Current research topics in Acoustics research:
· Structural Dynamics/Acoustics :
Transient Structural Analysis, Wave Propagation &Scattering, Detonations, Seismic Waves, Dynamic Poroelasticity/Thermoelasticity/Viscoelasticity, Fluid/Solid Interaction, Floating Structures, Nano-structures, Nondestructive Testing (NDT).
· Passive/Active Dynamic Control :
Passive/Active noise, vibration, flutter, sloshing, radiation, and scattering control.
· Hydrodynamics &Hydroelasticity:
Flow-induced Noise &Vibration, Low Reynolds Number Flow, Liquid Sloshing, Surface Gravity Waves, Floating Structures, Electro/Magneto-rheological Fluids (ERFs).
· Aeroelasticity: Linear and Nonlinear Subsonic/Supersonic/Hypersonic Flutter Analysis.
· Solid Mechanics :
Structural Analysis, Contact Mechanics, Stress Analysis, Impact Analysis, Thermoelasticity, Poroelasticity, Viscoelasticity, Piezoelectricity, Nanocomposites, Nanowires, Nanobeams, Nanoplates, Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs), Magnetorheological Elastomers (MREs), Auxetic Materials, Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs), and Micropolar (Cosserat) mediums, Heat Conduction Analysis.
· Nonlinear Problems :
Nonlinear Oscillations, Chaos, Nonlinear Structural Dynamics, Nonlinear Sloshing Analysis, Nonlinear Flutter Analysis, Acoustic Streaming, Bubble Dynamics, Underwater Explosions, Shock Waves.
· Industrial/Environmental Noise & Vibration Control :
Passive/Active Noise&Vibration Control, Aircraft and Vehicle Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH).
For more information and venues of collaboration, please contact:
Professor Seyyed Mohammad Hasheminejad,