Avesta Goodarzi
Phone and Fax: 0098217491224,25 Email:a_goodarzi َAT iust.ac.ir |
Birth | 1970, Iran |
Experience | 2002–… Automotive Engineering Department Iran University of Science and Technology Tehran, Iran Assistant Professor (Going to be Associate Professor) § Department Deputy, 2003-2006 § Teaching automotive engineering courses § Performing research projects |
| 1998– 2003 California Applied Science and Engineering (CASE) San Jose, CA Technical Consultant and Representative in IRAN § CAD/CAM/CAE projects. § Automotive R&D project. |
| 1995–2000 Automotive Research and Innovation Center (AIRIC) Tehran, Iran www.airic-ir.com Manager of Vehicle Design and Packaging Dept. § Design and prototyping of the first Iranian electric vehicle. § Technical product programming of car design projects. § Powertrain and Chassis systems design and optimization. § |
| 1993–1995 SAKOO Consultant Engineers Tehran, Iran Design Engineer § Port loading/unloading computer simulation (Qeshm, Anzali ports) § Design of port material handling systems (Qeshm, Anzali ports) § |
| 1989–2001 Sharif University of Technology Tehran, Iran § B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1989-1993. Grade 16.38 § M.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1993-1995. Grade 16.93 § Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, 1996-2001. Grade 17.39
Courses Taught
| § Graduate: § Vehicle dynamic § Chassis systems design § Body and frame design § Automotive Technologies § Advanced Automotive Technologies ( for Ph.D. students) § Advanced mathematics § Advanced vibration § Advanced control engineering § § Under Graduate § Mechanical design § Linear control theory § Vehicle dynamic § Chassis design § Vehicle design § |
Research Areas | Vehicle Dynamics, Control (Optimal, Fuzzy, Adaptive), Vibration, Chassis systems Design, Powertrain Engineering, Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles. § |
Future Research Plan
| Investigating for innovative active safety methods for vehicles and motorcycles. Study on aerodynamics effects on the vehicle stability and dynamics. Integration of energy management and vehicle dynamic control systems in electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Vehicle dynamic control in severe climatic situations Control of vehicle vibration by using vibration absorbers C § Study on body flexibility effects on the vehicle ride comfort
Vehicle path control in non-linear vehicle dynamics regime
Active Geometry Suspension Systems |
Journal Papers:
1. Avesta Goodarzia, Ehsan Oloomia and Ebrahim Esmailzadeh , Design and analysis of an intelligent controller for active geometry suspension systems, Vehicle System Dynamics, In-Print, 2009.
2. Avesta Goodarzi and Alireza Armion, Integrated Fuzzy-optimal motorcycle dynamic control, Vehicle System Dynamics, In-Print, 2009.
4. Avesta Goodarzi, An advanced clutch control strategy as a part of anautomated manual transmission system, International Journal of Automotive Technology, Accepted for publication, 2009.
5. A. Goodarzi and M. Alirezaei, Integrated fuzzy/optimal vehicle dynamic control, International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 567−575, 2009.
6. Avesta Goodarzi, Javad Mehrmashhadi, Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Optimized Braking Force Distribution Strategies for Straight and Curved Braking, Int. J. Heavy Vehicle Systems , Vol. 16, Nos. 1/2, pp. 78-101, 2009.
§ 7. Aveata Goodarzi, Mohammad Behmadi and Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, An optimal braking force distribution strategy for articulated vehicles, Vehicle system dynamics, Vol. 46, Supplement, pp. 849-856, 2008.
8. Avesta Goodarzi, Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Amir Sabooteh, Automatic Path Control Based on Integrated Steering and External Yaw Moment Control, J. of Multi-body Dynamics, Vol. 222 No. K2, pp189-200, 2008.
9. Avesta Goodarzi, Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Design of a VDC System for All-Wheel Independent Drive Vehicles, IEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics, VOL. 12, NO. 6, pp. 632-639, Dec 2007.
§ 10. E. Esmailzadeh, A. Goodarzi , G.R. Vossoughi, Optimal Yaw Moment Control Law for Improved Vehicle Handling, International Journal of Mechatronics, 13(7) 659-675, 2003.
§ 11. E. Esmailzadeh, A. Goodarzi , G.R. Vossoughi, Directional stability and control of four-wheel independent drive electric vehicles, J. of Multi-body Dynamics, 216(4) 303-313, 2002. § § 12. E. Esmailzadeh, G.R. Vossoughi, A. Goodarzi, Dynamic modeling and analysis of a four motorized wheels electric vehicle, Vehicle system dynamics, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-31, 2001. § § 13. Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Avesta Goodarzi, Stability analysis of a CALM floating offshore structure, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 36 (2001) 917-926, 2001.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
1. Avesta Goodarzia, Davood Rahiminejad and Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Design of A Fuzzy Controller for independent control of front wheels steering angles, Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC/CIE 2009, San Diego, California, USA,2009.
2. Avesta Goodarzi, Mostafa Ghajar ,Ahmad Baghestani and Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Integrated Yaw and Roll Moments Control for Articulated Vehicles, SAE Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Rosemont,Illinois,USA,2009.
3. Avesta Goodarzi, Alireza Armion, Integrated fuzzy-optimal motorcycle dynamics control, 21st International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD09), Stockholm, Sweden, 2009.
4. Avesta Goodarzi, Vahid Daneshmand, A novel algorithm for optimum distribution of tire forces in an integrated chassis control system, 21st International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD09), Stockholm, Sweden, 2009.
5. Avesta Goodarzi, Fereydoon Diba, ,Stabilizer pendulum system (SPS) an innovative system for direct yaw moment control, 21st International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD09), Stockholm, Sweden, 2009.
6. Avesta Goodarzi , Amir Soltani, Motorcycle Dynamics Enhancement Using Integrated Steering/ Seat Control, International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control (AVEC08), Kobe, Japan,2008.
7. Avesta Goodarzi, Fereydoon Diba, Vehicle Dynamic Enhancement Using Controlled Moving Mass , International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control (AVEC08), Kobe, Japan, 2008.
8. Avesta Goodarzi , Ehsan Oloumi , Design of PI/fuzzy controller for active geometry suspension (AGS) systems, 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Portugal,2008.
9. Avesta Goodarzi , Davood Rahiminejad, Vehicle dynamic enhancement using intelligent control of the steering deference angle, 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Portugal,2008.
10 . Avesta Goodarzi, Ahmad Keshavarzi and Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Modeling and Optimization of Air Suspension Systems Using Root Mean Square Method, Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering (CADME07), Malaysia, 2007
11. Avesta Goodarzi , Mohammad Behmadi ,Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, An Optimized Braking Force Distribution Strategy for Articulated Vehicles, IAVSD 2007, Berkeley, California, USA, 2007.
12. Avesta Goodarzi , Amir Soltani ,Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Handling Improvement of Motorcycles Using Active Seats, Fifth IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, California, USA, 2007.
13. Avesta Goodarzi,Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Nima Alesafar, Optimization of Suspension Mounting Stiffness Using the DOE Method, ,IMECE2006, ASME Conference, USA, 2006 .
14. Avesta Goodarzi,Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, An Optimal Vehicle Stability Enhancement Strategy for Articulated Vehicles,IMECE2006, ASME Conference, USA, 2006. 15. Avesta Goodarzi , Mohsen Alirezaei, A New Fuzzy-Optimal Integrated AFS/DYC Control Strategy, AVEC06, Taiwan, 2006.
16. Avesta Goodarzi,Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Babak Nadarkhani, Design of an Optimal control Strategy for an Active Front Steering System, ESDA2006, ASME Conference, Italy, 2006.
17. Avesta Goodarzi , Amir Jalali, A New Lumped- Mass Vehicle Ride Model Considering Body Flexibility, ESDA2006, ASME Conference, Italy, 2006.
18. Avesta Goodarzi, Amir Sabooteh, An Optimal Strategy for Automatic Vehicle Lateral Control, CSME 2006 Forum, Canada, 2006.
19 . Avesta Goodarzi, Nima Alesafar, Optimization of Suspension Mounting Stiffness Using the DOE Method, CSME 2006 Forum, Canada, 2006.
20 . Avesta Goodarzi, Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Optimal Vehicle Dynamic Control Strategy for Articulated Vehicles, CSME 2006 Forum, Canada, 2006.
21 .Avesta Goodarzi, Javad Mehrmashhadi, A New Optimized Braking Force Distribution StrategyCSME 2006 Forum, Canada, 2006.
22 . Avesta Goodarzi, Amir Jalali, An Investigation of Body Flexibility Effects on the Ride Comfort of Long Vehicles, CSME 2006 Forum, Canada, 2006.
23 . Avesta Goodarzi, Mohsen Alirezaei, An Optimal Integrated AFS/DYC Control Strategy, CSME 2006 Forum, Canada, 2006.
24 . Avesta Goodarzi, Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Stability Analysis and Optimal Controller Design of Four-Wheel Independent Drive Vehicles, CSME 2004 Forum Canada, 2004.
25 . Avesta Goodarzi, Babak nadarkhani, Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Optimal Active fr ont Wheels Steering Control, CMES1-04 Cappadocia, Turkey, 2004.
26 . Avesta Goodarzi, Babak nadarkhani, Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Direct Yaw Moment Controller Design for Vehicle Dynamic Control System, IASTED International Conf., Canada, 2003.
§ 27 . Avesta Goodarzi, Ebrahim Esmailzadeh , G. R. Vossoughi, Direct yaw moment control for motorized wheel electric vehicles, 2001 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference,2001.
§ 28 . Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Avesta Goodarzi , G. R. Vossoughi,4WID: A new concept in electric vehicles, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, 2001.
§ 29 .R. Vossoghi, A. Goodarzi, Optimal adaptive clutch control for an automated manual transmission, ISME2000, Tehran, Iran, 2000.
§ 30 .N. Sadati, R. Vossoghi, A. Goodarzi, Fuzzy control of clutch actuation servomechanism for an automated manual transmission, Int. conference on intelligent and cognitive systems, IEE sponsored, Tehran, Iran, 1996.
Academic Research Projects | § Theses: § § Design of a 15kw CVT system, B.S. thesis , Sharif university of technology, ,Tehran, Iran, 1993. § § Modeling and optimal/fuzzy controller design for an automated manual transmission, M.S. thesis, Sharif University of technology, Tehran, Iran, 1995. § § Dynamic modeling and design of vehicle dynamic controller (VDC) for a four motorized wheels electric vehicle, Sharif university of technology, Ph.D. thesis, Tehran, Iran, 1997-2001.
Selected Supervised Theses:
Deign of Integrated Fuzzy/Optimal Vehicle Dynamic Control System for Motorcycles, A. Armion, M.S. thesis, Iran university of science and technology, 2009. Vehicle Dynamics Enhancement Using Controlled Moving Mass, F. Diba, M.S. thesis, Iran university of science and technology, 2009. Design of Intelligent Multi Layered Integrated (DYC/AFS/ASS) Vehicle Dynamic Control System, M.S. thesis, Iran university of science and technology, V. Daneshmand, 2009. Simulation and Controller Design for Independent Front Steer-By-Wire System. D. Rahiminejad, M.S. thesis, Iran university of science and technology, 2008. Simulation and Control of an Active Geometry Suspension System (AGS), E. Oloumi, M.S. thesis, Iran university of science and technology, 2008. Design of an Integrated Chassis Control System for an Articulated Vehicle, A. Baghestani, M.S. thesis, Iran university of science and technology, 2008. Developing Software for Bus Air Suspension Design, A. Kehavarzi, M.S. thesis, Iran university of science and technology, 2007. Design of a Brake Force Distribution Control Strategy for Articulated Vehicles, M. Behmadi, M.S. thesis, Iran university of science and technology, 2007. Design of an Active seat for Improvement of Motorcycle Dynamics. A. Soltani, M.S. thesis, Iran university of science and technology, 2007. Design of an Integrated Control System for Automatic Vehicle Path Control, A. Sabooteh, M.S. thesis, Iran university of science and technology, 2006. Design of an Advanced EBD System Based on Wheels Slip Optimization, J. Mehrmashhadi, M.S. thesis, Iran university of science and technology, 2006. Design of Suspension Systems By using Design of Experiments (DOE) Method, N. Alsafar, M.S. thesis, Iran university of science and technology, 2005. Design of a Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) System for Articulated Vehicles, A. Allahmoradi, M.S. thesis, Iran university of science and technology, 2005. Vibration Behavior Analysis of Heavy Vehicles, Considering Flexibility of Chassis Frame. A. Jalali, M.S. thesis, Iran university of science and technology, 2005. Design of a Steer-by-Wire Control System, B. Nadarkhani, M.S. thesis , Iran university of science and technology, 2004. Externally Funded Projects:
Effects of global financial crisis on iran automotive industry , Iran university of science and technology, Client: Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO), 2009. Bench mark study on pickup trucks technology, Iran university of science and technology, Client: Zamyad pickup manufacturer, 2009. Development of national CNG-fueled platform, Iran university of science and technology, Client: Iran Khodro car manufacturer, 2009. Product technology planning for LCV sector, Iran university of science and technology, Client: Iran Khodro car manufacturer, 2008. Development a business model for SAIPA distribution network ,Iran university of science and technology, Client: SAIPA Yadak Co., 2008. SAIPA Product Technology Plan 2005-2015 ,Iran university of science and technology, Client: SAIPA car manufacturer, 2005. Management consultancy for technology transfer in the field of heavy duty oilfield trucks, Iran university of science and technology, Client: National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), 2003. |
Selected Industrial Projects | § § Advanced Automotive Technology Workshop, California Applied Science and Engineering (CASE),Client: Iran Khodro car manufacturer , 2002.
§ State of Art Technology for Automotive Industry and its Trend in the First Decade of 21st century General Plan, California Applied Science and Engineering (CASE), Client: Iran Khodro car manufacturer ,2000.
Technological and economical feasibility study for implementation of EV and HEV technologies in Iran, Sharif university of technology, Tehran, Iran, 1999.
§ Design and prototyping of the first Iranian electric vehicle, Automotive Research and Innovation Center ( AIRIC), Chief designer and Project manager, Tehran, Iran, 1997.
§ Development of a powertrain optimization/simulation software, Automotive Research and Innovation Center (AIRIC), Tehran, Iran, 1996.
§ Mechanical design of an automated manual transmission, Team's member, Sharif university of technology, Tehran, Iran,1994. § § Design of glass treatment furnace, NikooTarh Co. ,Design Engineer, Tehran, Iran, 1994. § § Development of a port loading/unloading simulation software, SAKOO consultants engineers, Tehran, Iran, 1994. § . |
Honors and Awards
Candidate of 6th Barcelona International Motor Show Award, 2007.
Candidate of 7th Barcelona International Motor Show Award, 2009.
§ Outstanding student in National University Entrance Exam, B.S. Level (Rank of 73rd among more than about 400000 peoples). § § Outstanding student in National University Entrance Exam, M.S. Level (Rank of 4th). § § Outstanding student in Sharif University of Technology Ph.D. Entrance Exam, (Rank of 2th).
Outstanding undergraduate student Sharif University of Technology (2nd rank). Outstanding graduate student Sharif University of Technology (2nd rank). § § Distinguished academic member of the year, Automotive Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2009.
Member of the board, Iran society of automotive engineers (ISAE).
Member of the board, Iran national student competition for electric and hybrid electric vehicles.
Member of the board, Iran automotive industry think tank.
Member of FISITA
Reviewer of some prestigious journals such as Vehicle System Dynamics, International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, Journal of Automobile Engineering, International Journal of Modeling and Simulation
Language |
§ Farsi, Native § English, Fluent