Dr. Kheiandish |
Personal Details NAME: Shahram SURNAME: Kheirandish ACCADEMIC STATUS: Associate Professor in IUST Fields of Research Interests: Design and Selection of Engineering Materials, Steels, Tool Steels, Heat Treatment | 
| Contact Address School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran Tel: +9821-7724540-550 , Ext: 2836 Fax: +9821-77240480 E-mail: kheirandish@iust.ac.ir | Publications A. Noorian, Sh. Kheirandish, H. Saghafian, "Evaluation of the mechanical properties of niobium modified cast AISI H 13 hot work tool steel", accepted for publication in the IJMSE | M. Morakabati, Sh Kheirandish, M. Aboutalebi, A. Karimi Taheri, S. M. Abbasi, "The effect of Cu addition on the hot deformation of NiTi shape memory alloys", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Article in Press, 2010 | H.R. Abedi, A. Fareghi, H. Saghafian. Sh. Kheirandish, "Sliding wear behavior of a ferritic pearlitic ductile cast iron with different nodule count" Accepted for publication in Wear, 2010 | Sh. Kheirandish , H. Saghafian, J. Hedjazi, M. Momeni, "Effects of heat treatment on microstructure of modified cast AISI D3 cold work tool steel'', accepted for publication in Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2010 | M. Asadi Asadabad, Sh. Kheirandish, Abdoljavad Novinrooz, "Study of tempering behavior of 4.5%Cr-2%W-0.25%V steel", accepted for publication in Iron and Steel Research International | H. Mohamadzade, Sh. Kheirandish, H. Saghafian, "Effect of graphite flakes on the microstructure of melted, transition and heat affected zones in grey cast iron re-melted by TIG", accepted for publication in IJSME journal | Mohsen Asadi Asadabad, Shahram Kheirandish, Abdoljavad Novinrooz, " Microstructural and mechanical behavior of Cr-W-V steel", Materials Science and Engineering A 527, 2010, pp. 1612-1616 | A. Nouri, H. Saghafian, Sh. Kheirandish, "Effect of Silicon content and intercritical annealing on the Manganese partitioning in the dual-phase steels", Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 17(5), 2010, pp. 46-51 | M. Abbasi, Sh. Kheirandish1, Y. Kharrazi, and J. Hejazi, "Tribological Studies of Steels Using the Abrasive Wheel" Advanced Material Research, Vol.83-86, 2010, pp. 545-552 | Majid Abbasi, Shahram Kheirandish, Yosef Kharrazi, Jalal Hejazi, "On the comparison of the abrasive wear behavior of aluminum alloyed and standard Hadfield steels", WEAR,267, 2010, pp. 202-207 | M. Abbasi, Sh. Kheirandish, Y. Kharrazi, J. Hejazi, "The fracture and plastic deformation of Aluminum alloyed Hasfield steel", Materials Science and Enginnering A 513-514, 2009, pp. 72-76 | M. Asadi Asadabad, Sh. Kheirandish, Abdoljavad Novinrooz, "Identification of Nanometric carbide precipitates in Fe-Cr-W-V system", Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry,Vol. 39, 2009, pp. 322-326 | H. Mohamadzade, Sh. Kheirandish, H. Saghafian, "Sliding wear behaviour of gray cast iron surface remelted by TIG", accepted for JMST Journal, 2009 | M.M. Karimi, Sh. Kheriandish, " Comparison of work hardening behaviour of ferritic-bainitic and ferritic-matensitic dual phase steels" Steel Research International Journal, Vol. 80, No. 2, 2009, pp. 160-164 | A. Nouri, Sh. Kheirandish, H. Saghafian, "Effect of Silicon content on the strain hardening of dual-phase steels", IJMSE, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2008, pp. 40-49 | V. Abouei, H. Saghafian, Sh. Kheirandish, Kh. Ranjbar, " An investigation of the wear behaviour of 0.2% C dual phase steel", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 203, July 2008, pp. 107-112 | Sh. Kheirandish, A. Noorian, "Effect of niobium on microstructure of cast AISI H13 hot work tool stee", Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, Vol. 15, July 2008, pp. 61-67 | F. Nikoosohbat, SH. Kheirandish, M. Goodarzi, M. Pouranvari, P. Marashi, "Failure behavior of Resistance Spot Welded DP980 Steel", Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, accepted for publication 2008 | M. Asadi, M. Goodarzi, S. Kheirandish," Kinetics of austenite formation in dual phase steels", ISIJ Journal, Vol. 48, No. 9, 2008, pp. 1251-1255 | V. Abouie, H. Saghafian , Sh. Kheirandish, “Effect of microstructure on the oxidative wear behaviour of plan Carbon steel”, Wear, Vol. 262, 2007, pp. 1225-1231 | V. Abouei, H. Saghafian, Sh. Kheirandish, “Dry sliding oxidative wear in plain carbon dual phase steel”, Journal of Iron & Steel Research International, No. 4, Vol. 14, 2007, pp. 43-48 | V. Abouie, H. Saghafian, Sh. Kheirandish, Kh. Ranjbar, “Mild oxidative wear behaviour of plain carbon dual-phase steel”, Steel Research International, 2007, pp. 506-511 | V. Abouie, H. Saghafian, Sh. Kheirandish, Kh. Ranjbar, “A study on the wear behaviour of dual phase steel”, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Vol. 23, No. 01, 2007, pp. 107-110 | H. Saghafian, Sh. Kheirandish, “Correlating microstructural features with wear resistance of dual phase steel”, Materials Letters, 2007, pp. 3059-3063 | Sh. Kheirandish, “Modification of NbC with Ti in cast Nb tool steel”, International Journal of Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 2, Spring 2003, pp. 89-99 |
M. Asadi Asadabad, Sh. Kheirandish, Abdul Javad Novinrooz, "Formation of Nano Carbides in Fe-Cr-W-V , 2nd Iran-India Joint conference on Nanotechnologhy", Iranian Nano Technology Initiative, University of Isfshan, 5-7 May 2009 | M. Abbasi, Sh. Kheirandish, Y. Kharrazi, J. Hejazi, "Tribological Studies of Steels Using the Abrasive wheel", Proc. of Con. AMPT 2008,The International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 2-5 November, Manama, kingdom of Bahrain | A. Jafarigol, Sh. Kheirandish, " Surface austempering of medium carbon steel", Proc. of Con. European metallurgical conference 2007, 11-14 June 2007, Duesseldorf, Germany |