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:: Dr.Golestani Fard ::

Personal Details


NAME: Farhad

SURNAME: Golestani fard


Fields of Research Interests:

Ceramics, Refractories, Raw Materials, Advanced Ceramics.



Contact Address

School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering

Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran

Tel: +9821-7724540-550 , Ext: 2813

Fax: +9821-77240480

E-mail: Golestanifard@iust.ac.ir


F. Golestani-Fard, M.R. Bayati, H.R. Zargar, S. Abbasi, H.R. Rezaei,” MAO-preparation of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite–titania composite films: Formation stages and effect of the growth time”, Materials Research Bulletin, Vol. 46, Issue 12, pp. 2422-2426.

Y. Safaei-Naeini , M. Aminzare ,F. Golestani-Fard , “The effects of temperature and different precursors in the synthesis of nano spinel in KCl molten salt”, Ceramics International, in press
A. Najafi, F. Golestani-Fard, H.R. Rezaie, N. Ehsani,” Effect of APC addition on precursors properties during synthesis of B4C nano powder by a sol–gel process”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 509, Issue 37 ,2011, Pages 9164-9170.
B. Shahbahrami, F. Golestani Fard, A. Sedghi, “ The effect of processing parameters in the carbothermal synthesis of titanium diboride powder ”, Advanced Powder Technology, 2011
M.R. Bayati, F. Golestani-Fard, A.Z. Moshfegh, R. Molaei , “ A photocatalytic approach in micro arc oxidation of WO3–TiO2 nano porous semiconductors under pulse current ” Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011
M.R. Bayati, Roya Molaei, F. Golestani-Fard, “Enhancing photoinduced hydrophilicity of micro arc oxidized TiO2 nanostructured porous layers by V-doping ”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 373 (2011) pp. 51-60.
R. Naghizadeh, F. Golestani-fard, H.R. Rezaie, “Stability and phase evolution of mullite in reducing atmosphere”, Materials Characterization 62, 540-544, 2011.
R. Naghizadeh, H.R. Rezaie, F. Golestani-Fard, “Effect of TiO2 on phase evolution and microstructure of MgAl2O4 spinel in different atmospheres”, Ceramics International 37 (2011) pp. 349-354
Farhad Golestani-fard, Mehdi Mazaheri, Masoud Aminzare, T. Ebadzadeh. “Microstructural evolution of a commercial ultrafine alumina powder densified by different methods”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 31, Issue 14, 2011, Pages 2593-2599
M. Hekmatfar, Sh. Moshayedi, S.A. Ghaffari , H.R. Rezaei, F. Golestani-Fard , “ Fabrication of HAp–8YSZ composite layer on Ti/TiO2 nanoporous substrate by EPD/MAO method”, Materials Letters, Volume 65, Issues 23-24, 2011, Pages 3421-3423
F. Samanipour, M.R. Bayati, F. Golestani-Fard, H.R. Zargar, T. Troczynski, A.R. Mirhabibi, “An Innovative Technique to Simply Fabricate ZrO2-HA-TiO2 Nanostructured Layers”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,2011
F. Samanipour, M.R. Bayati, V. Shoaei-Rad, S. Abbasi, F. Golestani-Fard. “Innovative fabrication of ZrO2–HAp–TiO2 nano/micro-structured composites through MAO/EPD combined method”, Materials Letters 65 (2011) pp. 926-928
V. Shoaei-Rad, M.R. Bayati, F. Golestani-Fard, H.R. Zargar, J. Javadpour, “Fabrication of ZrO2–Al2O3 hybrid nano-porous layers through micro arc oxidation process”, Materials Letters, 2011
M. Aminzare, Mehdi Mazaheri, F. Golestani-fard, H.R. Rezaie, R. Ajeian, “Sintering behavior of nano alumina powder shaped by pressure filtration”, Ceramics International 37 (2011) pp. 9-14
M.R. Bayati, R. Molaei, A.Z. Moshfegh, F. Golestani-Fard, ournal of Alloys and Compounds, “A strategy for single-step elaboration of V2O5-grafted TiO2 nanostructured photocatalysts with evenly distributed pores”, Journal of Alloys and Compound 509 (2011) pp. 6236-6241
S. Abbasi, M.R. Bayati, F. Golestani-Fard, H.R. Rezaei, H.R. Zargar, F. Samanipour, V. Shoaei-Rad, “Micro arc oxidized HAp –TiO2 nanostructured hybrid layers-part I: Effect of voltage and growth time”, Applied Surface Science 257 , pp. 5944-5949, 2011
F. Samanipour, M.R. Bayati, H.R. Zargar, F. Golestani-Fard, T. Troczynski, M. Taheri,” Electrophoretic enhanced micro arc oxidation of ZrO2–HAp–TiO2 nanostructured porous layers”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 509, Issue 38, 2011, Pages 9351-9355.
M.R. Bayati,F. Golestani-Fard, A.Z. Moshfegh, Roya Molaei,” In situ derivation of sulfur activated TiO2 nano porous layers through pulse-micro arc oxidation technology”, Materials Research Bulletin , Volume 46, Issue 10 , 2011, Pages 1642-1647
M.R. Bayati, A.Z. Moshfegh, F. Golestani-Fard, “Micro-arc oxidized S-TiO2 nanoporous layers: Cationic or anionic doping?” Materials Letters 64 (2010) pp. 2215-2218.
M.R. Bayati, H.R. Zargar, R. Molaei, F. Golestani-Fard, E. Kajbafvala, S. Zageneh, "One step growth of WO3-loaded Al2O3 Micro/nano-porous films by microarc oxidation", Colloids and Surfaces, 2010
M.R. Bayati, A.Z. Moshfegh, F. Golestani-Fard, “On the photocatalytic activity of the sulfur doped titania nano-porous films derived via micro-arc oxidation” Applied Catalysis A 389 (2010) pp. 60-67
M.R. Bayati, F. Golestani-Fard, A.Z. Moshfegh, “Visible photodecomposition of methylene blue over micro arc oxidized WO3–loaded TiO2 nano-porous layers”, Applied Catalysis A: General 382 (2010) pp. 322-331
M.R. Bayati, F. Golestani-Fard, A.Z. Moshfegh, "The Effect of Growth Parameters on Photo-Catalytic Performance of the MAO-Synthesized TiO2 Nano-Porous Layers", Materials Chemistry & Physics, 120 (2010) pp. 582-589.
M.R. Bayati, F. Golestani-Fard, A.Z. Moshfegh, "Photo-Degradation of Methylene Blue over V2O5-TiO2 Nano-Porous Layers Synthesized by Micro Arc Oxidation", Catalysis Letter, 134 (2010) pp. 162-168.
M.R. Bayati, A.Z. Moshfegh, F. Golestani-Fard, "Synthesis of narrow band gap (V2O5)x–(TiO2)1-x nano-structured layers via micro arc oxidation", Applied Surface Science, 256 (2010) pp. 2903-2909.
M.R. Bayati, F. Golestani-Fard, A.Z. Moshfegh, "The Effect of Electrical Parameters on Morphology, Chemical Composition, and Photoactivity of the Nano-Porous Titania Layers Synthesized by Pulse-Micro Arc Oxidation", Electrochimica Acta 55 (2010) pp. 2760-2766
M.R. Bayati, H.R. Zargar, R. Molaei, F. Golestani-Fard, A. Kajbafvala, S. Zanganeh, “MAO-Synthesized Al2O3-Supported V2O5 Nano-Porous Catalysts: Growth, Characterization, and Photoactivity, Applied Surface Science, 256 (2010) pp. 3806-3811
M.R. Bayati, F. Golestani-Fard, A.Z. Moshfegh, "How Photocatalytic Activity of the MAO-Grown TiO2 Nano/Micro Porous Films is Influenced by Growth Parameters?", Applied Surface 256 (2010) pp. 4253-4259
M.R. Bayati, F. Golestani-Fard, A.Z. Moshfegh, "In Situ Growth of V2O5-TiO2 Nano/Micro porous Layers with Enhanced Photocactivity by Micro Arc Oxidation", Electrochimica Acta, 55 (2010) pp. 3093-3102
M.R. Bayati, A.Z. Moshfegh, F. Golestani-Fard, R. Molaei, “(WO3)x–(TiO2)1−x nano-structured porous catalysts grown by micro-arc oxidation method: Characterization and formation mechanism” Materials Chemistry and Physics 124 (2010) pp. 203-207
M. Sharif, M.A. Faghihi-Sani, F. Golestani-Fard, A. Saberi, Ali Khalife Soltani, “Coating of graphite flakes with MgO/carbon nanocomposite via gas state reaction”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 500 (2010) pp. 74-77
Najafi, F. Golestani-Fard, H.R. Rezaie, N. Ehsani, “Effect of APC addition on stability of nanosize precursors in sol–gel processing of SiC nanopowder “, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 505 (2010) pp. 692-697
H.R. Zargar, M.R. Bayati, H.R. Rezaie, F. Golestani-Fard, Roya Molaei, Saeid Zanganeh, Amir Kajbafvala, “Influence of nano boehmite on solid state reaction of alumina and magnesia “, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 507 (2010) pp. 443-447
M. Aminzare, F. Golestani-fard, O. Guillon, Mehdi Mazaheri, H.R. Rezaie, “Sintering behavior of an ultrafine alumina powder shaped by pressure filtration and dry pressing”, Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (2010) pp. 3807-3812
F. Arianpour, F. Kazemi, F. Golestani-Fard, “Characterization, microstructure, and corrosion behavior of magnesia refractories produced from recycled refractory aggregates”, Minerals Engineering, 23 (2010) pp. 273-277
M.R. Bayati, A.Z. Moshfegh, F. Golestani-Fard, "In-Situ growth of narrow band gap V2O5-TiO2 composite layers with a nano-sheet structure via micro arc oxidation", Applied Surface Science, 2009
M.Sh. Sharifi, F. Golestani-Fard, E. Khatibi, H. Sarpoolaky, "Disperation and stability of carbon black nanoparticles, studied by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy", Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 40, 2009, pp. 524-527
A. Saberi, F. Golestani-Fard, M. Willert-Porada, Z. Negahdari, C. Leibscher, B. Gossler, "A novel approach ti synthesis of nanosize MaAl2O4 spinel powder through sol-gel citrate technique and subsequent heat treatment", Ceramics International 35, 2009, pp. 933-937
M.Sh. Sharifi, F. Golestani-Fard, H. Sarpoolaky, "Improvement of water/resin wettability of graphite using carbon black nano particles coating via ink media", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 482, 2009, pp. 361-365
R. Naghizadeh, H.R. Rezaie, F. Golestani-Fard, "The influence of composition, cooling rate and atmosphere on the synthesis and thermal stability of aluminium titanate", Materials Science and Engineering B, 157, 2009
M. Mazaheri, Z.R. Hesabi, F. Golestani-Fard, S. Mollazadeh, S. Jafari, S.K. Sadrnezhad, "The effect of conformation method and sintering technique on the densification and grain growth of nanocrystalline 8 mol% yttria-stabilized", Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92, 2009, pp. 990-995
M.R. Bayati, F. Golestani-Fard, A.Z. Moshfegh, "The effect of electrical prarameters on morphology, chemical composition and photoactivity of the nano-porous titania layers synthesized by pulse-microarc oxidation", 2009
M.R. Bayati, A.Z. Moshfegh, F. Golestani-Fard, "The effect of growth parameters on photo-catalytic performance of the MAO-synthesized TiO2 nano-porous layers", Materials Chemistry and Physics,2009
M. Bavand-Vandchali, H. Sarpoolaky, F. Golestani-Fard, H.R. Rezaie," Atmosphere and carbon effects on microstructure and phase analysis of in situ spinel formation in MgO-C refractories matrix ", Ceramics International 35, 2009, pp. 861-868
A. Saberi, F. Golestani-Fard, H. Sarpoolaky, M. Willert-Porada, T. Gerdes, R. Simon, " Development of MgAl2O4 spinel coating on graphite surface to improve its water-wettability and oxidation resistance", Ceramics International 35, 2009, pp. 457-461
A. Azhari, F. Golestani-Fard, H. Sarpoolaky," Effect of nano iron oxide as an additive on phase and microstructural evolution of Mag-Chrome refractory matrix",  Journal of the European Ceramic Society 29, 2009, pp. 2679-2684
R. Naghizadeh, H.R. Rezaie, F. Golestan-Fard, "The influence of composition, cooling rate and atmosphere on the synthesis and thermal stability of aluminium titanate", Materials Science and Engineering B 157, 2009, pp.20-25

M. Mazaheri, A. Simchi, M. Dourandish, F. Golestan-Fard, " Master sintering curves of a nanoscale 3Y-TZP powder compacts", Ceramics International 35, 2009,  pp.547-554

A. Azhari, F. Golestani-Fard, H. Sarpoolaky," Effect of nano iron oxide as an additive on phase and microstructural evolution of Mag-Chrome refractory matrix",  Journal of the European Ceramic Society 29, 2009, pp. 2679-2684
A. Saberi, Z. Negahdari, B. Alinejad, F. Golestani-Fard, "Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline foreserite through citrate-nitrate route", Ceramics International 35, 2009, pp.1705-1708
R. Naghizadeh, H.R. Rezaie, F. Golestani-Fard, "Phase and microstructural evolution of high TiO2-containing Iranian bauxite at high temperatures in different atmospheres", Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, Vol.9, No.4, 2008, pp.343-347
A. Azhari, F. Golestani-Fard, "An investigation on mold powders properties consumed in Iran", International Journal of ISSI, 2008, in press
R. Naghizadeh, H.R. Rezaie, F. Golestani-Fard, "Effect of antioxidants and atmosphere on the phase formation and microstructure of in situ MgO-Al2O3 spinel", Defect and Diffusion Forum, vols. 273-276, 2008, pp. 542-548
M. Bavand, F. Golestani-Fard, H. Sarpoolaky, H.R. Rezaie, C.G. Aneziris, " The influence of in situ spinel formation on microstructure and phase evolution of MgO-C refractories", Journal of the European Ceramic Society 28, 2008,  pp.563-569
A. Saberi, F. Golestani-Fard, H. Sarpoolaky, M. Willert-Porada, T. Gerdes, R. Simon," Improving the quality of nanocrystalline MgAl2O4 spinel coating on graphite by a prior oxidation treatment on the graphite surface", Journal of the European ceramic society 28, 2008, pp. 2011-2017
A. Saberi, F. Golestani-Fard, H. Sarpoolaky,  M. Willert-Porada, T. Gerdes, R. Simon,  " Chemical synthesis of nanocrystalline magnesium aluminate spinel via nitrate-citrate combustion route", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 462, 2008, pp.142-146
M. Mazaheri, A. Simchi, F. Golestani-Fard,"An investigation on densification and of nanocrystalline 3Y-TZP using master sintering curve", Journal of the European Ceramics Society 28, 2008, pp.2933-2939
H.R. Zargar, F. Golestani-Fard, H.R. Rezaie, " The influence of nano boehmite on spinel formation in the alumina-magnesi system at low temperatures", Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, Vol. 9, No.1, 2008, pp. 46-51
A.A. Nourbakhsh, F. Golestan-Fard, H.R. Rezaie, "The effect of Si content, firing termperature and urea additive on the properties of nitride-bonded SiC refractories", Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, 48, 2007, pp. 383-386
F. Golestani-Fard, S. Rowshanfekr, A. Shojaee, A. Azhari, "A review of refractory production and demand in Iran", J. of Refractories Manual, Interceram, 2007, pp. 74-79

M. Bavand, F. Golestani-Fard, H. Sarpoolaky, H.R. Rezaie, C.G. Aneziris, “The influence of insitu spinel formation on microstructure and phase evolution of MgO-C refractories”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007

A. Ahmadi, H. Sarpoolaki, A. Mirhabibi, F. Golestani-Fard, “The effect of Graphite addition on corrosion behaviour of TAR bonded dolomite to refractories in steelmaking converter”, Iranian Journal of Material Science & Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 3&4, 2007, pp. 28-38 

A.A. Nourbakhsh, F. Golestani-Fard, H.R. Rezaie, “Influence of additives on microstructural changes in nitride bonded I refractories”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 26, 2006, pp. 1737-1741

F. Arianpour, F. Golestani-Fard, A. Rahimi, "New approaches to waste magnesia chrome bricks recycling for refractory castable production used at iranian sarcheshmeh copper complex", UNITCER '05-Proceedings of the Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories: 9th Biennial Worldwide Congress on Refractories, 2006, pp. 540-543

A. Saberi, F. Kazemi, H. Sarpoolaky, F. Golestani Fard, “Effect of surface treated graphite addition on the rheological behaviour, physical and mechanical properties of carbon containing castables”, Unitcer, 2005

A. Najafi, H. Sarpoolaky, F. Arianpour, H.R. Rezaie, F. Golestani-Fard, “An investigation on the effects of particle size distribution on the properties and flowability of Alumina spinel self flow refractory castables ”, Unitcer, 2005

A. Najafi, H. Sarpoolaky, F. Golestani-Fard, “Effect of Titanium Oxide addition on the properties of Alumina spinel refractory castables”, Unitcer, 2005

A. Saberi, H. Sarpoolaky, F. Golestani-Fard, “The effect of amorphous carbon coating on Aluminum Hydration resistance”, Unitcer, 2005

F. Golestani-Fard, S. Rowshanfekr Fallah, “An overiew of the refractory market in Iran and region”, Interceram, 2003

A.R. Mirhabibi, M. Bavand, F. Golestani-Fard, “The effect of Al powder addition on phase transformation in Magnesia-Graphite refractories”, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2003, pp. 65-77.

M. Bavand-Vandchali, H. Sarpoolaky, F. Golestani-Fard, H.R. Rezaie, " Corrosion study of spinel-bonded MgO-C refractories by silicate slags", 51th International Colloquium on Refractories-Refractories for Metallurgy,2008

N. Ebrahimi, A. Saberi, H. Sarpoolaky, F. Golestani-Fard, “Effect of amount of SiC on the physical, mechanical, and corrosion behaviour of Al2O3-SiC-C castable”, Conf. Ashen, 2006

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