiles: comparison with

  conventional techniques. J. Essential Oil Research., Vol. 20, November/December 2008, 482-487.

  8. M. Zahedi nezhad, S. Rowshanzamir , M. H. Eikani, Autothermal reforming of methane to

  synthesis gas: modeling and simulation, Int. J . Hydrogen Energy, 3 4 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1 2 9 2 – 1 3 0 0.

  9. Eikani, M.H. and Rowshanzamir, S., Synthesis gas from natural gas by noncatalytic partial

  oxidation. International Journal of Engineering Science, Iran University of Science and

  Technology, 15(1), 57-67, 2004.

  10. S. Rowshanzamir, Mohammad H. Eikani, M. Khoshnoodi, T. Eshagh Nimvar, “A parametric

  study of the PEM fuel cell cathode“,IUST International Journal of Engineering Science,


  11. Eikani, M.H., Golmohammad, F., Rowshanzamir, S., Simultaneous distillation-extraction of

  water-soluble constituents of rose oil. Euro Cosmetics, 12(1), 2004.

  12. Rowshanzamir, S., Kazemini, M. (1998) , Design and evaluation of an alkaline fuel cell . 13 th

  International Congress of Chemical and process Engineering, CHISA, 98, 23-28 August, praha,

  Czech Republic.

  13. Rowshanzamir, S., Kazemini, M. (1998) Fuel cell as a mean of producing clean energy from

  fossil fuel : An exprimental approach. The Second - International Non - Renewable Energy

  Sources Congress, Tarbiat Modarres University (T.M.U) , Dec. 12-17, Tehran, Iran.

  14. Rowshanzamir, S and Kazemeini, M. (2000), Development of 1 kW fuel cell stack , 14th

  International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering , 27-31.


  15. Eikani, M.H. and Rowshanzamir, S. (2002), Synthesis gas from natural gas by noncatalytic

  partial oxidation. 15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Praha,

  Czech Republic, 25- 29 August.

  16. Rowshanzamir, S., Eikani, M. H., Application of Nanotechnology in Pharmaceutical Industries,

  4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Granada , Spain, 21-25 Sep., 2003.

  17. Rowshanzamir, S., Eikani, M. H., On Board Hydrogen Storage in Fuel Cell Vehicles by Carbon

  Nanotubes, 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Granada, Spain, 21-25 Sep., 2003.

  18. Rowshanzamir, S., Eikani, M. H., Environmental Issues of Iran, 4th European Congress of

  Chemical Engineering, Granada , Spain, 21-25 Sep., 2003.

  19. Eikani, M. H., Rowshanzamir, S., Kaghazchi, T., Theoretical and experimental study of whey

  ultra filtration, 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Granada, Spain, 21-25 Sep.,


  20. Eikani, M. H., Golmohammad, F., Rowshanzamir, S., Noori, H., T., Design and fabrication of a

  pilot plant to recover aroma compounds from aqueous waste streams, 4th European Congress of

  Chemical Engineering, Granada , Spain, 21-25 Sep., 2003.

  21. Eikani, M.H., Rowshanzamir, S., Modelling and simulation of superheated water extraction of

  essential oils., 16th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Praha, Czech

  Republic, 22-26 August, 2004.

  22. Eikani, M.H., Rowshanzamir, S., Techno-economic analysis of natural gas based syngas

  production technologies: An overview., ibid, Praha, Czech Republic, 22-26 August, 2004.

  23. Eshagh Nimvar, Rowshanzamir, S., Khoshnoodi, M, Eikani, M.H., A pseudo-homogeneous

  model for catalyst layer of PEM fuel cells., ibid, Praha, Czech Republic, 22-26 August, 2004.

  24. Rowshanzamir, S., Jadid, S., Eikani, M.H., Setting national priorities for energy standards in

  Iran., ibid, Praha, Czech Republic, 22-26 August, 2004.

  25. Amirinejad, M., Rowshanzamir, S., Eikani, M. H., Current status and future prospects of fuel

  cell technology in Iran, ibid, Praha, Czech Republic, 22-26 August, 2004.

  26. Eikani, M.H., Rowshanzamir, S., A natural gas based hydrogen generator for fuel cells. 8th

  Grove Fuel Cell Symposium , ExCell, Docklands, London, UK, 24-26 Sep. 2003.

  27. Rowshanzamir, S., Amirinejad, M., Eikani, M. H., Outlook of fuel cells technology in Iran, Fuel

  Cells Science & Technology, A Grove Fuel Cell Event , www.fuelcelladvances.com, Munich,

  Germany, 6-7 October 2004.

  28. Eshagh Nimvar, T., Rowshanzamir, S., Khoshnoodi, M., Eikani, M.H., Modeling of the cathode

  catalyst layer of PEM fuel cell, 9th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress (ICHEC9), Iran

  University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 23-25 Nov. 2004.

  29. Mehdi Amirinejad, Soosan Rowshanzamir, Mohammad H. Eikani, " An Investigation of the

  Preparation Methods of Membrane Electrode Assemblies on Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel

  Cell Performance ", 4th international conference on polymer science & Technology, Tehran,

  Iran, September 27-29 2005.

  30. Eikani, M.H., Golmohammad, F., Rowshanzamir, Kaffashi Namdar, H., Subcritical water

  extraction of essential oils from coriander seeds (Coriandrum sativum Mill.) 17th International

  Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering , Praha, Czech Republic, 27-31 Aug., 2006.

  31. Eikani, M.H., Golmohammad, F., Rowshanzamir, Shokrollahzadeh, S., Superheated water

  extraction of Lavandula latifolia Medik. essential oil: comparison with conventional techniques.

  ibid , Praha, Czech Republic, 27-31 Aug., 2006.

  32. Eikani, M.H., Golmohammad, F., Rowshanzamir, Extraction of volatile oil from cumin

  (Cuminium cyminium Mill.) with pressurized low polarity water. ibid , Praha, Czech Republic, 27-

  31 Aug., 2006.


  33. Zahedinejad, M., Rowshanzamir, S., Eikani, M.H., Recent developments in reactor models for

  autothermal reforming of natural gas . ibid, Praha, Czech Republic, 27-31 Aug., 2006.

  34. Zahedinejad, M., Rowshanzamir, S., Eikani, M.H., Autothermal reforming of methane to

  synthesis gas: kinetic and thermodynamic studies. ibid , Praha, Czech Republic, 27-31 Aug., 2006.

  35. Esmaeilifar, A., Rowshanzamir, S., Eikani, M.H., zinc oxide nanoparticles formation for zinox

  materials as adsorbents to remove H2S from natural gas, 1st Int. Cong. On Nanoscience and

  Nanotechnology, Tehran, 18-20 Dec, 2006.

  36. M. Zahedi Nezhad, S. Rowshanzamir, M. H. Eikani, "Modeling and Simulation of methane

  autothermal reforming",The 5th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition

  (IChEC 2008), 2-5 January, 2008, Kish Island, I.R. Iran, pages 70-74.

  37. S. M. Sharifi, S. Rowshanzamir, M. H. Eikani, "Modeling the steady-state and dynamic V-I

  characteristics of PEM fuel cell", ",The 5th International Chemical Engineering Congress &

  Exhibition (IChEC 2008), 2-5 January, 2008, Kish Island, I.R. Iran, pages 197-203.

  38. Haleh K. Namdar,M. H. Eikani, S. Rowshanzamir, "Modeling and Simulation of superheated

  water extraction of essential oil from coriander seeds",The 5th International Chemical

  Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2008), 2-5 January, 2008, Kish Island, I.R. Iran,

  pages 1-10.

  39. K. Ramezani, S. Rowshanzamir, M. H. Eikani, "Experimental investigation of biodiesel from

  castor oil: production and kinetics mechanism",The 5th International Chemical Engineering

  Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2008), 2-5 January, 2008, Kish Island, I.R. Iran.

  40. S. M. Sharifi.Asl, , S. Rowshanzamir, Mohammad H. Eikani, Modeling the dynamic

  characteristics of PEM Fuel cell, 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process

  Engineering , Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 Aug., 2008.

  41. Kobra Ramezani, S. Rowshanzamir, M. H. Eikani, Effect of kinetic parameters on castor oil

  methanolysis by Taguchi method design, 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process

  Engineering , Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 Aug., 2008.

  42. P. Valipour, S. Rowshanzamir, M. Alavi, Kinetic modelling of n-dodecane dehydrogenation on

  Pt/Al2O3 catalyst based on LHHW mechanism, 18th International Congress of Chemical and

  Process Engineering , Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 Aug., 2008.

  43. M. Amjadi, S. Rowshanzamir, S. Sedghi, S. J. Peighambardoust, High temperature proton

  exchange membrane fuel cells: advantages and technical challenges, 18th International Congress

  of Chemical and Process Engineering , Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 Aug., 2008.

  44. Rowshanzamir, S. and Eikani, M.H. (2001), Design and construction of 1kW fuel cell. 3rd

  National Energy Congress , World Energy Council, National Energy Committee of Islamic

  Republic of Iran, 1-2 May, Tehran, Iran.

  45. Rowshanzamir, S.; Eikani, M.H.; Eliassi, A. (2002), Application of nanotechnology in fuel cell

  systems, Nanotechnology Conference (The Next Industrial Revolution), 25, Vol. 2,P.335-343, 5-6

  Mar. 2002, Technology Cooperation Office Nanotechnology Policy Studies Committee,

  www.tco.ac.ir/nano, Tehran, Iran, Mar. 2002.

  46. Rowshanzamir S. , Sh. Jadid, M. H. Eikani, Priorities for Energy Standards in Iran: A Multi-

  Criteria Decision Aid (MCDA) Technique, 5th National Energy Congress, 7-8 May 2005.

  47. Eshagh Nimvar, T., Rowshanzamir, S., Khoshnoodi, M., Eikani, M.H., Modeling of the cathode

  catalyst layer of PEM fuel cell, 9th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress (ICHEC9), Iran

  University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 23-25 Nov. 2004.

  48. Ghazanfari, E., Esmaeilifar, A., Rowshanzamir, S., Eikani, M.H., Amjadi, M., Synthesis of

  platinum nanoparticles by electroless method for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. 2nd

  Fuel Cell Seminar of Iran, Khajenasireadin Tousi Univ., Oct 18, 2008, Tehran, Iran.


  49. Amjadi, M., Rowshanzamir, S., Eikani, M.H., Peighambardoust, S.J., Ghazanfari, E.,High

  temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells: Advantages and technical challenges., 2nd

  Fuel Cell Seminar of Iran, Khajenasireadin Tousi Univ., Oct 18, 2008, Tehran, Iran.

  50. Sharifi Asl S. M., Rowshanzamir S. , Eikani M. H., PEM fuel cell voltage transient response to

  the sudden changes in current, The 12th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, 20-23 October

  2008, Sahand University of Technology.

  Conference Attendance

  • 15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Praha, Czech Republic, 25-

  29 August, 2002.

  • 16th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Praha, Czech Republic, 22-

  26 August, 2004.

  • WAYS 1st General Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, 11-14 December 2004.

  • 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Granada, Spain, 21-25 Sep., 2003.

  • 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Praha, Czech Republic, 27-

  31 Aug., 2006.

  Research Projects

  1- Energy research priorities of nanotechnology in Iran, Iran Ministry of Energy, Deputy of

  Electricity and Energy Affairs

  2- Design and fabrication of experimental Soild Polymer Electrolyt Fuel Cell (SPEFC)

  3- Design, fabrication and optimization of Electrode of Soild Polymer Electrolyt Fuel Cell

  4- Modeling of fuel cells for combined heat and power in residential applications

  5- Fuel processing investigation for fuel cell systems

  6- Investigation of nano particle design in supercritical fluids media

  7- Fabrication of the Non-Flourinated Nanocomposite Proton Exchange Membrane as a

  Substitute for the Nafion in PEM Fuel Cells

  8- The hydrothermal synthesis of Pt/C nanocomposites for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel

  Cells (PEMFCs )

  9- Biodiesel production from Castor oil transesterification reaction

  10- Reduction of COD in wastewater by electrochemical technology

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